Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

Apr 9, 2014 at 3:21 AM Post #6,767 of 18,802
One option is installing HD800 jacks instead of hard-wire, BTG Audio and DHC should offer such services.

Here's an example



Nice, who does this mod?
Apr 9, 2014 at 8:18 AM Post #6,770 of 18,802
  google translate doesn't really do a good enough job to understand it unfortunately

Doesn't really matter. You aren't going to ship your TH900 to China for this.

Also a hardwire (where the cable goes directly to the drivers) is much better than having these put in- who knows what kind of wiring they use internally.
Apr 9, 2014 at 9:06 AM Post #6,771 of 18,802
Doesn't really matter. You aren't going to ship your TH900 to China for this.

Also a hardwire (where the cable goes directly to the drivers) is much better than having these put in- who knows what kind of wiring they use internally.

More curious of the mod than anything
Apr 9, 2014 at 11:27 AM Post #6,772 of 18,802
BTG audio might be able to do a mod as well.  Might be cheaper too.
Apr 9, 2014 at 2:27 PM Post #6,773 of 18,802
Just make the cable shorter and solder the same connector back on. Easy, no taking cups apart. If you haven't soldered just look it up on YouTube. There's 100 videos on it. You could even take off the cable jacket and it'd be more portable.
Apr 9, 2014 at 8:17 PM Post #6,774 of 18,802
Just make the cable shorter and solder the same connector back on. Easy, no taking cups apart. If you haven't soldered just look it up on YouTube. There's 100 videos on it. You could even take off the cable jacket and it'd be more portable.

I tried to open up the original jack, but couldn't. Wonder if you or anyone has done it before? I want to shorten the cable, but I'd really love to use the original jack if possible.
Apr 9, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #6,775 of 18,802
If you are talking about what I think you are, you can just unscrew the cover off of the jack to see the inside. If you are looking at the tip of the jack, you turn the cover clockwise and it should come off.
Apr 9, 2014 at 9:42 PM Post #6,776 of 18,802
  If you are talking about what I think you are, you can just unscrew the cover off of the jack to see the inside. If you are looking at the tip of the jack, you turn the cover clockwise and it should come off.

Have you tried to open yours like what you said? I tried that actually, but felt it's too tight.  I was thinking maybe Fostex put some locktite or something when they assembled the jack. 
Apr 10, 2014 at 2:44 AM Post #6,777 of 18,802
Yeah, mine has come off accidentally before. That said, mine is an earlier serial number around 200 if I recall correctly. Newer ones might have locktite added.

When I get home I will submit a photo to clarify.
Apr 10, 2014 at 3:34 AM Post #6,778 of 18,802
  I'm seriously considering a new pr of TH900's for portable use.  My idea of portable use is taking walks in the neighborhood (nice), and doing chores around the house and light gardening. No train buses or planes with the TH900's.  I know it's excessive and way beyond logic to consider a pair of these beautiful headphones for portable use but I'm an audiophile and who likes music and good sound.

I own a pair of these, but would never consider taking them outside of the house, unless they are in a case of some sort.  If you want something with a similar sound signature (although not as refined), a bit more of a clamp on the head for walking, and for a lot less money ($300 US), you might consider the V-Moda M-100.  I put on a lot miles walking with these; they are excellent.
Apr 10, 2014 at 4:11 AM Post #6,779 of 18,802
Yeah, mine has come off accidentally before. That said, mine is an earlier serial number around 200 if I recall correctly. Newer ones might have locktite added.

When I get home I will submit a photo to clarify.

Thanks. Mine is 12xx. I was afraid I'd damage the jack when I tried to unscrew the cover. Will give it a try again. 
Apr 10, 2014 at 8:07 AM Post #6,780 of 18,802
I'm seriously considering a new pr of TH900's for portable use.  My idea of portable use is taking walks in the neighborhood (nice), and doing chores around the house and light gardening. No train buses or planes with the TH900's.  I know it's excessive and way beyond logic to consider a pair of these beautiful headphones for portable use but I'm an audiophile and who likes music and good sound.

The TH900 comes with a 9' cable. I've resigned to the fact that if I buy a pair of these headphones I'll be using the stock cable.  I don't feel comfortable having new shorter cable hardwired.  

For portable use, has anyone ever draped the extra cable around there head a few times, much like a necklace (or looped large circles of cable bound with twist-ties)?  

Has anyone braided this cable? Seem too thick to do that.

I really want these headphones but I'm trying to get over the 9' cable for semi-portable use.  

Anyone have any experience to share? 

By all means try a walk like you I was curious when I 1st bought them, one evening I went for a walk 30mins around the neighbourhood. I'm afraid the results were less than Stella. I found that ever car that passed even at a distance distorted the music I could hear myself walking. They don't isolate well outside. Inside they are Devine in a quiet room. As long as you don't get mugged or drop them or walk into a downpour no harm in having a walk outside you can then decide for yourself. Just my 2cents

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