For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

Sep 17, 2022 at 5:04 PM Post #7,006 of 28,235
Sep 17, 2022 at 5:20 PM Post #7,007 of 28,235
Focal Celestee < Audio-GD Master 19 < RME ADI-2 DAC fs < JSMusicDB

Sep 17, 2022 at 5:50 PM Post #7,008 of 28,235
Sep 17, 2022 at 5:55 PM Post #7,009 of 28,235
I had a fascinating trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow along Russian rivers and lakes.

Beautiful scenery and skies. We had nothing but rain and dampness here lately...
Sep 17, 2022 at 6:02 PM Post #7,010 of 28,235
Today I'm running 64 Audio A18s into my A&K Kann Alpha and listening to an album that was recommended to me entitled Beautiful Shade of Grey by James LaBrie. I don't believe I have ever listened to Mr. LaBrie so I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I'm plunging in head first without any further delays!

Sep 17, 2022 at 8:43 PM Post #7,012 of 28,235
Tidal > USB > Denafrips Iris > I2S > Denafrips Pontus II > XLR > Woo Audio WA5-LE Gen 2 > Elrog 5U4G, Elrog 300B-Mo, National Union 6F8G > Norne Solvine > Meze Elite "Dark Mystery"

Sep 17, 2022 at 8:47 PM Post #7,013 of 28,235
Couple of previous posts in this thread drummed up my curiosity, so I bought and listened to all 3 of this guy's records this afternoon. Great stuff, really impressed!

Sep 17, 2022 at 9:38 PM Post #7,014 of 28,235
I just got home with my friend's Holo May DAC that I'm auditioning over the next couple days as a possible match to go with my DCA Stealth and Ferrum Oor/Hypsos rig as he believes I might like it more than the Gustard X26 which is my favorite DAC to run with it now. He was kind enough to offer to let me use it while he's out of town until Tuesday and I jumped at the offer as I have definitely been curious as to how it would match myself.

Earlier today I demoed the the Chord TT2 and the M Scaler with my gear at a local shop for a few hours, but left after finding the TT2 to be a poor match with my rig (though still obviously a very good DAC) and being generally unimpressed by the M Scaler which made changes to the sound that seemed very, very minor and not always changes I would consider to be improvements. I guess my audio palette just isn't refined enough, but either way my wallet dodged a bullet with that demo.

Right now, I have the DCA Stealths plugged into the Oor/Hypsos stack combined with the Holo May DAC and being fed bit-perfect goodness from my laptop and Qobuz. Next up for listening is Long Distance Calling's latest drop Eraser which I have listened to quite a bit since it came out in August and then I Am The Moon IV: Farewell which is the fourth installment in the series by Tedeschi Trucks Band all of which have been very good. I hope you guys are having as much fun listening as I'm having this evening!


Sep 17, 2022 at 10:37 PM Post #7,016 of 28,235
I just went back to my heavily modified ZMF Aeolus (ruby shellac flakes on wood, high polished to mirror finish stainless steel parts, and modified inside chamber and driver). With the mods done inside the cup (lots of trial and error), it's an out-of-headphone sound experience. Don't think Zach would be interested in the mod but have sent it to a few here and friends and had the same experience. It's kind of trippy when you first put them on with low to moderate volume, as I have to double-check to make sure not my Dynaudio's on the desk at low volumes. Here's a side view picture:
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Sep 17, 2022 at 10:59 PM Post #7,017 of 28,235

[Stax: recorded December, 1983; released August, 1999.]
Sep 18, 2022 at 12:08 AM Post #7,018 of 28,235
[Stax: recorded December, 1983; released August, 1999.]

Quick question: Which do you prefer, the HD600 or HD6XX?

I am still using the same DCA Stealths with the Oor/Hypsos stack and Holo May DAC and I'm now listening to the new release from The Mars Volta for I think the fourth time. I really dig this record!

Sep 18, 2022 at 12:32 AM Post #7,019 of 28,235
I have both HD600 and HD6XX: with Custom Cans UK cnc backweight / all foam removed / fine earside mesh inserted. Overall, I prefer slightly the HD600. In use, though, my preference varies with the recording.
Sep 18, 2022 at 12:51 AM Post #7,020 of 28,235
I have both HD600 and HD6XX: with Custom Cans UK cnc backweight / all foam removed / fine earside mesh inserted. Overall, I prefer slightly the HD600. In use, though, my preference varies with the recording.

Cool! I was just asking out of curiosity. Which Custom Cans mods did you have done on the HD6XXs? I have been thinking about sending my HD650s to them after hearing some good things.

P.S. I ordered the DCA Expanse this evening after giving them a try at CanJam SoCal. I still prefer the Stealths by a hair based on my very preliminary impressions, but the Expanse impressed me in a way that the other TOTL open backs I auditioned did not so I went for it.

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