First time DAP buyer!
Dec 17, 2009 at 2:15 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Nov 26, 2008
Hi, I'm finally upgrading from my sony discman to a portable mp3 player, and I need some reccomendations.

I only need something that is relatively barebones. Sound quality is probably the most important aspect for me. I will run the player through AKG-k81dj headphones.

I've narrowed it down to Sansadisk clip and Sony E series players.

I hear they both are excellent in regards to sound quality. I understand that the sony EQ is quite good, as opposed to the Sansadisk one, and also like the significant battery life of the sony player.

However, I am weary of Sony's inability to support lossless files (except for .wav). I have the intent of ripping my sizeable CD collection into lossless files on an external hard drive. I know this is been hotly debated, but is it actually worth ripping into a lossless format versus a high bitrate mp3?

Also can someone tell me about Rockbox? Is it worth it/relatively simple to switch the software? I feel this would solve my issue with the EQ if this is compatible with the clip.

Also is it worth it to upgrade to the fuze for better battery life/screen? I understand the fuze is compatible with Rockbox and has solid SQ like the clip.

so in short, clip vs fuze vs e series (with rockbox?) thANKS!
Dec 17, 2009 at 4:07 PM Post #3 of 6
Rockbox on the Clip and Fuze only works with v1 version of both devices. It is hard to choose between them (they both sound good). Depends on how important lossless formats are to you..
Dec 17, 2009 at 5:02 PM Post #4 of 6
I have done some very minor listening so far between the S and E series Sony's (Just got the E on Tuesday). Although the over sound is quite similar, I have found some differences. The S series seems more intimate to me. The E series a little more in your face. The reason I think is because the vocals on the E are more forward. This is at the expense of the soundstage though. The highs on the E also seem to roll off a little compared to the S. It's not a drastic difference, but it is there. The E seems to have a little less power to drive cans and also slightly more hiss.

The EQ is exactly the same as the S -- which is awesome. The EQ really does a great job of adjusting the sound to your likings. Although a lot of head-fiers want a perfectly flat EQ, it is nice to be able to switch it to meet the needs of your headphones. It's also nice when your moods change. Sometimes you just want to crank up a guitar in a song! The EQ on the Clip is sad in comparison.

That being said, I also own a Clip. The Fuze is supposed to sound just like the Clip apparently, but I have not heard the Fuze FYI. I still prefer the Sony sound. The Sansa just seems grainy to me if that makes sense.

As far as the Lossless dilemma. I recently decided to buy a lot of CDs that I already had on Napster to compare. The CDs sound a lot better in my car, and better throguh my home stereo even though I am using optical from my laptop to the receiver. On my Sony S series however, the difference is VERY VERY minimal. It might even be placebo since I want it to sound better since I paid for the same music twice!

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