Jul 22, 2010 at 9:29 AM Post #16 of 34
X2 on the DBAs. Just read LFF's review thread. I continued to be blown away by them, and not just for the price. I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon LFF's review, and made a snap decision to buy them. Now, I own two pair, just in case something should go wrong, I would be bummed without them. I also own the Grado SR-80s, and they sound fantastic for my uses (they are 11 years old). But for versatility and plain old sound quality, the DBAs are the ticket.
Jul 22, 2010 at 5:04 PM Post #17 of 34
My best advice to you isn't which headphones to buy. It's simply to make your first audiophile purchase USED headphones. It's highly unlikely that you will be satisfied in the long term with your initial choice, no matter how much research you do up front. (You won't know what factors are really most important to you until you listen to a lot of headphones over a long period of time.) If you buy used phones and take good care of them, you will be able to resell them at much less of a loss than if you bought new ones. And that way, you will be less "sorry about your wallet."
Jul 23, 2010 at 2:44 PM Post #18 of 34
OK, but i have a huge wallet. I never care or regret.
Fischer have alot of bass, great. But i heard monster turbines sounds incredibly well with guitar.
Will read the review.
Where to get them ?
Also, maybe a dumb question: can IEMs sound as good as closed cans or will closed cans always provide a better sound, especially for bass ?
Jul 23, 2010 at 3:46 PM Post #19 of 34
thms, don't blindly spend money before you even know what you want. Buy some of the less expensive stuff and see how you react. It's not like you're going to suffer using the less expensive stuff - most of it is far better than consumer grade gear and you should enjoy it.

As for IEMs and full-sized cans, full-sized headphones are almost always better. Though some of us prefer open headphones to closed.
Jul 24, 2010 at 8:34 AM Post #20 of 34
I already had less expensive stuff, but is broken, and I really love music.
Ill just buy the dbas, and no other.
Its not like im gonna suffer from not having 3 pairs of high grade headphones.
Jul 24, 2010 at 11:19 AM Post #22 of 34
I considered them, but dubstep and drum and bass with grados? mhhh.
Is the bass that horrible ?
Choices yet:
After hearing that overthehead will almost always be better, shall i remove the dbas from my choices ?
Jul 24, 2010 at 11:22 AM Post #23 of 34

I considered them, but dubstep and drum and bass with grados? mhhh.

unless you go straight to the SR225 or higher, the sub-bass will simply not be there.
(that is, the SR60, SR80, and SR125 are fairly significantly rolled off.  the SR225 less so)
Jul 24, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #24 of 34
Does it mean it will be even worse than listening to dubstpe with the original ipod headphones or creative headphones ?
Am thinking of a compromise:
am getting some cx 400ii fake IEMs and Kanen m-52 from focal price next week.
As grados s60i are not expensive compaired to the iems am looking to, could buy them to listen to bnds and such, and take my cx 400 to listen to dnb and dubstep.
Ill then see if i am really an audiophile and can buy later those fischer audio lovely crap.
But if with grados the bass is simply not there... i wont like them for my non-electronic music taste either.
I just woudl ike to see whats the bass with rgados.. how could you compair it to normal ipod in-ears or to ... dunno.. just for me to have an idea.. cause there will obviously be bass.
Maybe i could also find cheap used sr 60i on here..
Jul 24, 2010 at 1:01 PM Post #25 of 34
And maybe modding the grados with pads could increase the bass and make it alright ?
Anyway dubstep and dnb records are often low-quality, as I dont listen to scene stuff.
Jul 24, 2010 at 1:17 PM Post #26 of 34
If you're listening at home, just get the M50s. Full size is pretty much always better value, and the M50s are great for almost every genre.
Jul 24, 2010 at 2:46 PM Post #27 of 34
OK, think im gonna follow this advice.
m50 instead of those fischer, am i not gonna regret ?
what would people do? 
but yeah its mostly for at home, dont listen much outside. actually i just never leave my house :p
Can anyone answer my question about the grados' bass?
Jul 24, 2010 at 5:20 PM Post #28 of 34
again like I said in the pm do research and find out what appeals to you and fits your criteria as opposed what others like.
Jul 24, 2010 at 6:50 PM Post #29 of 34
Thanks for your help all.
After reading reviews, I think ill get the m50s.
Can anyone tell me more about the bass of dbas though ?
Read mixed things about them.
Jul 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM Post #30 of 34
The DBAs deliver exactly the bass that is in the mix, no more, no less. As someone eloquently put it, now and again he wants to EQ the bass just a tad, but his EQ over-emphaszies it, so he doesn't. Then, a track comes on that really drives home how the DBAs truly and perfectly reflect the mix, and he forgets about any issues he might have with bass. I never feel that it's MIA, as I might have with the unamped PFEs or CK10s. Just as an FYI, Fischer also makes some positively reviewed portable on-ear phones too, so you might want to check those reviews. I have never tried one, so no opinion. 

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