I bought a 37" Toshiba Regza 37RV530U about a year ago and it's amazing.
this is a newer model, as mine has been discontinued. My sister just got a new tosh HDTV last week and the blacks are amazing. Much better than what I'm used to with mine (and mine is calibrated using avia guide to home theater II). Do not think I am a tosh fanboy though, I have seen sharp aquos, sony bravia, olevia, LG, and samsung.
My favorite thing about the tosh TVs are that you can set the potency of each color pigment (red, blue, cyan etc..). This is probably not important unless you plan to calibrate the TV, but that made a big difference for me.
Al4x - unfortunately, yes. An SD signal is going to look pretty bad on and HDTV. You should have nothing to worry about, however, because DVD players upconvert from 480p to 1080p via HDMI, blu-ray is 1080p at the source, the amount of available HD channels in 1080i is breathtaking compared to how it was a year or two ago, PCs have HDMI output, most consoles (minus the wii) can handle 1080p via HDMI (I have used the wii at 480p via component video though, and it doesn't look awful), if you're planning a home theater, most newer entry level receivers upconvert to 1080p via HDMI, even if the incoming signal is composite video (or even worse... S-Video).
The list goes on and on - You really won't be forced to watch SD much at all.