Sep 18, 2016 at 6:16 AM Post #92 of 3,121
  I have a Question?!!!!........Is this X1II has the same firmware like X1/X3ii/X5ii? Or Something new?

Deb1995,except the brand new functions that we mentioned for the X1 2nd gen ,the firmware of X1II is almost same as the X1/X3ii/X5ii, but we will try our best to make the firmware better.
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 18, 2016 at 8:02 AM Post #96 of 3,121
And I think it's necessary to make replies to some of the concerned questions about this.  
1. Our touch wheel DOES NOT violate Apple’s patent. We are serious.
2. Patent protects the implement methods rather than the certain functions.
3. Our touch wheel technique has already applied for patent.
4. We will utilize the touch wheel technique on more of our future products.
Lastly, we would like to say thanks to all of our users who care and support us. Hope you can understand, technology is developing all the time, and there is always a better technique. And I think to some of our old users, the mechanical wheel can still bring them special experience.

That's great! I always loved the FiiO DAPs with the scroll wheel but I did feel the mechanical wheel needed improvement and now with the implementation of the touch wheel this makes the X1 in my opinion the best DAP on the market. I never really had any problems with the always worked fine for me and I have zero complaints about it. It's very interesting to see how far FiiO has come from the original X3 to the X7 and now with the new touch wheel - that's a lot of progress in a short period of time! Keep up the great work!
Sep 18, 2016 at 8:06 AM Post #97 of 3,121
One question: it seems to me that you divided your wheel into 4 zones while the one made by apple is divided into 12 zones . Your touch wheel is precise as the apple one ? thanks 
Sep 18, 2016 at 10:53 AM Post #98 of 3,121
  Giangregorio, we will give your suggestion to our engineer. and we will try our best.

Could You Clarify this features?????

Playback Interval: Fade In & Fade Out (Cross-fade?)
Output Selection: Phone Out (What is phone out?)
Library Managment:  Batch deletion
 ......any improvement with the playlist management?
Sep 18, 2016 at 9:31 PM Post #99 of 3,121
  One question: it seems to me that you divided your wheel into 4 zones while the one made by apple is divided into 12 zones . Your touch wheel is precise as the apple one ? thanks 

The arrangement of the zones looks very clever to me.
I'd imagine at any location you'd get different values from two zones at once, from which you could calculate the exact position.
Sep 18, 2016 at 10:00 PM Post #100 of 3,121
Nowadays, x1 supports lyrics? Thx

Yep , our current X1 supports External lyrics , for more information , you can view here :
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 19, 2016 at 3:57 AM Post #102 of 3,121
As it turned out, I missed this thread. :(
So here's a repost from the stable firmware thread:
"While we're at it discussing firmware improvements on our beloved X1, Fiio released the ALL NEW X1 on -!!! 
Now my question is, will there be an ALL NEW X3 or an ALL NEW X5 anytime soon?! How soon?! And no announcements here at Head-fi?! Or did I miss it?! Silly me for that matter. Haha!
@FiiO - Did we miss anything?! I'm from the Philippines. Any approximate release dates (to my country or anywhere else)?
Oh and questions for this new model:
  1. Are you able to fix the issue where All Songs displays the filenames instead of the song titles? If yes, this player would be the best overall in terms of user experience (outside the touchscreen realm of course).
  2. Are you able to fix the battery warning issue? This is discussed thoroughly in the stable firmware thread.
Any information would be appreciated. :)
Sep 19, 2016 at 4:24 AM Post #103 of 3,121
  As it turned out, I missed this thread. :(
So here's a repost from the stable firmware thread:
"While we're at it discussing firmware improvements on our beloved X1, Fiio released the ALL NEW X1 on -!!! 
Now my question is, will there be an ALL NEW X3 or an ALL NEW X5 anytime soon?! How soon?! And no announcements here at Head-fi?! Or did I miss it?! Silly me for that matter. Haha!
@FiiO - Did we miss anything?! I'm from the Philippines. Any approximate release dates (to my country or anywhere else)?
Oh and questions for this new model:
  1. Are you able to fix the issue where All Songs displays the filenames instead of the song titles? If yes, this player would be the best overall in terms of user experience (outside the touchscreen realm of course).
  2. Are you able to fix the battery warning issue? This is discussed thoroughly in the stable firmware thread.
Any information would be appreciated. :)

1,X3III, X5III will pop up when they should be. but you guys can should know well that we will update our old model after 18- 24 months. and will be shorter in the future cause the competition is too hard now.
2,   The UI/UE is still almos the same but the firmware is total different cause the old X1/X3/X5 is based on ucos but new X1 is based on linux .
3,   Sorry, I have not heard anything about the battery warning issue, plz give me a link but there are not noticeable quality issues cause by battery depended on our usual quality report. 
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 19, 2016 at 4:27 AM Post #104 of 3,121
Yep , our current X1 supports External lyrics , for more information , you can view here :

One question.  Is the scrolling accelerated?

FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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