[FiiO M23] AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

Dec 13, 2024 at 6:25 AM Post #542 of 592
Unfortunately the issue I had with A10 is still persistent, might be something to do with Apple Music app though.

When PEQ is enabled, it works fine for a while, then, when next song is queued and starts playing, all of a sudden there's distortion, and louder levels of sound. Even reapplying negative preamp does not help.

Other than this I have not noticed anything else yet.
Dec 18, 2024 at 5:25 PM Post #543 of 592
Hi there.
Would the M23 benefit a Ifi iPower 2 or x alimentation for desktop mode?
If yes, what voltage should be used? 12v? Different models in fact
Dec 27, 2024 at 12:05 AM Post #544 of 592
I picked up the M23 about a week ago now and have been very happy with it thus far. I couldn't resist the stainless-steel version of the M23, it's a heavy beast and not something you'd carry in your pocket, but it's still a lovely portable device (just not for walking around).

Zero issues to report with the volume rocker and single presses not registering, whilst the blue version I tried in store did have problems (it would only register single clicks every 3rd or 4th press), their demo stainless-steel version was also working perfectly.

On a splurge today, I picked up a pair of Thieaudio Monarch MkIII to pair with it after auditioning a few IEMs, they are incredible and sound wonderful with this device!

A quick question or two regarding PEQ on this device... when using Tidal etc, I use the EQ app on the home screen of the DAP where I've created several EQ profiles. If I launch the FiiO music app to play tracks stored on the MicroSD card, I've noticed in the profiles section, there's a link to EQ that seems to launch an identical EQ app to what's on the home screen but none of my EQ profiles appear. It seems a little odd and I thought perhaps I needed to use that EQ specifically for FiiO music but the one on the home screen with my EQ profiles also seems to affect the FiiO music.... any ideas why there are TWO eq areas?

Lastly, is it possible to export EQ profiles just in case a reset of the device is required down the track? I haven't had a browse through the file structure yet to look, but thought someone may have already got it sussed out.

Hi all, I'm curious about this too. I'm considering picking up an M23 but my wife's M15S has issues with PEQ. When it's turned on, sometimes there's no output from the DAP. Disabling PEQ brings back output.

A reboot fixes this sometimes, toggling it on and off fixes it too, but it's not consistent in its behaviour as neither fixes it consistently. It's on the latest firmware (happened with previous firmware too) and I've also factory reset it.

Referring to my previous post above, I may have an idea why I was having PEQ issues with the wife's M15s, I was using the Plexamp app to stream from my NAS and it may have been that app causing issues... I need to test it further but having done another reset of the device and not installing Plexamp since handing it back to my wife, I've been unable to replicate the issue.
Jan 1, 2025 at 3:18 PM Post #545 of 592
Hi, have ordered the player. There are plenty of positive reviews, but they are not interesting. It would be great to hear long real users impressions. Especially drawbacks are interesting (any complicated hardware/software device has got them, and it is normal). Would you please be so kind to share?

(I mean use case with easy driving load, say, above 100 dB/mW)
Jan 2, 2025 at 11:35 PM Post #546 of 592
I'm having an annoying metadata problem with FiiO Music. I have one album where the album image shows up incorrectly in the album view, but it is correct when I look into the album and the individual tracks. This is "The Allman Brothers" album, which repeatedly shows up with the image from "Brothers and Sisters."

I have repeatedly reset the database, changed the image multiple times (size, source, etc.), uploaded the folder every time I edit the image (after deleting the folder & files and restarting), rebuilt the database, but to no avail. It looks correct in USB Audio Player Pro, Roon, Audirvana, Vox, and Apple Music (all with the every try to change the folder and files). I've used Yate and Metadatics several times to delete all the images from the files, changed the image, changed the image size, changed the folder.jpg image, etc.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Jan 3, 2025 at 12:02 AM Post #547 of 592
I can't post anything on the FiiO Forum on their site. Although I can log in, it keeps telling me I have to log in or upgrade (?). AARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 3, 2025 at 1:51 AM Post #548 of 592
I'm having an annoying metadata problem with FiiO Music. I have one album where the album image shows up incorrectly in the album view, but it is correct when I look into the album and the individual tracks. This is "The Allman Brothers" album, which repeatedly shows up with the image from "Brothers and Sisters."

I have repeatedly reset the database, changed the image multiple times (size, source, etc.), uploaded the folder every time I edit the image (after deleting the folder & files and restarting), rebuilt the database, but to no avail. It looks correct in USB Audio Player Pro, Roon, Audirvana, Vox, and Apple Music (all with the every try to change the folder and files). I've used Yate and Metadatics several times to delete all the images from the files, changed the image, changed the image size, changed the folder.jpg image, etc.

Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Is the album image embedded in the track files, or do you have separate jpg in the folder?

If embedded, you could try deleting and saving just a jpg in the folder, called "cover" or "folder".

Another thing to try is renaming the album and tracks (example: suffix with year of release) so any cached association is lost.

Annoying problem for sure and can be hard to resolve at times. Good luck!

I don't have this DAP but this helped with Cayin N3U for me.
Jan 3, 2025 at 7:51 AM Post #549 of 592
Thanks!! I removed "The" from the album title in the metadata for the tracks and the folder itself, and that worked. (Removing the image from the files' metadata didn't work.)

Afterwards I did find how to clear the app cache, which is buried in the Android settings menu for all installed apps (the setting within the FiiO Music app itself to delete the database didn't fix the problem, probably because it doesn't clear the cache). I went to the FiiO Music app listing and deleted the database and cache. After rebuilding the database, that fixed the problem.
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Jan 7, 2025 at 6:40 PM Post #551 of 592
The weight is negligible. Probably a tiny fraction more than the clear plastic case that comes with the M23, but neither weighs much at all. The metal grill on the leather case is pretty thin.
Jan 8, 2025 at 1:34 AM Post #553 of 592
How’s the bass on this? I just got a new DX260 yesterday in the mail and it’s lacking bass…what would you all recommend for bass DAP?
Jan 8, 2025 at 2:15 AM Post #554 of 592
How’s the bass on this? I just got a new DX260 yesterday in the mail and it’s lacking bass…what would you all recommend for bass DAP?
I would recommend transparent DAP and bassy earphones.
Jan 8, 2025 at 3:13 AM Post #555 of 592
How’s the bass on this? I just got a new DX260 yesterday in the mail and it’s lacking bass…what would you all recommend for bass DAP?

I don’t have any experience with iBasso DAPs but it seems unlikely that any decent quality DAP is going to “sound” different to the extent that it is genuinely noticeably lacking significant bass.

I would look at what else might be going on before buying another DAP expecting it to make a genuinely significant difference in the real world use of the term.

I saw your comment on the other thread that you only just got the IEM also. As such you don’t really have a frame of reference for what they sound like. Perhaps your perception of a lack of bass is due to personal preference, previous gear or maybe you don’t have a good fit and seal with appropriate ear tips. That can make a very substantial difference in sound, especially bass impact of the seal isn’t good.

I have no idea what your experience is but I would try a wide variety of ear tips in different sizes long before I would look at a different DAP to improve the bass.

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