[FIIO DM13] HiFi Balanced Output Portable Stereo CD Player DM13 Is Officially Released!

Nov 19, 2024 at 9:28 AM Post #316 of 579
No, I have not experienced the glitches you mentioned --so far!!! Then again, I am very careful with my physical music media. All of my CDs are not scratched and I store them properly after use. Perhaps the DM13 is sensitive to the condition of the discs, but I am not able to witness it since my media is mint or near mint.
What weird behaviour do you refer to when you mention the unit's buttons?
Please read this post of Marlene:

or this feedback from ermwhat:
Nov 19, 2024 at 10:04 AM Post #317 of 579
Oh, those skips do not sound like a scratched disc issue. I have not experience those, but I'll report it if they happen to me.
As a note, I use it with ESP off and about 50/50 in desktop/battery mode.
The not showing the battery charge on the screen, is a feature, not a bug, though. It would have been better to have a little battery icon on the screen all the time.
Nov 19, 2024 at 10:22 AM Post #318 of 579
Oh, those skips do not sound like a scratched disc issue. I have not experience those, but I'll report it if they happen to me.
As a note, I use it with ESP off and about 50/50 in desktop/battery mode.
The not showing the battery charge on the screen, is a feature, not a bug, though. It would have been better to have a little battery icon on the screen all the time.
Nope, it sounds more like a wierd behaviour of the user interface :rolling_eyes: But it is strange that some users experience it, and some others... So it would be nice to have your feedback if you see anything strange with the UI or the readout, like random skips...

As for the battery charging/level I agree it is not a bug, but it is a pity not to have any constant display of the battery level, as it is the case with most of the devices using integrated battery nowadays... even with dongle BT you can retreive it through the app, whenever you need.
Also it would be nice to have a 0-10 scale instead of 0-5; in order to anticipate better when a charge is needed; this could be implemented in a future FW version...
Maybe some unused segments of the "while playing" display could also be used to tell someting about the charge progress ?
Nov 19, 2024 at 8:13 PM Post #320 of 579
Despite the difficulty of upgrading the firmware on CD players, we still maintain access to upgrades. This is probably the main thing that sets us apart from other CD players. Apart from the features, more importantly we think there are some disks we haven't come across that we can't guarantee will read perfectly, so we will continue to keep upgrading!

There is one other issue, upgrading the firmware currently has some basic requirements, you have to use a USB flash drive with a Type-C connector in FAT32 format and there are some limitations to unzipping the original files to the USB flash drive on your computer, but these are now easy to get.

So, I would recommend that if you accept the current DM13, try not to upgrade as you may have to go back to the factory in case of problems with the upgrade, which will be a hassle. Unless you can't accept the current problems,

I think you understand what I mean :beerchug:
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Nov 19, 2024 at 8:23 PM Post #321 of 579
Nope, it sounds more like a wierd behaviour of the user interface :rolling_eyes: But it is strange that some users experience it, and some others... So it would be nice to have your feedback if you see anything strange with the UI or the readout, like random skips...

As for the battery charging/level I agree it is not a bug, but it is a pity not to have any constant display of the battery level, as it is the case with most of the devices using integrated battery nowadays... even with dongle BT you can retreive it through the app, whenever you need.
Also it would be nice to have a 0-10 scale instead of 0-5; in order to anticipate better when a charge is needed; this could be implemented in a future FW version...
Maybe some unused segments of the "while playing" display could also be used to tell someting about the charge progress ?
After getting home I have listened to 5 CDs from beginning to end and the DM13 has not skipped nor inserted silence gaps during playback.
As for button weirdness, still working as expected.


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Nov 19, 2024 at 8:37 PM Post #322 of 579
Despite the difficulty of upgrading the firmware on CD players, we still maintain access to upgrades. This is probably the main thing that sets us apart from other CD players. Apart from the features, more importantly we think there are some disks we haven't come across that we can't guarantee will read perfectly, so we will continue to keep upgrading!

There is one other issue, upgrading the firmware currently has some basic requirements, you have to use a USB flash drive with a Type-C connector in FAT32 format and there are some limitations to unzipping the original files to the USB flash drive on your computer, but these are now easy to get.

So, I would recommend that if you accept the current DM13, try not to upgrade as you may have to go back to the factory in case of problems with the upgrade, which will be a hassle. Unless you can't accept the current problems,

I think you understand what I mean :beerchug:
This is awesome!
I applied the V22 firmware upgrade and made sure the screen states 22 is the firmware version. Then I listened to two CDs that gave me gapless playback failure, Beatles Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road, and this time no gapless playback issues!
I am currently listening to a concert CD, so the whole disc is gapless tracks, and it has been playing just fine.
I'll keep trying different discs and report any issues.
Man, this player can be addictive.
Thanks for listening to your customers ;)
Nov 20, 2024 at 3:21 AM Post #324 of 579
This is awesome!
I applied the V22 firmware upgrade and made sure the screen states 22 is the firmware version. Then I listened to two CDs that gave me gapless playback failure, Beatles Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road, and this time no gapless playback issues!
I am currently listening to a concert CD, so the whole disc is gapless tracks, and it has been playing just fine.
I'll keep trying different discs and report any issues.
Man, this player can be addictive.
Thanks for listening to your customers :wink:
Good for you !
But this is really weird that now, like with V 21 you don't have any other issues like ermwhat has ; skips, button issues...
Marlene has already sent back his(her ?) unit...
Maybe some batches of players have some hardware issues ?
It is strange to me that there is so much difference in behaviour, if the FW is the same of course...
Nov 20, 2024 at 3:23 AM Post #325 of 579
V22 let me play a CD completely gaplessly tonight! I've only tested one so far, but it seems promising.

There are a couple of bugs still (and one new one), so I wouldn't expect a release immediately, but it's shows a solid commitment to improving the product.
Thank you for the good news !
Please tell us more about the bug that persists and the new one... Thanks :wink:
Nov 20, 2024 at 3:50 AM Post #326 of 579
Have received my DM13 and have gone through the instructions and have been listening to PF The Division Bell and some Beethoven symphonies COE Harnoncourt.

This is exactly the device I have been looking for for years. I have collected around 1800 CDs since buying the first Philips CD player in 1970s. I needed a small unit as I have mobility and other problems brought on by advanced age.

I applaud Fiio for yet another superb product. This is a very significant success.

Well done Fiio.
So you have none of the issues mentionned above ? (gaps, skips, weird button behaviour...) ?
What is the version of your firmware, please ?
Ar you sure you bought the first CD player in the 70's ? Because I've got two of these CD100 players at home (not functionnal anymore, unfortunately ) and the people who gave it to me told me it was released in 82/83 ?
Nov 20, 2024 at 4:34 AM Post #327 of 579
So you have none of the issues mentionned above ? (gaps, skips, weird button behaviour...) ?
What is the version of your firmware, please ?
Ar you sure you bought the first CD player in the 70's ? Because I've got two of these CD100 players at home (not functionnal anymore, unfortunately ) and the people who gave it to me told me it was released in 82/83 ?
Distance lends enchantment to the view - my first CD players were more like early 80s rather than 70s. Mia culpa.

As far as the player under discussion - apart from a couple of very short skips and a disc ending a second or two early I stand "unmolested".

Firmware is 2.1
Nov 20, 2024 at 4:46 AM Post #328 of 579
Distance lends enchantment to the view - my first CD players were more like early 80s rather than 70s. Mia culpa.

As far as the player under discussion - apart from a couple of very short skips and a disc ending a second or two early I stand "unmolested".

Firmware is 2.1
Thanks fot the reply, and you're forgiven for having started listening to CD's in the 70's 😂
So you reckon there has eventually been skips and a few seconds drop at the end on one disc...

I've made some statistics and it seems that the people in the US/Canada didn't mention issues other than gapless problems.
Whereas most of the EU units have some skips, drops, on top of gapless issues with V 2.1 at least...

This is a guess but most probably these (mainly black, not the earliest silver versions) first batches, were different from one region to another, and the EU ones show more issues than the US/CA ones.
Let's see if theses issues persist with later upgrades, V22 seemed to focus on gapless problem...
Nov 20, 2024 at 4:50 AM Post #329 of 579
Got mine today, I should check all these gapless issues you guys are mentioning, but so far I'm really happy with the DM13.

A question for the FiiO workers over here: are you going to release a leather case for the DM13 in the same way you did for the CP13?
Hi, where did you buy your unit from ? is it black, silver, BT ? And are you encountering any playback problems ?
Thanks in advance for your feedback :thumbsup:
Nov 20, 2024 at 4:51 AM Post #330 of 579
I'm listening to The Cure - Paris (30th Anniversary Edition)

Gapless performance is hit and miss. Sometimes works flawlessly, sometimes there is a 2 second pause.

I'm using a silver DM13 without BT. Just updated the firmware to 11.
Hello, same questions than for nin993:
Where did you buy it from ? Any other problems than the gapless issue ?

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