FIDUE A83 impressions and discussion thread

Jan 13, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #2,836 of 3,064
  Just want to update
After using the new cable and Traluscent DAO
i absolutely love it, all the details DAO bring A83 into a whole new level
but unlike H20Fidelity who said he can only use it for around 1 hour as it make his ears tired, i can use it all day
Thanks @H20Fidelity to recommend me the DAO 

not using your new traluscent DAO, using your old music source, could you compare the sound of you a83 with the new cable vs stock cable? 
am also thinking of getting the same or the silver knight cable for my a83's.
Jan 13, 2016 at 10:08 AM Post #2,837 of 3,064
not using your new traluscent DAO, using your old music source, could you compare the sound of you a83 with the new cable vs stock cable? 
am also thinking of getting the same or the silver knight cable for my a83's.

i have compare it on my first impression
you can read it below
  ok i've received the cable and the traluscent DAC AMP that H20Fidelity recommend.
i'll give a quick review on what i think about it after using it for 2 hour (in my way to office).
Bare in mind i'm not really knowledgeable on Hi-fi term so i'll just tell based on what i hear.
it improve the fit significantly since now it can rotate and i can barely feel the weightof the cable.
the vocal and accoustic's guitar sounds definitely improved IMO but some sound went missing or at least barely able to hear it.
for example in Masayoshi Yamazaki's one more time, one more chance, there're some guitar sound went missing or really quite.
And in Boyce Avenue's Fireworks a small part of the Cajon(that box thingy) sound also went quite and i barely able to hear it.
I'll get back to it later after work~

but i'll add a bit more
i used DX90 fw 2.2.0 L0 , low gain, volume 195, song: One more time, One more chance
stock cable:
-> music and vocal on the same level
-> a bit noisier
-> there's a bit more bass  
-> soundstage is not too wide 
new cable:
-> vocal is more forward and louder than the music
-> a little bit cleaner
-> there is less bass and a bit looser i think
-> soundstage is wider, you certainly able to seperate each instrument
-> some electric guitar sound is too quite and i barely able to hear it
-> the sound of the cymbal is too much for me
-> can not use it for a phone call , or you'll hear a crackling noise when the other person speaking
-> if you want wider soundstage, get a silver cable
-> if you listen to mostly accoustic songs that have a lot of guitar, get a silver cable
-> if you want better fitting and want more comfort, get a silver cable
-> if you want to use it with phone and to make a call, stick with stock cable
-> if your songs are mostly rock song that have a lot of cymbal sound, stick with the stock cable
-> if you hate cable noise, stick with stock cable
-> if you like to listen to the music instead of the vocal or balance between them, stick with stock cable
Update after using new Firmware for dx90
the difference between stock cable and silver cable become even more obvious
but with fw 2.4.0 the symbal noise is tamed 
Jan 20, 2016 at 11:24 AM Post #2,838 of 3,064
Well I found a new IEM to play with.

I'm purchasing Tralucent Ref.1 which I have on home audition (the same unit I'm buying). Unfortunately, A83 cannot keep up with this hybrid, not by a long shot :D. I spent the afternoon with Ref.1 which has quite a large stage, going back to A83 was like the sound became funnelled through a narrow pipe.

I'll add the Ref.1 to my collection, keep the 1Plus2 and of course! A83! My Aurisonics ASG-2 and ER4S might be on the chopping block though.
Jan 25, 2016 at 3:00 PM Post #2,839 of 3,064
^^ but the price difference is massive!
No, I won't buy new IEM, no, I won't buy new IEM,
repeat x 5
Jan 25, 2016 at 7:52 PM Post #2,840 of 3,064
  ^^ but the price difference is massive!
No, I won't buy new IEM, no, I won't buy new IEM,
repeat x 5

......and then buy a new IEM

Jan 28, 2016 at 2:24 PM Post #2,843 of 3,064
Could someone recommend a MMCX cable?
Looking at some stuff on ebay.
Jan 28, 2016 at 5:05 PM Post #2,845 of 3,064
  As cheap as possible or what? Like you're just looking for something to make it work? Cuz I've got something in mind if that's the case.......

I'd say max $70, maybe a bit more. Looking for a upgrade even if slight to the stock cable. 
Jan 30, 2016 at 7:22 AM Post #2,848 of 3,064
This cable actually works perfectly on Fidue.
It was made for Shure 215 and it had very poor fit for the Shure, like had sound cutting issues etc. But for some reason it works on Fidue, no cutting at all.

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