Dec 16, 2015 at 12:46 AM Post #4,232 of 6,413
  Any other Harmony owners having sibilance issues? Holy moly cymbals are a bit too harsh to handle for me. Any fixes short of EQing?
Seriously on the verge of returning these.

what tips are you using and how long have you burned them in?. Like jmills said try comply tips, my personal favorites have been spin fits. My set was a little sibilant at first but after 50+ hours the have mellowed out
Dec 16, 2015 at 2:40 AM Post #4,233 of 6,413
I haven't actually found it sibilant at all, if inserted properly. The smallest sureseal and large spinfits doesn't give me any sibilance, if inserted properly, but the medium+ sureseal gives me massive upper midrange and treble spikes. Tested it with frequency sweeps.

So yeah, you definitely need to make sure you find the right tips for it.
Dec 16, 2015 at 6:38 AM Post #4,235 of 6,413
So other universal iems any tip will sound the same and they dont need a good seal?
Dec 16, 2015 at 8:13 AM Post #4,236 of 6,413
The Sennheiser IE80's bass was too bloated and sounded muddy and it lacked detail for guitars. The Shure SE535 were too boring and not musical, but I liked the detail they have. I listen to rock and metal music.

Be warned though they are still fairly bass tilted earphones. High quality bass, but still. I do think they sound great with rock. Guitars cuts through with clarity and the drums hit with great tonality and impact.

Me too and have SE535 for about 2 years ... in my opinion they are REALLY great iems  ... Their bass is great ,quick, and well defined due to their balanced design ... but really small in quantity ... and i listen mainly to metal too ... so the quick bass and separation are very important factors here .....
was wondering if Harmony or Fortey would be an upgrade or a sidegrade ?
  Any other Harmony owners having sibilance issues? Holy moly cymbals are a bit too harsh to handle for me. Any fixes short of EQing?
Seriously on the verge of returning these.

Harsh like sounding unnatural and elevated ? or just elevated ?
Dec 16, 2015 at 8:26 AM Post #4,237 of 6,413
Me too and have SE535 for about 2 years ... in my opinion they are REALLY great iems  ... Their bass is great ,quick, and well defined due to their balanced design ... but really small in quantity ... and i listen mainly to metal too ... so the quick bass and separation are very important factors here .....

was wondering if Harmony or Fortey would be an upgrade or a sidegrade ?

Harsh like sounding unnatural and elevated ? or just elevated ?
both huge upgrade
Dec 16, 2015 at 10:50 AM Post #4,239 of 6,413
Sorry i am not questioning the credibility of your opinion ... but do you listened to metal music with both and compared ? and how are they a huge upgrade ? at what aspects they are a huge upgrade ?
well Ive seen Sabbath 4 times, Maiden 7 times, Rush 5 times, Dio 3 times,Ozzy 7 times. Been listening to : As I Lay Dying, Trivium, Bury Tomorrow, The Sorrow. I had the 500, 530, 535, 846, K10, Roxanne, Layla, JH1E,16, Aurisonics ASG2.0, 2.5, Forte, Harmony.
Dec 16, 2015 at 10:52 AM Post #4,240 of 6,413
Dec 16, 2015 at 10:52 AM Post #4,241 of 6,413
  Me too and have SE535 for about 2 years ... in my opinion they are REALLY great iems  ... Their bass is great ,quick, and well defined due to their balanced design ... but really small in quantity ... and i listen mainly to metal too ... so the quick bass and separation are very important factors here .....
was wondering if Harmony or Fortey would be an upgrade or a sidegrade ?

I haven't heard the Forte but I have the 535LTD and Harmony in hand. In my humble opinion, if you love the 535 sound signature, you won't be finding yourself in love with the Harmony, simply because they sound very different. 535 is a mid-centric sound, and to me, the Harmony is a V-shaped signature with recessed mids.
Technical prowess goes to Harmony though, with its phenomenal handling of the bass frequencies especially. The bass quality on the Harmony is epic. Separation is also better than 535, with its stage being more wide than deep. 
Dec 16, 2015 at 10:54 AM Post #4,242 of 6,413
I haven't heard the Forte but I have the 535LTD and Harmony in hand. In my humble opinion, if you love the 535 sound signature, you won't be finding yourself in love with the Harmony, simply because they sound very different. 535 is a mid-centric sound, and to me, the Harmony is a V-shaped signature with recessed mids.

Technical prowess goes to Harmony though, with its phenomenal handling of the bass frequencies especially. The bass quality on the Harmony is epic. Separation is also better than 535, with its stage being more wide than deep. 
In other words an upgrade.
Dec 16, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #4,244 of 6,413
That would be up to personal preference. It wouldn't be much of an upgrade to someone who doesn't enjoy the V-shaped signature.
you say V Shape with the tips you chose, I say U shape with comply tips. Yes the old 535 has mids pushed up front lacking treble and bass but in 2006 they were tops.
Dec 16, 2015 at 11:25 AM Post #4,245 of 6,413
  That would be up to personal preference. It wouldn't be much of an upgrade to someone who doesn't enjoy the V-shaped signature.

Agree.  I have the ASG 2.5 and while I like the sound signature, I prefer my Westone UMPro50 over the ASG 2.5.  It all depends on your preference.  

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