favourite rap/hiphop albums

Apr 16, 2010 at 3:58 PM Post #46 of 68
In no particular order:

The Roots - Things Fall Apart
Black Star - Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star
Dead Prez - Let's Get Free
Jay-Z - The Blueprint
2-Pac - All Eyez On Me
Warren G - Regulate G Funk Era
Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
Apr 16, 2010 at 10:02 PM Post #49 of 68
Hi-C - Skanless -- Funny album
2Pac - Just about any of them
Ice Cube - Death Certificate
Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill
Snoop Dog - Doggy Style
These are just a few.
Apr 16, 2010 at 11:14 PM Post #50 of 68
Unless I missed him being mentioned, you all should check out MC Solaar. French dude with an incredible flow. Can't recommend a particular album, because these days I don't find them very well produced, but there are some gems.

Second, you should also check out a Swedish guy called Promoe, especially the album White Man's Burden. It's rather old school, but very well done, imo, and with very good lyrical content (all his stuff is rather good actually).

If you want an audiophile experience, I'd recommend Lazee's album Setting Standards. The production qualities on it is absolutely insane.

Finally, if you want a sweet, sweet blend between jazz and hip-hop, try to find a very obscure album by Cool Bone called Brass-Hop (or even better, almost anything by Youngblood Brass Band).

EDIT: Forgot some old oldschool lovin that hadn't been mentioned yet... the soundtracks to Friday and Trespass.
Apr 16, 2010 at 11:51 PM Post #51 of 68
Wait, this is allowed in the Music forum?

I can do without having angry illiterates yelling their lame rhymes of hate, misogyny, organized crime and blowing up their ego.

Man on the moon by Kid Cudi is very good. Only rap I have heard in a very long time/ever that has soul and musical talent.

Talk is cheap. Too bad when they figure that one out, someone gets shot.

Some classic Eminem is well... classic.
Apr 17, 2010 at 5:19 PM Post #57 of 68
be glad you don't understand french because Mc Solaar lyrics are as dumb as can be...and he believes he's the spiritual son of Rimbaud and Gainsbourg, I giggle


and last time I checked Eminem was just a little untalented whiner..he's Dre's trojan horse.
Apr 17, 2010 at 8:25 PM Post #58 of 68

Originally Posted by SoupRKnowva /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Eminems Marshall Mathers LP is one of the best rap records ive ever heard
and the only one i consistently listen to.


That a wonderful album, that not a coincidence that he is a perfectionist.

Another hip-hop album i like is : Stetasonic - In full gear, a wonderful voice, yes i like reverb voices.
Apr 18, 2010 at 1:59 AM Post #59 of 68

Originally Posted by MisterMoJo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just a couple...
Hello Nasty-Beastie Boys
The Predator-Ice Cube

'Hello Nasty' by the Beastie Boys is often underrated yet it is an amazing album, it was my first album by them.
Apr 18, 2010 at 3:51 AM Post #60 of 68
I am a rocker, but I like any Ice Cube; Ice-T - O.G.; Warren G- G-Funk Era

Geto Boyz are unbelievably hard

Hip-Hop/Rap/Funk/Punk/Metal etc. fusion like Chili Peppers - BSSM; Kid Rock - Devil Without A Cause; Beasty Boys - Liscensed To Ill

P.M. Dawn - ...The Bliss Album? is just amazing, beautifully diverse

Sisters With Voices really get down on 'It's About Time'

Old school like Zapp & Roger just kills

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