Sep 11, 2011 at 1:02 AM Post #16 of 24
Self-fulfilling and assumptive statements don't make you look any more intelligent, and are especially detrimental if you may actually be right. I never said you were wrong or right, I only asked for concrete information instead of generalised terms, and I appreciate the real information you've now given me and will do additional research myself. Stereotyping helps no one.
Originally Posted by goodvibes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Believe what you like. You asked. I answered. You prefer to wait for the answer you'd like to hear and don't really understand how to interpret a graph. I'm fine with that.

Sep 11, 2011 at 8:10 AM Post #17 of 24

 Any BA will have similar squares to those but will have different levels of shoot and flatter tops and bottoms depending on low frequency extension.
 I guess the Shure 420 uses the same driver too. In fact its closer to the HF5 than the 4p is if you look at the shoot. LOL. The side firing thing has already been put to rest here after those remarks. The shure 420 is closer to a hf5 or 4p than the Audeo yet its a 2 way that we know uses different drivers. Believe what you like. You asked. I answered. You prefer to wait for the answer you'd like to hear and don't really understand how to interpret a graph. I'm fine with that.

First of all, if it has the same or similar frequency response it will have the same or similar square wave... 
 second I was not confused by the similar frequency response, I was confused by the fact that both sound similar (from what I remember...I had limited experience with them), both had similar electrical impedance and phase, both were single BA driver and both had similar THD+N.
Shure 420 can't have similar electrical impedance and phase, but I didn't checked. 

 Sorry for putting those square wave graphs in the first post, they were nothing of use...they added only confusion 

Sep 11, 2011 at 8:15 AM Post #18 of 24

Actually PFE doesn't use a side firing armature. Side firing armature (like that on UE 5 a.k.a. UE600) has a side opening on the BA housing ("side firing"), but the BA on PFE doesn't. On PFE, the BA is the normal type. It is the sound tube in front of the BA that bends 90 degree.
Also, ER4 series uses Knowles ED-29689, PFE uses BA from Sonion, so they can not be the same.

Thank you for this information!  
From what you know HF5 and er4 have the same BA?
PS: Maybe that BA from Sonion is a  rip-off from Knowles ED-29689. 
Sep 11, 2011 at 8:24 AM Post #19 of 24
Sure they can and squares are actually quite telling and do show much more than frequency response, including phase issues. If there was crossover phase shift, it would be visible. The frequency response and distortion graphs were just as close as the squares. If you're saying the graphs don't matter, you're working against you point. Never mind. They're all the same.

Sep 11, 2011 at 10:04 AM Post #20 of 24
Thank you for this information!  

From what you know HF5 and er4 have the same BA?
PS: Maybe that BA from Sonion is a  rip-off from Knowles ED-29689. 

Knowles ED-29689 is actually one of the oldest BA driver that is still on the market. Remember than ER4 is already on the market for 20 years. Up till 2 years ago, ED-29689 is also one of the most common treble driver in multi-BA IEM.
I don't know whether hf5 uses ED-29689 or not. Etymotic is known to use custom made BA that sounds really close to the ER4 series (i.e. iM716), so it is still possible that hf5 has one of those driver as well.
Sep 15, 2011 at 11:07 AM Post #22 of 24

Actually PFE doesn't use a side firing armature. Side firing armature (like that on UE 5 a.k.a. UE600) has a side opening on the BA housing ("side firing"), but the BA on PFE doesn't. On PFE, the BA is the normal type. It is the sound tube in front of the BA that bends 90 degree.
Also, ER4 series uses Knowles ED-29689, PFE uses BA from Sonion, so they can not be the same.

You're right. It's less of a wrap around than an angled rubber horn/guide. I took a pair apart to find this driver, a Sonion 2354. Either version 1033 or maybe it was made the 33rd week of 2010.  So even a reviewer was told it was edge firing 
A reviewer on ABI was told it was edge firing which I guess in this case is different than side firing. I rarely hear about differentiation between front firing positions. 
Sep 15, 2011 at 1:40 PM Post #23 of 24
You could have asked dfkt for the pictures as I am pretty sure he posted some a few years ago.

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