Etymotic ER-4XR Extended Response Earphone Review by mark2410

Nov 16, 2016 at 2:03 PM Post #31 of 48
oh absolutely, just because they dont work for me doesnt mean no one else should try them.  when you get something new its always wise to experiment with tips, even if you find one that works well it doesnt mean that there isnt one that works even better but....... i have tried all the Ety tips and i did not see eye to eye with any of them.  clearly they work for some but my ears did not like them, and the triple flange tips, they were deeply unpleasant.

Ok. Good luck. They were for me at first as well.. Now I can't have it any other way.
Nov 26, 2016 at 2:51 PM Post #32 of 48
Cable:  While it’s nicer than the old one, more flexible anyway the upper reaches are still the same old braided strands.  It’s a good cable, it’s also user replaceable so if you kill them you can just buy a new one.  One thing I would note that I’m rather irked by is that the connector from cable to bud housing is still angled like the old ER4.  Why!?!?!!? They could have and should have made it more of a right angel so they would be more suitable to wear up.  You can wear them up, I did, but they stick out and look a bit silly where if they had gone with an HF3 like angle it would have been better.

There's nothing wrong with wearing down; just use the clip. I've always avoided strict up-worn in-ears because I hate having any cabling behind my ears. The cable angle allows the headphones to sit flush with the ear, like a glove, when worn down. With the frosted 3-flange tips, the ER4 is at least as comfortable, if not more, than other IEMs I've used.
Nov 30, 2016 at 5:07 AM Post #33 of 48
There's nothing wrong with wearing down; just use the clip. I've always avoided strict up-worn in-ears because I hate having any cabling behind my ears. The cable angle allows the headphones to sit flush with the ear, like a glove, when worn down. With the frosted 3-flange tips, the ER4 is at least as comfortable, if not more, than other IEMs I've used.

well if it works for you then great, for you.  my ears however do not love those tips not am i keen on wearing things down.  lol which is why all IEM's arent the same, we each are different.
Dec 1, 2016 at 3:24 AM Post #34 of 48
well if it works for you then great, for you.  my ears however do not love those tips not am i keen on wearing things down.  lol which is why all IEM's arent the same, we each are different.

Yeah this headphone especially with the tri flange tips is meant for down worn. I'm happy there's a neutral high end IEM designed for down, because it seems most others are for up and I avoid strict up IEMs at all costs. It's why I'll never buy a Shure or Westone; I haaate wearing up. People just need to get used to the idea of a small shirt clip. Having fewer high end options makes it easier for me to decide at least.
Dec 3, 2016 at 12:44 PM Post #35 of 48
  Yeah this headphone especially with the tri flange tips is meant for down worn. I'm happy there's a neutral high end IEM designed for down, because it seems most others are for up and I avoid strict up IEMs at all costs. It's why I'll never buy a Shure or Westone; I haaate wearing up. People just need to get used to the idea of a small shirt clip. Having fewer high end options makes it easier for me to decide at least.

err why should people just need to get used to it?
surely they could just say you need to get used to wearing them up?
Dec 3, 2016 at 1:50 PM Post #36 of 48
  err why should people just need to get used to it?
surely they could just say you need to get used to wearing them up?

It's easier to forget than wearing it up because you can actually feel the cable behind your ear when worn up. You can't feel a clip.
Dec 3, 2016 at 4:14 PM Post #37 of 48
  It's easier to forget than wearing it up because you can actually feel the cable behind your ear when worn up. You can't feel a clip.

erm no, its not.
you see the human brain essentially filters such sensory input.  its why we arent constantly aware of the sensory input from all the clothes touching our skin.  Its there if we think of it but our brain recognises most of this data to be unimportant so we arent consciously bombarded with it.
Now anyone is free to wear up or down, whatever works best for them but wearing up really is on the whole better.  im sorry it doesnt work for you but given the vast majority of quality IEM's are configured to wear up or shaped to happily allow both, Ety is as are you in the minority on then.
Dec 3, 2016 at 6:16 PM Post #38 of 48
I can kind of phase it out but when the cable gets tugged and I feel it on the top of my ears it's annoying as hell. So yeah it's a personal preference. If I wear up I'd still need to use a clip thus making wearing up superfluous. 
Dec 4, 2016 at 2:13 PM Post #39 of 48
  I can kind of phase it out but when the cable gets tugged and I feel it on the top of my ears it's annoying as hell. So yeah it's a personal preference. If I wear up I'd still need to use a clip thus making wearing up superfluous. 

whatever works best for you
Dec 11, 2016 at 7:32 AM Post #43 of 48
whatever works best for you

This. It's personal. When not wearing brain drilling tips, I get more annoyed by losing a seal than a tug on the top of my ear. I also like that microphonics are greatly reduced over ear. Some shorter iems are also easier to fit to a proper depth over ear due to cable stem blocking when down but personal ear geometry might make that different for others.
Mar 4, 2017 at 5:46 PM Post #45 of 48
Question - the review refers to the small Complys.  Does that reflect the size of your ears, or do you feel that the the small size is preferable in all cases (for all ears)? 
This will be my first purchase of Complys.  I could buy the assortment pack and then throw out the two I don't like.  Or I could go with my instinct and get the large.

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