Etymotic ER-4XR Extended Response Earphone Review by mark2410

Nov 12, 2016 at 10:36 AM Post #16 of 48

Hello Mr.Mark2410,
You are quite right, I haven't noticed you previously.  I did just have a look at your posted profile to learn a bit of your ownership experience and reviewing history going back to 2010 or thereabouts. 
I don't have a useful way of presenting you to "possible employment" other than recommend you use a Headhunter's services who will whore you out to a Corporation's PR Department ( based on your scribbling abilities ).  I have no doubts that you possess a significant knowledge of "Life context" to frame your efforts. Steve Gutenberg managed to find a home with CNET, perhaps one of the Guardian type of News outlets would now benefit from your obvious insight into Smart Phone's emerging Audiophile aspirations and present you with "something".  A nice little "weekly" column from the "North" would be a '''well read" feature and (more importantly) a way into recognition.  Do any of your Newspapers have an Authority writer on Audiophile things?, perhaps they should. 
I only discovered you today because of my interest in Etymotic, I think it's purely by chance.  Perhaps you might do a bit of polish work on this review and submit it to all of London's legitimate News Organizations as an example ( resume ).  Certainly, one of these outfits will....  
Still, Cream finds it way to the top.  You've focused on a niche which serves to limit your exposure but your prose shines thru, someone will grasp your writing "gift", you will widen your appeal and you will grow, it's only a matter of time and opportunity, I encourage you to help those looking for talent by presenting yourself to them for consideration.  I have a feeling that JA at Stereophile is "stocking-up" on new writers, he's a Brit. 
Writing is hard work, "Genius" writing is much harder work ( with a bit of insight ), I think you have that "rare" insight. 
I suppose that I don't have to encourage you to "not give up", you've been at this for some time now. Go ahead and plant some seeds in more fertile soil. Head-Fi is Kindergarten. 
Tony in Michigan
Nov 13, 2016 at 5:04 AM Post #18 of 48
  Is the cable connector standard MMCX or is it somehow modified?
I am getting a right-angled MMCX cable for my F4100 tomorrow and would be great if it fit on the Etys also. (which I don't have yet)

Ety specifically say its is modified so other cables may not work.  still you may want to try and report back for the benefit of others.
Nov 13, 2016 at 9:28 AM Post #20 of 48
  Thanks, will do. Why makers always must modify existing standards? Would understand if they sell own separate cables, but they do not...
Will try and report once I had the chance to test it out.

id like to think it was for some reason other than to make you buy their cables not anyone elses but....... well i cant think of another reason.
Nov 13, 2016 at 1:30 PM Post #21 of 48
The Ety ER$S were my first foray into good headphones and are still my go to for almost complete isolation when traveling by airliner or when she just won't shut up...
Nov 14, 2016 at 4:46 AM Post #22 of 48
  The Ety ER$S were my first foray into good headphones and are still my go to for almost complete isolation when traveling by airliner or when she just won't shut up...

you sir, owe me a new not coffee sprayed keyboard :-)
Nov 14, 2016 at 10:01 AM Post #23 of 48
Nice. I love the ER4P and ER4S. You seem to complain a lot about the triple flanges but did you actually use them for long periods of time? The flanges soften over time and actually no longer becomes ear rape but is really easy to put in and out. I have to say the first week of using a new pair of flanges, the flanges are definitely too rough for liking. However after a week or so, they soften up and they slip into my ears pretty easily. However, the other problem comes up when you've used a pair of flanges for too long and they become too mellow and loses its grip on the bore of the drivers, resulting in several triple flanges getting stuck deep in my ear.
Regardless, the triple flanges arn't as uncomfortable as you make them out to be in my experience.
Nov 14, 2016 at 10:10 AM Post #24 of 48
Triple flanges from Ety in the past have been real horror shows but I found the ones that shipped with the 4XR to be OK, and I even used them for awhile before shifting back to Comply this past weekend.  
Nov 14, 2016 at 11:00 AM Post #25 of 48
The complain about size of the case I've read several times already and for myself I don't really understand it: it has the perfect size to fit my Fiio X3 II in it as well.
Nov 14, 2016 at 12:34 PM Post #26 of 48
The complain about size of the case I've read several times already and for myself I don't really understand it: it has the perfect size to fit my Fiio X3 II in it as well.

Yeah, I can also fit my car keys, wallet, flashlight, pocketknife, and spare condoms.
Nov 15, 2016 at 6:46 AM Post #28 of 48
  Nice. I love the ER4P and ER4S. You seem to complain a lot about the triple flanges but did you actually use them for long periods of time? The flanges soften over time and actually no longer becomes ear rape but is really easy to put in and out. I have to say the first week of using a new pair of flanges, the flanges are definitely too rough for liking. However after a week or so, they soften up and they slip into my ears pretty easily. However, the other problem comes up when you've used a pair of flanges for too long and they become too mellow and loses its grip on the bore of the drivers, resulting in several triple flanges getting stuck deep in my ear.
Regardless, the triple flanges arn't as uncomfortable as you make them out to be in my experience.

oh like i did say before, im told that they do improve, you get more used to them and the grippy rubber seems to smooth with lots of wear but i really dont care.  why should i subject a rather delicate part of my body to horrific abuse just to make it not be so bad.  i could just use tips that arent a war crime and be happy with that.  of course if you wish or any one else wishes to go through that masochism then they are absolutely welcome to.  however i shall take a pass and use tips that are comfortable from the first use.
Nov 16, 2016 at 12:24 PM Post #29 of 48
oh like i did say before, im told that they do improve, you get more used to them and the grippy rubber seems to smooth with lots of wear but i really dont care.  why should i subject a rather delicate part of my body to horrific abuse just to make it not be so bad.  i could just use tips that arent a war crime and be happy with that.  of course if you wish or any one else wishes to go through that masochism then they are absolutely welcome to.  however i shall take a pass and use tips that are comfortable from the first use.

It's not that bad. Many don't like it at first. Then reap the benefits later. It's different for everyone, and in my opinion makes these iems sound correct. I find if I take them out and put them back in after 5 minutes, it's a little better. .
Nov 16, 2016 at 1:40 PM Post #30 of 48
It's not that bad. Many don't like it at first. Then reap the benefits later. It's different for everyone, and in my opinion makes these iems sound correct. I find if I take them out and put them back in after 5 minutes, it's a little better. .

oh absolutely, just because they dont work for me doesnt mean no one else should try them.  when you get something new its always wise to experiment with tips, even if you find one that works well it doesnt mean that there isnt one that works even better but....... i have tried all the Ety tips and i did not see eye to eye with any of them.  clearly they work for some but my ears did not like them, and the triple flange tips, they were deeply unpleasant.

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