Edition 8 and AKG 701/2 owners anywhere?

Jan 3, 2010 at 5:56 PM Post #16 of 63

Originally Posted by oqvist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you are looking for the best soundstage get the Pro 900 rather then the ED 8 if you ever get caught by the upgraditis and soundstage is your main goal

Is soundstage the only thing the Pro 900 is better in? I have read they are pretty much the same headphone... drivers and such. If I could spend 1/3 the price for the same sound/better sound, I would be more than happy.
Jan 3, 2010 at 6:04 PM Post #17 of 63

Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is soundstage the only thing the Pro 900 is better in? I have read they are pretty much the same headphone... drivers and such. If I could spend 1/3 the price for the same sound/better sound, I would be more than happy.

In the end you have to trust your own ears. That's a precise question you're asking and I'd be wary of the responses except those coming from your own ear/brain feedback system.

Sounds like you have a decision and a chance to take. I got more relaxed since joining the FS community. I had developed quite a buildup of stuff.
Jan 4, 2010 at 5:05 AM Post #18 of 63

Originally Posted by aimlink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In the end you have to trust your own ears. That's a precise question you're asking and I'd be wary of the responses except those coming from your own ear/brain feedback system.

Sounds like you have a decision and a chance to take. I got more relaxed since joining the FS community. I had developed quite a buildup of stuff.

Very good advice -you are completely right. However, I do not know of a place near me that stocks Ultrasone Headphones...

There are a few places downtown that sell most Hi-Fi cans, but they are usually crowded, and are extremely overpriced. Canada has a horrible market for hifi, but I will assume since you are outside of the USA too, it is the same.

I have, and I am not joking, bought every pair of headphones I own based on reviews. I only auditioned one of them before purchasing. I have yet to be disappointed. So I think, unfortunately, I will have to rely on the ears of others to help me, yet again.

One thing I do not get, again, is how people do not like Ultrasone cans. Which proves your point completely. I mean people love Grado, and I enjoy them for what they are worth, but I would not be satisfied with only my Grados -but I would never bash them either. I was so skeptical of the ultrasones because of all of the swaying feedback. Godsend to trash. People really tend to hate on the ultrasone cans or love them... In the short amount of time I have owned them I think they have become my favorite can. I would miss my other headphones, but I would definitely survive with only these if I ever had to. I can't say the same for the others.

But I think I am only admitting to being an upgradaholic because I am already enquiring as to how the pro 900 vs E8 sound so I can save for a pair

Anyways enough about me haha. I am very interested as to how you will like your AKGs!
Jan 4, 2010 at 6:16 AM Post #19 of 63

Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is soundstage the only thing the Pro 900 is better in? I have read they are pretty much the same headphone... drivers and such. If I could spend 1/3 the price for the same sound/better sound, I would be more than happy.

No they are completely different animals. Not the same regarding anything be it casing material, ear pads, driver or cavity. There is nothing that is the same about them and they don´t at all sound close to eachother either.

900 is better as in more natural with voices. They have a faster attack/decay and performs considerably better with piano and percussive instruments. The ED 8 can feel slow and congested in comparison. Though for some the Pro 900 is too fast it depends pretty much if you preferr a more laid back, smooth, polite presentation or not generally. I enjoy both very much
Jan 4, 2010 at 6:54 AM Post #20 of 63
Hmm well if I love my ALO-780 when they arrive, some day I might just buy the PRO 900
Jan 4, 2010 at 8:19 AM Post #21 of 63

I have owned both the Pro900 and the Ed8 and although I don't necessarily agree with oqvist findings exactly, I do agree that they are quite different from each other, albeit they do the same job for me, thus the reason why I decided to sell the pro900. I can understand why oqvist keeps them both though, I suppose they are different enough sound sig wise. They are both great headphones, and although I prefer the ED8 in most if not all sound areas (and the most obvious significant area the physical finish) I don't think you can go wrong with either. The Pro900 isn't far short of the ED8 in the sound department, and therefore one of the best bang for your buck available. True top end sound achieved with very modest amping. And I don't agree with Ultrasone-love them or hate, well not anymore than with any other headphones.

Good luck with your K702, I will be interested in your thoughts. I have a DT880, and although I have never heard a K70x I have owned a K601 and based on that ownership and reviews on the K70x here, I would think they are not too different from DT880 in many ways. My DT880 are a good contrast to the ED8s as I believe the K702 will be for you. Although I have the beyer in the for sale forum at the moment as they are not getting any headtime and I have an RS1 on the way, I don't think I will be able to actually sell them.
Jan 4, 2010 at 9:43 AM Post #22 of 63

Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

There are a few places downtown that sell most Hi-Fi cans, but they are usually crowded, and are extremely overpriced. Canada has a horrible market for hifi, but I will assume since you are outside of the USA too, it is the same.
Anyways enough about me haha. I am very interested as to how you will like your AKGs!

I never tried any of the headphones I have before purchasing. I now have a feel of what I like and my sonic preferences are evolving, pretty much like how one's preference for music would. Perhaps, the latter is responsible for the former?

Anyway, the K702 is an interesting risk, perhaps my greatest, but whatever comes of that relationship, it will certainly be VERY useful and worth the money with our without having to sell it.
Jan 5, 2010 at 3:53 AM Post #23 of 63
Thanks guys for the help comparing the pro 900 to the E8... haha funny they are completely different.

Aimlink if you have time, would you care to briefly compare the 325i to the RS model you have? Also, if you HAD to pick one, which one would it be?

325i has turned me off grado since I got other headphones, but they dont seem to really be in the same league as my other ones either, to be fair.

Jan 5, 2010 at 10:41 AM Post #24 of 63

Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks guys for the help comparing the pro 900 to the E8... haha funny they are completely different.

Aimlink if you have time, would you care to briefly compare the 325i to the RS model you have? Also, if you HAD to pick one, which one would it be?

325i has turned me off grado since I got other headphones, but they dont seem to really be in the same league as my other ones either, to be fair.


I find the 325is to have a very transparent sound and a characteristic tonal brightness at the upper mids to treble. The detail resolution is very, very good. The bass impact also very good and tight. Not too much and not too little. It's the upper end brightness that makes it wonderful when listening to R&B, World music, Jazz and Classical. I found that it got in the way of enjoying rock and metal. It would at times become strident, a notable example being when playing 'One' from Metallica's album "... And Justice for All". I was particularly taken by the 325is sound change unamped vs amp'd. Unamp'd, the overall sound got very thin. The bass lost a lot of depth and punch and the bright highs took on a metallic sound and thinness. I certainly wouldn't recommend them to be used unamp'd and I also think that they may be amp sensitive. I can understand the love hate because if you love rock, it's likely that you'll not get along with the SR325is and it may well be too bright with some amps out there.

The RS2i's, I found to be very similar to the SR325is in some ways. The bass response is VERY similar. However, the RS2i is less bright on the top end and it has less of that transparent presentation with a bit of colouration (I really don't know if it's the different sound chambers, i.e., wood vs aluminium). The less bright presentation at the top end makes it a better all-rounder and unamp'd it's a lot more listenable to. Unlike the 325's, I'd be OK listening to the RS2i unamp'd.

All in all, if I have only one of them, I'd go with the RS2i since it's the better all-rounder. However, with some of my CD's, the SR325is sounds better to me. So I'll likely be keeping my 325is for specialised use. I've since had them Magnum modified (full aluminium driver chambers and differently treated drivers) and I'll soon have them back. I don't know what they'll sound like now.

Hope that was helpful.
Jan 9, 2010 at 12:35 AM Post #25 of 63
Thanks for the comparison. Much appreciated! I find it a bit odd you find the 325i so transparent. But if you are giving them specialized use i could see that. They become quite congested in busier parts of a song, but for a few instruments they perform flawlessly.

I was told that Grado were rock cans, but I could not disagree more. They are great for acoustic and world music, like you said, but rock really fatigues me. The RS2i really doesn't seem that much better from what I am gathering, or that you find the 325i that good.

I think this has helped me figure out that what I am searching for does not lie in the more expensive Grado models. However, you have inspired me to go back to my long neglected 325i :P. I never really tried them with an amp as I didn't have one when I first had them so I'll have to try that out too.

On another note, after about 2 weeks of only listening to my pro 750's (and loving it
) I put on my AKG's. It is VERY different. Ultrasone and AKG or Ultrasone and any other headphone for that matter are VERY different presentations. It was quite pleasant and I enjoyed my AKG's 702 more than I have in a long time. They are also much more relaxed than the Ultrasones. They are almost hyper aggressive in comparison. Not to say that the akgs are a slouch, they are just more passive. I was reading posts here on the AKG and some people are talking about 500 - 1500 hr burn in time... I loled but I might ed up giving it a shot haha.

I have noticed that no other headphone I own really reproduces bass as well as my ultrasones, and especially bass guitar in particular. I have honestly never heard the bass guitar in many songs until I met ultrasone. I mean I could hear it, vaguely, and I knew it was there, but was unable to truly hear the passage. If you are a fan of Metallica, you know exactly what I am talking about :P. First 5 albums and you hear bass in... Anesthesia, Orion, To Live is to Die, my friend of misery, and the unforgiven? Is this true of all people who like Ultrasone, or just how I am hearing things
Jan 9, 2010 at 12:37 AM Post #26 of 63

Originally Posted by Kernmac /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have owned both the Pro900 and the Ed8 and although I don't necessarily agree with oqvist findings exactly, I do agree that they are quite different from each other, albeit they do the same job for me, thus the reason why I decided to sell the pro900. I can understand why oqvist keeps them both though, I suppose they are different enough sound sig wise. They are both great headphones, and although I prefer the ED8 in most if not all sound areas (and the most obvious significant area the physical finish) I don't think you can go wrong with either. The Pro900 isn't far short of the ED8 in the sound department, and therefore one of the best bang for your buck available. True top end sound achieved with very modest amping. And I don't agree with Ultrasone-love them or hate, well not anymore than with any other headphones.

Good luck with your K702, I will be interested in your thoughts. I have a DT880, and although I have never heard a K70x I have owned a K601 and based on that ownership and reviews on the K70x here, I would think they are not too different from DT880 in many ways. My DT880 are a good contrast to the ED8s as I believe the K702 will be for you. Although I have the beyer in the for sale forum at the moment as they are not getting any headtime and I have an RS1 on the way, I don't think I will be able to actually sell them.

Haha I don't agree with any Ultrasone hate :P! But I meant that from what I had read, people really hated or loved them. I was not stating it as a fact about Ultrasone.
Jan 9, 2010 at 2:27 AM Post #27 of 63

Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the comparison. Much appreciated! I find it a bit odd you find the 325i so transparent. But if you are giving them specialized use i could see that. They become quite congested in busier parts of a song, but for a few instruments they perform flawlessly.

We may mean different things from transparent. Be that as it may, if the music is busy, giving that wall of sound effect, no degree of transparency can make it sound less congested.


Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was told that Grado were rock cans, but I could not disagree more. They are great for acoustic and world music, like you said, but rock really fatigues me. The RS2i really doesn't seem that much better from what I am gathering, or that you find the 325i that good.

You're one of the few who would agree with me. I'm not at all a fan of the Grado for rock. I can't understand the fuss. I find my Ultrasone does rock far better justice to my ears.

The RS2i's are very similar. Just think of it being a bit coloured in sound with less brightness on the top end. The bass response is about the same. The RS2i therefore has less of tendency to be strident in the upper mids and highs with some recordings.


Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think this has helped me figure out that what I am searching for does not lie in the more expensive Grado models. However, you have inspired me to go back to my long neglected 325i :P. I never really tried them with an amp as I didn't have one when I first had them so I'll have to try that out too.

I highly recommend this. The 325is is far better amp'd.


Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On another note, after about 2 weeks of only listening to my pro 750's (and loving it
) I put on my AKG's. It is VERY different. Ultrasone and AKG or Ultrasone and any other headphone for that matter are VERY different presentations. It was quite pleasant and I enjoyed my AKG's 702 more than I have in a long time. They are also much more relaxed than the Ultrasones. They are almost hyper aggressive in comparison. Not to say that the akgs are a slouch, they are just more passive. I was reading posts here on the AKG and some people are talking about 500 - 1500 hr burn in time... I loled but I might ed up giving it a shot haha.

I hope you're right. Your description of the AKG matches what I'm looking for to complement the Ultrasones and Grados. I'm beginning to think that in the long run, my ears may well settle down on a 'more passive' presentation for default, while enjoying a more involving sound for special occasions or with special genres.


Originally Posted by sokolov91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have noticed that no other headphone I own really reproduces bass as well as my ultrasones, and especially bass guitar in particular. I have honestly never heard the bass guitar in many songs until I met ultrasone. I mean I could hear it, vaguely, and I knew it was there, but was unable to truly hear the passage. If you are a fan of Metallica, you know exactly what I am talking about :P. First 5 albums and you hear bass in... Anesthesia, Orion, To Live is to Die, my friend of misery, and the unforgiven? Is this true of all people who like Ultrasone, or just how I am hearing things

I agree with the Ultrasone bass too. All that you said. The Ed8's are the best I've heard. Even better than the D5000's that I had. Terrific stuff.
Jan 9, 2010 at 11:55 AM Post #28 of 63
sokolov91 yes the K701s is slower and less aggressive. However I didn´t find them really complementing my Pro 900 in this case. More competing and loosing more times then not. More neutral in bass which was fine but it lost mid bass and up for me.

Didn´t feel they offered something different enough so I could keep them for that reason. Had more luck with my German Maestros and to my surprise Ed 8. Thought it was either going to replace the Pro 900 or not but as I mentioned they are not similar!

And as mentioned it´s not that unfrequent that I find the Ed 8 coming out short to the Pro 900. I have listened 90 % to the ED 8 the last months or so but as new toy syndrome wears off the 900 comes back with a vengeance. I will probably keep swapping these. One big benefit is that even though the soundstage of the ED 8 is quite small compared to the Pro 900 they still act in a similar way so there is no need to readjust between them!

I think that is one of the reason of the controversy with Ultrasones. I have found it myself it´s harder to jump between my Pro 900 and K701 or German Maestros soundstage etc. Have to retune your brain for their soundstage which tend to take at least a weak or two for me it seems while avoiding going back to my Ultrasones. Luckily your brain remembers once you learned a headphone signature so to speak
Jan 9, 2010 at 12:10 PM Post #29 of 63
Interesting what you say there about brain acclimatization. When I first got the Ed8's, I listened to them exclusively for a while. I then listened to the RS2i's and didn't like them. Too harsh and not as smooth as the Ed8's. I've been listening to the RS2i's a lot at work over the last couple weeks. So I've been using both regularly now. I'm appreciating the RS2i's again.

It would seem that if you listen to one can for too long, your ears may well get stuck in a rut to the point where you begin to dislike sound signatures and presentations that are quite different. Now that I've discovered this, as well as our natural desire (I think NEED) for change and variation, I'm eagerly anticipating these AKG's and the return of my 325is, now Magnum's.
Jan 10, 2010 at 8:35 AM Post #30 of 63
I would agree with oqvist that the soundstages are very different from one another, and that might account for the "drastic" difference I have been hearing between the two recently. Ultrasone to any headphone seems to be a big leap.

Getting used to a headphone seems to be a double edged sword, like aimlink was describing. You know all the small details and subtleties, but end up either disliking the sound, or I will add becoming ignorant to its faults.

I have been enjoying my AKG more than I have in a long time, like I said. They are not laid back like senn, they are not bright like my SA5K or 325i... they are just nice and smooth. Relaxed and bit and balanced. They don't stick out in my collection as a "this" can as I stated before, but they certainly have their place.

Aimlink, I don't mean to be confrontational, but I would strongly argue that congestion is measurable in a headphone. Yes, by definition if a passage is busier, it will sound more congested, but how adept a headphone is at portraying that information varies greatly. A term I use for this is resolution. While this might not the audiophile accepted definition, resolution is the clarity of the musical presentation, in other words soundstage but with a few more criteria: So separation, placement, and independence of frequencies, if you will.

The 325i are quite like the SA5K, albeit of significantly lesser quality in every category (and quite frankly they should because the SA5K are more than double the MSRP!). They are very detailed, but have horrible resolution. You have to work to separate things in a song. It is very detailed and has lots to offer, but you are then blind to other parts of the song. Pro 750 on the other hand, whilst less detailed that he SA5K, are extremely resolute. You hear everything in a song effortlessly. Where the grado and SA5K have parts that are greater than the whole, the ultrasone has a sum that is greater than the parts. However, the amount of detail the pro 750 retain, while gaining an incredible advantage in terms of resolution somewhats defeats the purpose the detail in the 325i and SA5K.

I hope that makes some sense to you.

as always, theres my very long two cents :P.

PS, when can we expect impressions?

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