Haha, relax fellas, I merely addressed our friend
Varley's concern, so i didn't think everyone would share the same interest/concern. In short, I suggested he need not heavily consider the W4 because, IMO, the GR07 is really it's equal/better counterpart, with just as balanced a signature, and better bass body & impact. That's not to say the GR07 is more technically proficient than the W4, it's simply a matter of preference, and mine falls on the GR07. I suggested between the three, (W4, UM3X, SM3 V2) he first and foremost give the SM3's a listen, since he was quite fond of the RE262's midrange, and owing to the SM3's exceptionally engaging and intimate presentation, vocals are rendered ever so beautifully. I went on to say that the SM3 is quite possibly the ONLY universal I've owned that, upon first listen, made me rethink why I even bothered purchasing it. Upon further listening, the SM3 made me rethink why I even bothered purchasing
any other universal. Once you're drawn in, it's almost hypnotic. I also mentioned that the UM3X offers exceptional imaging and instrument separation, making great use of it's soundstage; but for me personally, the story really begins and ends there. From my experience, the UM3X is also VERY tip dependent, and without the right tips, can sound dark/veiled. For me, the Sony hybrids worked best to lift said veil. That's really the gist of it.