Jun 21, 2024 at 10:06 PM Post #75,961 of 78,718
I've been meaning to buy an AMP/DAC around $200 for the Yinman 600, but I'm not sure which one to pick. I'm also not sure if here's the best place to ask.

The ones I've been looking at are:
1. Fiio K11 (Looks cool).
2. Fiio KA17 (High power output while remaining portable).
3. Topping DX3 Pro+ (I liked this one because it has Bluetooth).
4. Fiio K7 (Balanced output and BT).
5. Schiit Hel Plus.
6. Ifi ZenDac v2.
7. SMSL DL200 (Seems like the best option right now).

Apart from additional power, is there any difference between unbalanced and balanced outputs?

I bought the Fiio KA13 for around $65 and I'll buy the Fiio K11 R2R when it releases next month! or the SMSL DL200, if the reviews aren't too good.

I'm also looking to buy an used TXGear Serratus Red, if anyone is willing to sell. Personally, I think the Yinman and Serratus would complement each other nicely, so I'd be done with earbuds just with those two.
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Jun 21, 2024 at 10:24 PM Post #75,962 of 78,718
I talked to Lin, let's see if he listened to me
I still wish that Smabat would be a bit more communicative. If we ordered it, they have our email addresses. How hard is it to set up an auto-email that would tell us that the order was confirmed and the details. And then mass emails when status of the kickstarter changes or is delayed or when shipping is starting.

After sending them a few emails completely ignored, and @jeejack intervening on my behalf, they sent me a 1 line email saying basically "oh yeah you're good".

What if I messed up my delivery address in my original order? I don't think I did, but I have no way of going back and checking. And still no idea if or when its coming, even though @mt877 got his even though it looks like he backed it after me. Looks like @baskingshark also backed it a few months earlier, but no word.

I wouldn't even mind at all if the mails were completely in Chinese, as my inbox would give a completely serviceable translation.
Jun 21, 2024 at 10:52 PM Post #75,963 of 78,718
I still wish that Smabat would be a bit more communicative. If we ordered it, they have our email addresses. How hard is it to set up an auto-email that would tell us that the order was confirmed and the details. And then mass emails when status of the kickstarter changes or is delayed or when shipping is starting.

After sending them a few emails completely ignored, and @jeejack intervening on my behalf, they sent me a 1 line email saying basically "oh yeah you're good".

What if I messed up my delivery address in my original order? I don't think I did, but I have no way of going back and checking. And still no idea if or when its coming, even though @mt877 got his even though it looks like he backed it after me. Looks like @baskingshark also backed it a few months earlier, but no word.

I wouldn't even mind at all if the mails were completely in Chinese, as my inbox would give a completely serviceable translation.

Yep agreed, their communications leave a whole lot to be desired.

I backed a few Smabat crowdfunds in the past, and even though they had zero comms, one day the buds just appeared at my door step. So based on past track record, I don't think they will scam people and not send it out, and it will eventually arrive.

I'm more worried about them not taking input from @jeejack and the rest about the upper mids. I'm henceforth done with any more Smabat gear and won't give them any more money until they fix the over zealous upper mids tuning.
Jun 22, 2024 at 3:13 AM Post #75,964 of 78,718
My collection is growing next I want a flat head with less congestion in the upper mids while still having goid bass and warm mids an suggestions in the sub $100 price range

I liked my Rikubuds Lancer (roughly $75 after shipping and fees) with thick donut foams. It may not be as warm as you're looking for, but I thought it had good bass, balanced tuning, and good separation and technicalities. With thin foams the bass is a bit light.

Others can chime in, but I think you're aiming for a set of the Yinman 600's. They are slightly above the $100 limit you've set, but an AE Summer sale coupon + 5% off with coins + store coupon could help reduce the cost.

AVCCK Earphones Store

That product page is never updated with new pictures. You would order Color: Gray
When the order confirmation appears in your AE messages, send the store a message and tell them you'd like the cable to be terminated with 4.4mm Balanced plug.

Yinman 600 are an excellent choice as well, though it's relatively dark up top (I drove it balanced from a VE Megatron). Its subbass is great, on a similar class as the TGXear Serratus. I found it to have a very natural timbre, but a similar tuning to Serratus where the soundstage is artificially wide thanks to a dip somewhere in the upper treble. I view it in contrast to my Sun Copper, which naturally has a very wide soundstage. Fwiw, I prefereed the Serratus over the Yinman as I found its tuning more to my tastes. But for the price, the performance of the Yinman are very good.
Jun 22, 2024 at 3:16 PM Post #75,965 of 78,718
Hi, i need to get a replacement for my Yuin PK2s and i was hoping someone could help me decide on a earbud (not IEM) that would be similar. It doesnt need to use the pk2 shell but i want something that is about the same size (16mm shell size) as I have small ears. Stuff like the MX500 (close to 17mm) and Bell shell is too big for me unfortunately.

Sound wise, im also looking for something similar to the PK2 which is usually described as "neutral" and "high detail".

Im currently looking at the Dunu Alpha 3, but im not sure if it will fit me. It says it has a 14.2mm driver, but the shell looks quite thick. Does anyone know the shell size for the Alpha 3?

Edit : Budget is about USD $40-70.

Edit 2 : Someone just told me the Dunu Alpha 3's shell is about 16.5mm and i think it might be too big for me...
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Jun 22, 2024 at 3:24 PM Post #75,966 of 78,718
Hi, i need to get a replacement for my Yuin PK2s and i was hoping someone could help me decide on a earbud (not IEM) that would be similar. It doesnt need to use the pk2 shell but i want something that is about the same size (using a 14.8mm driver or thereabouts) as I have small ears. Stuff like the MX500 and Bell shell is too big for me unfortunately.

Sound wise, im also looking for something similar to the PK2 which is usually described as "neutral" and "high detail".

Im currently looking at the Dunu Alpha 3, but im not sure if it will fit me. It says it has a 14.2mm driver, but the shell looks quite thick. Does anyone know the shell size for the Alpha 3?
Jun 22, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #75,968 of 78,718
Hmm, thats quite a bit out of my price range (forgot to post that). Was hoping for something like USD $40-70. The Dunu Alpha 3 is currently on sale for around $USD 65.
So how about Shozy Cygnus, a little over budget and with discolored cables?

To be precise:
So what about the Shozy Cygnus, which is a bit over budget and has a cable that may discolour?
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Jun 22, 2024 at 4:18 PM Post #75,970 of 78,718
Thanks...I asked around and someone said they might be using the "big pk2" shell which is about the same size as the mx500 and has worse venting. Can you confirm what kind of shell it uses?
The shells of both your Yuin PK2 and Shozy Cygnus are copied from docomo earbuds shell, so they have exactly the same shell size.
Jun 22, 2024 at 4:22 PM Post #75,971 of 78,718
Nostalgic discontinued 3 musketeers:
HE150, Ksearphone 64, TG-38S
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Jun 22, 2024 at 5:51 PM Post #75,972 of 78,718
Nostalgic discontinued 3 musketeers:
HE150, Ksearphone 64, TG-38S

I was about to ask about TG-38S, what a timing.

I ordered a pair on Taobao (Tigoor/Tingo official - https://world.taobao.com/item/21425919834.htm), but no response from seller yet.

And I see there's Chitty's on AliEx (https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/32435966900.html), wondering if it is the legit set from Tingo instead of DIY... Tingo seems to have changed to new cables with no branding/marking like the old ones. Are there any sonic differences? Anyone with both versions, pls kindly enlighten me. :)
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Jun 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM Post #75,973 of 78,718
Hi, i need to get a replacement for my Yuin PK2s and i was hoping someone could help me decide on a earbud (not IEM) that would be similar. It doesnt need to use the pk2 shell but i want something that is about the same size (16mm shell size) as I have small ears. Stuff like the MX500 (close to 17mm) and Bell shell is too big for me unfortunately.

Sound wise, im also looking for something similar to the PK2 which is usually described as "neutral" and "high detail".

Im currently looking at the Dunu Alpha 3, but im not sure if it will fit me. It says it has a 14.2mm driver, but the shell looks quite thick. Does anyone know the shell size for the Alpha 3?

Edit : Budget is about USD $40-70.

Edit 2 : Someone just told me the Dunu Alpha 3's shell is about 16.5mm and i think it might be too big for me...
An older earbud called the ISN Audio Rambo. I have never heard it or the Yuin PK2 but based on the reviews it could be suitable.

EDIT: If you are not treble sensitive, look at the VE Monk Slim Metal, using thicker foam will smooth out the sound. However it does use the bigger PK shell, it is double vented.
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Jun 22, 2024 at 8:20 PM Post #75,975 of 78,718
An older earbud called the ISN Audio Rambo. I have never heard it or the Yuin PK2 but based on the reviews it could be suitable.
Im assuming you meant this? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004769988512.html?algo_exp_id=acad0471-a7f4-4194-8010-2dc395ce88ad-0&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:

Found a review saying the speakers are "bigger than normal" which makes it uncomfortable compared to the standard PK shell. I dont quite understand how thats possible though, unless it uses the bigger pk shell.

The official store has another version with a different shell, using a 14mm driver : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004781888654.html?algo_exp_id=acad0471-a7f4-4194-8010-2dc395ce88ad-1&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:#nav-review, not sure what shell that is though.

Edit : Someone told me the qian39 sounds better than the Rambo 2 at a fraction of the price?
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