I ordered them yesterday. Price came down to around 20€ with coins and a coupon.

This time without microphone. Nice to hear the cable is better, but have to say that I am having no problem with the cable so far on the non pro version, it does not tangle and is very light.
Agreed that the bass (quality and slightly more quantity required), soundstage and especially imaging for the instruments relying on treble (shakers, cymbals and the like) are the small downside in EB2S. It is mostly not a problem in "simple" non convoluted music consisting of a more or less typical setup like bass, vocal, drums, guitars.
I will have to say though that the Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3 is absolutely a totl bud. So this is definitely not an in between stop or detour! Treble is smooth and very detailed, detail retrieval throughout the whole frequency range ist crazy good, timbre oh so beautiful. Quality of the bass is also outstanding, but I would wish for some more quantity... All the great technical abilities in conjunction with the more bright leaning sound signature create a sensation of hyperrealism in the content played back. Staging is also very very good, it is the only bud I own, that actually manages to put the vocalist in front of the band, instead of the vocal "floating on top" of the music as usual. So it goes actually beyound displaying depth in a track only via the baked in reverb of the track, as other buds do for me. However the sense of "hyperrealism" is also the thing I am fighting with, making me reach for the EB2S more despite of the clearly inferior technicalities. In GAS3 I find myself somethimes craving more warmth and bass, making me turn up the volume a little, only to find a few minutes later, that the music is suddenly demanding too much intellectual attention from me because of the slight treble emphasis (never painful though!), and I turn the volume down again. In contrast to the EB2S or RY4S which I can put in my ears and simply leave in there for hours on end...
So if you don't mind me asking: how is the rest of the sound signature of the blox? Is it somehow comparable to the EB2s in treble, mids, timbre with a boost in bass and better technicalities? Or is it generally more relaxed sounding?