Earbuds Round-Up
Jan 13, 2018 at 7:27 PM Post #27,121 of 78,383
I liked the tonality of the 6s but found other aspects lacking. It’s good but not ‘midrange DAP’ good.

I really really do not want to purchase a separate DAP and phone as you can tell :)

Just get the Earstudio Bluetooth receiver :)

I know you don't want a separate dap or dac, but these things are so small (and clipable) that they are not much bother at all. And they sound great. And are cheap. And are controlled by your phone. And you never have to worry about the sq of your phone again. Fwiw!

You should consider something like this (for $79):
EarStudio: World's first studio-quality Bluetooth receiver
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Jan 14, 2018 at 12:31 AM Post #27,122 of 78,383
In my opinion sacrificing midrange body for clarity is not a good deal. I’m looking for both maybe i’m asking for too much though.
from my experience, the only way currently to find sound of such quality (bodily, musical AND very rich, detailed) can only be possible by reaching the top end. In any way you will have to compromise or wait for a new generation of devices that could eventually works.

I am thinking about sony nw wm1z -- wich is highly expensive and doesnt offer spotify but may have the sound you are looking for.
You could also take a look at the Hiby R6, its biggest strenght is bleeding edge equalizer with the fastest android interface available at the moment for a DAP. you could use spotify and tune the sound to your liking. it may fits your need.
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Jan 14, 2018 at 12:47 AM Post #27,123 of 78,383
Only Vivo Xplay 6 is the best audiophile phone for me. Here is review. By the way, I heard that XPlay7 is going to launch around March or April.
Jan 14, 2018 at 1:10 AM Post #27,124 of 78,383
Only Vivo Xplay 6 is the best audiophile phone for me. Here is review. By the way, I heard that XPlay7 is going to launch around March or April.
Careful here after a few system updates I found that the goggle play store is missing from the vivo app download. My Vivo Xplay 5 don't support Tidal in the hifi mode. Spotify, hiby, poweramps these are supported. Most of the original apps are in Chinese. So far I am happy with the sound it can drive 300ohm bud no problem.and its sound good. No need to add an amp or need to buy a DAP for travelling use.
Jan 14, 2018 at 7:51 AM Post #27,126 of 78,383

Couple of photos to compare the Toneking ROS1 with some other buds. Top photo is Qian 69, Seahf F150C, and NiceHCK Graphene. Lower pic is Seahf and ROS1. As you can see, its a fair bit smaller. Good news for those who have trouble with some of the larger buds. Haven't listened yet, but will do at the weekend.
J4100 having shown the pictures of size comparison between the ROS1 and three other earbuds, can someone tell if the Penon Audio BS1 experience are bigger or same size as ROS1 ?
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Jan 14, 2018 at 9:13 AM Post #27,129 of 78,383
J4100 having shown the pictures of size comparison between the ROS1 and three other earbuds, can someone tell if the Penon Audio BS1 experience are bigger or same size as ROS1 ?
Just so you know it’s the BS1 official that is highly praised, the experience is merely decent for the price. Sometimes people forget to mention the difference and you may not be aware that they are completely different earbuds.

Only Vivo Xplay 6 is the best audiophile phone for me. Here is review. By the way, I heard that XPlay7 is going to launch around March or April.
I’ve heard about the x play6 thanks it seems to rank up there with the LG V series and Meizu phones while also being a good general use phone too.

As for DAP’s I know the high end stuff is probably what I’m imagining to hear but honestly I know if the iphone 6s can have full body and good tonality then surely some ofter phone can best that with bigger stage, separation and detail but the same signature.

I think some people just love the clear detailed sound of V20 (apperantly xplay6 is similar?) and don’t really focus on the body or weight behind the signature but it’s something I notice first with new earbuds/sources and I prefer it immensely.

Again if an old iphone 6s can achieve it to some extent I expect there is a new phone out there to better it and I just need to find it.
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Jan 14, 2018 at 9:19 AM Post #27,130 of 78,383
hi earbudlovers, i'm searching for earbud under $15 with best detail(micro detail) and enough bass impact for hearing instruments sounds...
Edifier H185, EMX500, RY4S, Toneking TP16
Jan 14, 2018 at 9:23 AM Post #27,131 of 78,383
hi earbudlovers, i'm searching for earbud under $15 with best detail(micro detail) and enough bass impact for hearing instruments sounds...
Stretch your budget to $20 and you can get a moondrop nameless. Might be down your street in terms of details and signature.
Jan 14, 2018 at 11:08 AM Post #27,132 of 78,383
The Nameless is a very impressive earbud for the price.
Jan 14, 2018 at 12:02 PM Post #27,133 of 78,383
Moon drop nameless is what’s your after.
Jan 14, 2018 at 12:48 PM Post #27,134 of 78,383
Here is some comparison I wrote for White Bell (*White Ling), Black Bell (*Black Ling) and Poseidon, intended for someplace else but I guess some of us might be interested in reading them as well:

I got my hands on a couple of K's earbuds over the last few years and they tend to share a similar house sound. Simply put, they more or less all have 'deep bass, sweet mid, smooth high and open soundstage'. All and all they are warm sounding earbuds that are good for mainstream vocal music, focusing on musicality rather than accuracy/details. When it comes to mainstream music, they can sound excellent, especially on conveying emotion, as long as the listener isn't looking for an analytical sound. This also means they are not the best choice for instruments or classical music. When it comes to White and Black Bell or Poseidon, the above still applies. Here is, however, what they are different in - White Bell is by far the most sensitive to how you wear it. While White and Black Bell share the same housing design, White's particular tuning tends to sound a bit hallow and distance if you get a loose fit. The shiny and smooth plated surface and the small housing really doesn't help to get a really good seal, even though it is quite comfortable. I do strongly recommend using foam, particularly donut or multi-holes variant, in order to get the rather full sounding White.to reveal itself. When you get it right, White will have the most upfront mid and the smallest soundstage (though not actually small) of all three of the newer K's, making it the most vocal-centric of the bunch and great for pop and rock. Black, on the other hand, doesn't care as much about fitting as White (though I still recommend donut or multi-holes foam) since its tuning doesn't highlight any particular frequency like the White, and tends to sound more consistent across the whole range with a wider soundstage and thus making it more versatile when it comes to different music genre. While Black's mid might not be as sweet as White, the overall balance is better. The biggest difference I have felt between the two is that White is more energetic where Black is more mature sounding. Poseidon, in comparison, is really more of a mid-point between the two, striking a really good balance while having the best soundstage and musicality of the three. In a way, Poseidon almost sounds like a full size can.

With this kind of high price tag, talking about price/performance ratio often becomes a moot point. You will definitely find better value in cheaper (though lesser sounding) options than these earbuds. Nonetheless, White and Black are still overall in and around the same high level of SQ as K's previous flagship, the 500ohm Samsara, making them still competitive over the other flagships / second tier. Poseidon, on the other hand, is truly among the best of the best out there. Whether it will suit a person is, however, more than just SQ, but also a preference in music and taste. For example, Liebesleid still excels in female vocal and detail where Poseidon holds more advantage over male vocal, etc.
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Jan 14, 2018 at 1:58 PM Post #27,135 of 78,383
@mbwilson111 You were saying a while back you had small ears--have you tried the MrZ Ting? They're the smallest I've tried yet. They sit so comfortably and securely in my ears that I'll forget and think I'm wearing IEMs :ksc75smile:

I'm planning on a more thorough review, but I might not get to it depending on how entertaining today's NFL playoff games are. I like the Ting's sound quite a bit. They were way too lean for me even with full VE foams, but with full Heigi foams they sound flat/neutral/natural with a full-bodied, well textured bass. MrZ must have tuned them with thicker ones in mind. Their bass punch/slam is above average--if not up to the level of the Yincrow X6--but I find the Ting's increased clarity/texture/detail to be well worth the tradeoff.

They cost 5.3x more than the x6 but are "only" 2.8x better sounding :L3000:

Looks like the Jaguars are up 21-0 so I might write this review today after all!

I'm considering the Tings to be just one tier below the MX985 in sound for now, and several tiers above anything else in comfort :)
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