Hey welcome to DIY audio... As the traditional greeting goes "I'm sorry about your wallet!"
Anyway, I'm not much further advanced than you are... (just finalising plans to build my CMoy... I may get it done over thanksgiving... College takes up too much of my time to make much headway on it normally!) so good luck... Us n00bs need to stick together.
As for sites and books. I've heard really good things about the introductory electronics books that they have at RadioShack. I'd also recommend poking around some electronics books in your local library. (That's how I learned how to read a circuit diagram.)
Soldering is one of those thing that you just have to do to understand so practice, practice, practice. At least that was my experience over this summer. I had never soldered before and at the beginning I did pretty terrible work. By the end of the summer, though my joints were quite passable. (Good enough for the fan control and light rig I built for my computer at least.)
Of course the best site for new builders like us is
Tangents tutorial. You probably already knew about that one but I figured I would post it just in case. I would also recommend
this tutorial on opamps. It provides a ton of information about what is actually going on inside the opamp. Actually that entire website is a pretty good read. It helped me get a much better grasp of the theory behind audio equipment.
Anyway, good luck and keep us posted.