Mar 21, 2013 at 11:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Nov 27, 2009
I currently have a FiiO E7 which I use as a DAC+Amp for my Audio-Technica M50's (even though an amp isn't really necessary on them).
I'm about to get a better pair of headphones and likely land on a DT 880 (250 ohm), DT 990 (250ohm), or HD 650.
From what I understand my E7 won't be powerful enough for these. Although I'm listening to the DT880 on the E7 right now and it can get plenty loud.
The question is, should I get an E9 (E09k now)? Or find another portable/desktop amp? Or another dac+amp altogether?? If I do get the E09k, the E7 is fine right? Or is there a great benefit to upgrading to the E07k/E17?
My budget isn't too high, especially after the big headphone purchase. But I don't want my purchase to go to waste because I cheaped out on an amp.
Edit: I put this in portable amps, but it doesn't *have* to be portable.
Mar 22, 2013 at 6:51 AM Post #2 of 5
Ok so my research added 2 more options.
O2+ODAC combo (jds labs)
Audioquest DragonFly
It sounds like the O2+ODAC may be the way to go... but recommendations for those that I saw were a little older, so perhaps now there's a "better forerunner"
The DragonFly seems to be all the rage right now but it may be a little to weak to power the HD650 or DT880/DT990.
The E09k would obviously be the cheapest solution considering I already have the E7. But I'd appreciate recommendations from anyone either on the above or any other amp and/or dac I should look at.
Mar 22, 2013 at 10:07 AM Post #3 of 5
the o2+odac is a really good setup, excellent build quality and excellent sound quality for the price.
imo the o2+odac is far better choice than the E09k.
Mar 22, 2013 at 2:30 PM Post #4 of 5
Thank you for your response Mooses9.
I may in fact go with the o2+odac - it's a shame that would cost me ~3 times more than the E09k. If I didn't have the E7 already, the difference wouldn't be that great.
Should I consider anything else? My friend recommended the Little Dot i+
Mar 22, 2013 at 7:57 PM Post #5 of 5
I have the E7/E9 set up on my PC and considering its price it is an absolute bargain. The combination gives you a fairly neutral sound with little coloration, good soundstage, excellent instrumental separation and it has heaps of power. I rarely have the volume control set past 10 o'clock. This combo drives my Sennheiser HD 580s (300 ohm) with ease and will do the same for the Beyers you are buying. As you already have the E7 then you are already ahead of the play.
While the O2/odac combo might cost you 3 times the price I doubt if it will even come close to giving you three times the sound quality improvement but of course that will always be subjective depending on the listener.

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