It does sound like a frustrating situation. As Whitigir already suggested, make sure that you're sending all your emails to Paul's official email address. Idk if that's what you did, but Paul not replying for a week is unheard of. Considering the pace at which this thread is moving, you can be certain Paul is not sitting reading each and every message that gets posted. He is a very, very busy man. He often works way past his working hours, and even works on weekends! Sometimes on holidays too! This isn't just Paul, many people at iBasso are like this.Haven’t received any tracking number so I fear that mine wasn’t sent out, not sure I understand why.
I was hoping I could have it before CNY starts, at least sent out so I could at least test out/make use of the AMP14 which still sits unboxed.
Just created a DHL account to see if there’s anything in transit under my phone number, but no, nothing as expected…yeah, never doing an order this way again.
This was not handled right by any means, and there has been no further communication on the matter. I’ll be filing for a dispute on Paypal since I received no communication or update in well over a week now.
Later edit:
Also it looks really bad from my POV that I keep asking simple questions about the device (how to correctly swap the amp card since THERE'S NO ACTUAL GUIDE/DOCUMENTATION on the matter provided anywhere) and updates and I receive no response, but some others are receiving feedback and support.
I feel like I'm being ignored on purpose right now, and that simply isn't right.
It's better to delay something than rush it out and make a mess...people are open and understanding as long as there's an explanation but to offer availability and then don't deliver on it...
Yeah, I the end of the day it's just "a simple faceplate"...but the gesture counts and the whole hustle for a simple item like that. I don't want things to go like this for bigger items as well, that's why I'm trying to pull an alarm and make it right not just for myself but for everyone.
Not sure if there are any other people in the same situation as me, but feel free to speak up as well.
I want to make things better and have them work smoothly.
Paul's Head-Fi signature states that you'll receive a delayed response if you send him a private message on Head-Fi... If he isn't catching up with private DMs, I think it's safe to say that he's not up to date with Head-Fi thread posts either.
Whoever wants to get in touch with iBasso, unless it's it's the dealer from whom you purchase your iBasso device from, the first contact that you should be reaching out is Paul.
I understand your frustration, but try to view it from a level perspective. Paul has absolutely no reason to ignore you! I'm certain that this inconvenience will be addressed, and when it does, be sure to tell us how it all went for you =)
Wishing you well!