DX340 iBasso developed Discret DAC, Easily replaceable batteries, Amp Modules! New firmware on 1st page. v1.01 local update.

Jan 20, 2025 at 6:15 PM Post #2,356 of 3,848
Haven’t received any tracking number so I fear that mine wasn’t sent out, not sure I understand why.
I was hoping I could have it before CNY starts, at least sent out so I could at least test out/make use of the AMP14 which still sits unboxed.

Just created a DHL account to see if there’s anything in transit under my phone number, but no, nothing as expected…yeah, never doing an order this way again.

This was not handled right by any means, and there has been no further communication on the matter. I’ll be filing for a dispute on Paypal since I received no communication or update in well over a week now.

Later edit:
Also it looks really bad from my POV that I keep asking simple questions about the device (how to correctly swap the amp card since THERE'S NO ACTUAL GUIDE/DOCUMENTATION on the matter provided anywhere) and updates and I receive no response, but some others are receiving feedback and support.

I feel like I'm being ignored on purpose right now, and that simply isn't right.
It's better to delay something than rush it out and make a mess...people are open and understanding as long as there's an explanation but to offer availability and then don't deliver on it...

Yeah, I know...at the end of the day it's just "a simple faceplate"...but the gesture counts and the whole hustle for a simple item like that. I don't want things to go like this for bigger items as well, that's why I'm trying to pull an alarm and make it right not just for myself but for everyone.

Not sure if there are any other people in the same situation as me, but feel free to speak up as well.
I want to make things better and have them work smoothly.
It does sound like a frustrating situation. As Whitigir already suggested, make sure that you're sending all your emails to Paul's official email address. Idk if that's what you did, but Paul not replying for a week is unheard of. Considering the pace at which this thread is moving, you can be certain Paul is not sitting reading each and every message that gets posted. He is a very, very busy man. He often works way past his working hours, and even works on weekends! Sometimes on holidays too! This isn't just Paul, many people at iBasso are like this.

Paul's Head-Fi signature states that you'll receive a delayed response if you send him a private message on Head-Fi... If he isn't catching up with private DMs, I think it's safe to say that he's not up to date with Head-Fi thread posts either.

Whoever wants to get in touch with iBasso, unless it's it's the dealer from whom you purchase your iBasso device from, the first contact that you should be reaching out is Paul.

I understand your frustration, but try to view it from a level perspective. Paul has absolutely no reason to ignore you! I'm certain that this inconvenience will be addressed, and when it does, be sure to tell us how it all went for you =)

Wishing you well!
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:23 PM Post #2,357 of 3,848
Only Paul is the most active contact as Rep for Ibasso. The general email inquiries will not do it. As long as you emailed Paul, you will get your answer soon
It does sound like a frustrating situation. As Whitigir already suggested, make sure that you're sending all your emails to Paul's official email address. Idk if that's what you did, but Paul not replying for a week is unheard of. Considering the pace at which this thread is moving, you can be certain Paul is not sitting reading each and every message that gets posted. He is a very, very busy man. He often works way past his working hours, and even works on weekends! Sometimes on holidays too! This isn't just Paul, many people at iBasso are like this.

Paul's Head-Fi signature states that you'll receive a delayed response if you send him a private message on Head-Fi... If he isn't catching up with private DMs, I think it's safe to say that he's not up to date with Head-Fi thread posts either.

Whoever wants to get in touch with iBasso, unless it's it's the dealer from whom you purchase your iBasso device from, the first contact that you should be reaching out is Paul.

I understand your frustration, but try to view it from a level perspective. Paul has absolutely no reason to ignore you! I'm certain that this inconvenience will be addressed, and when it does, be sure to tell us how it all went for you =)

Wishing you well!
Thanks for the support guys :beerchug:

I've wanted a response here for everyone who is in the same boat as me in regards to the faceplates, it wasn't just me who was interested and has ordered in the same way. Email from Jan 12th said about shipping in 2 days...
Second, about the AMP card switch I still want and need an official and on the record guide from iBasso since there's none provided anywhere and in case something goes wrong, it may fall under "user error" which I don't want to ever happen to anyone.
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Jan 20, 2025 at 6:38 PM Post #2,359 of 3,848
That's a great question! I actually haven't given the DX340 a listen yet. I'm trying to get the burn-in out of the way and then form proper observations. In all honesty, it's hard to imagine the DX260 accomplishing 90% of the DX320MAX Ti. DX320MAX is a beast in its own league. It has such a puristic hardware design, I doubt anything can compare to it. I made a pretty thorough coverage on it, but to single out one thing: When you are able to listen to it with the stepped attenuator maxed out, it's as if you've unlocked a secret level. If you're using sensitive headphones and IEMs, you're pretty much out of luck, as you won't be able to use this setting. However, if you've got some decently power hungry ones, it's so rewarding! The MAX series is the MAX series.

I am just going by a review that someone did and compared the 320Max to DX260 as he had both. I know this person too and he knows his stuff so I trust what he said in his review. I do not have anything that requires high gain but what I have sounds better on high gain. I wonder if DX340's super gain will be too much for what I have. I already set max volume allowed to prevent accidents as even on DX260 high gain I am afraid I could blow out the BAs if maxed to 100. I just do not want to be in a situation where I still like the DX260 and have to sell DX340 and loose money. If I did not have a DX260 I would buy a DX340 now without any hesitation. I was not that impressed by DX320 and actually liked the DX180 more as I stopped using the DX320 as soon as I got the DX180. DX260 is even better than the DX180 to my ears anyway.
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:40 PM Post #2,360 of 3,848
To people who are using UAPP, does the app always confirm with Google before it's used?
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:48 PM Post #2,361 of 3,848
I am just going by a review that someone did and compared the 320Max to DX260 as he had both. I know this person too and he knows his stuff so I trust what he said in his review. I do not have anything that requires high gain but what I have sounds better on high gain. I wonder if DX340's super gain will be too much for what I have. I already set max volume allowed to prevent accidents as even on DX260 high gain I am afraid I could blow out the BAs if maxed to 100. I just do not want to be in a situation where I still like the DX260 and have to sell DX340 and loose money. If I did not have a DX260 I would buy a DX340 now without any hesitation. I was not that impressed by DX320 and actually liked the DX180 more as I stopped using the DX320 as soon as I got the DX180. DX260 is even better than the DX180 to my ears anyway.

However, if the said person did not try the 'secret setting' I outlined, then I don't think they are aware of DX320MAX Ti's full potential. Lowest gain + max. stepped attenuator. Once again, if you're using sensitive IEMs, you won't have the privilege of enjoying this setting :/

The biggest advantage of the DX[number]00 series is that it has a modular amplification system. When people say they listened to the DX320 and found it unimpressive... Is that just the DX320 with its stock card or what? There are so many amp cards! And then there's the mod market for them... Heck, people mod the MAX series!

If you're happy with your DX260, why change? You can always pull the trigger on the DX340 on the used market if there's a deal within your budget.
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:58 PM Post #2,364 of 3,848

However, if the said person did not try the 'secret setting' I outlined, then I don't think they are aware of DX320MAX Ti's full potential. Lowest gain + max. stepped attenuator. Once again, if you're using sensitive IEMs, you won't have the privilege of enjoying this setting :/

The biggest advantage of the DX[number]00 series is that it has a modular amplification system. When people say they listened to the DX320 and found it unimpressive... Is that just the DX320 with its stock card or what? There are so many amp cards! And then there's the mod market for them... Heck, people mod the MAX series!

If you're happy with your DX260, why change? You can always pull the trigger on the DX340 on the used market if there's a deal within your budget.
I had even NPAudio Mod AMP 11EXN3 card, AMP13, AMP 11 MKI and MKII (hated this one) with my DX320. I sold it and all the cards back in Nov. Why even consider a DX340? If it is even better than DX260 to my ears it would be worth it plus its full desktop mode/battery bypass and AC powered AMP mode. Love the stainless steel look too. I now have the cash to buy new DX340 if I want or can wait and buy in classifieds. Then sell DX260 for $600ish and get back some money and not loose as I got a good deal on the DX260. Only keeping one DAP. Don't want to sell DX340 and loose bunch of money if I do not like it. I do not have to worry about using old amp cards etc. Other option is getting D16 from classifieds but can't use wavelet on Line-out so that is one major minus where can on DAP.
Jan 20, 2025 at 7:01 PM Post #2,365 of 3,848
A first few times when you started using it. Not always, i use mine with wifi off
Disable Google Play and its services and see if it still works. Google play and framework are resource hogs. My guess is Play can be disabled but framework and services can't. License is stored in the google play framework/services or those have to be enabled for app to access the license. This is the case with Nuetron. Wifi on or off won't make any difference.
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Jan 20, 2025 at 7:14 PM Post #2,366 of 3,848
Disable Google Play and its services and see if it still works. Google play and framework are resource hogs. My guess is Play can be disabled but framework and services can't. License is stored in the google play framework/services or those have to be enabled for app to access the license. This is the case with Nuetron. Wifi on or off won't make any difference.
I've had play services disabled for a week now and have had zero issues playing local files or streaming through UAPP. Noticed a lot of battery savings even with wifi on full time.

The Qobuz native app doesn't working with Play services disabled however.
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Jan 20, 2025 at 7:33 PM Post #2,367 of 3,848
I've had play services disabled for a week now and have had zero issues playing local files or streaming through UAPP. Noticed a lot of battery savings even with wifi on full time.

The Qobuz native app doesn't working with Play services disabled however.
Google Play services & Google Services Framework and Google Play? 3 modules total that GooglePlay licensed apps could access. It should work with just Google Play disabled and its the biggest hog. Google Play Services on my DX260 is using 10% of RAM but using 1300 MB total with music playing right now so still have lots of RAM free.
Jan 20, 2025 at 8:53 PM Post #2,368 of 3,848
I have offered the benefit of the doubt but it's been no communication in well over a week.
I've email today, but no response yet. I'll give it another day and then I'll probably follow up with Paypal.
I still want and need the product but seeing responses to others here and constant ignores on my inquiries are not looking good.
You can be ensured that Ibasso not a company that ignore their customers. I'm guessing Paul is really busy with the 340 and the amp card face plate thingy and it's coming to CNY holidays in China.
Jan 20, 2025 at 9:09 PM Post #2,369 of 3,848
Ok I think I went overboard with thier flagship LPS from LHY

Tonight's listen DX340 Powered off LPS > Kaei Designs Tap1 Pro off PSU2 out to Letshuoer Mystic 8 IEM's


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Jan 20, 2025 at 10:43 PM Post #2,370 of 3,848
I've started with his email since inquiring for the AMP14 faceplate for DX340 before placing the order about the logistics and the same goes for the lack of delivery and updates.
I can certainly understand the frustration in not hearing anything. The volume for the boxing and information to go with the plates, to fill orders, literally arrived at the end of last week. We had hoped it would be sooner than that but it was out of our control. I believe everything has been sent out but we don't have any tracking at this time due to the closure for 2 weeks to celebrate the Chinese New year here and greatly increased shipping that has occurred from all manufacturers. We are not trying to ignore anyone but have been swamped, no excuse, just a fact. We should have info very soon.
iBasso Stay updated on iBasso at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
http://www.ibasso.com/ paul@ibasso.com

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