DX320 ROHM dac chips, Android 11, AMP11MK2s. *******NEW FW: 2.07*******

Jul 4, 2024 at 1:55 AM Post #10,366 of 10,576
Although I am a tube guy, AMP12 is my favorite.
Well for me, I like both Amp 12 and 14 for different reasons..

Amp12 has a more SS sound and reminds me of "ESS sabre" kind of tuning - This makes Amp 12 an excellent reference sounding card for a detailed listening session
  • There's a lot of extended detail that is not heard/masked on Amp13/14..
  • *Edit* I'm listening to Daft Punk - Random Access Memories on FLAC today and the detail retrieval for an album I've been listening for 10 years.. is just speechless.. it's so clear and has so many layers that it makes other amps sound "muddier' - what a detail monster!
  • It also probably has the deepest and best soundstaging among the cards
  • Plus the volume headroom of running IER-Z1R at ~40-50 vs 55-60 for Amp14
I do prefer Amp14 for casual listening and jamming out:
  • the tube sound is slightly warmer/smoother than Amp12
  • Much harder bass impact and longer bass decay (faster than Amp13, slower than Amp 12)
  • It still has a really wide (but slightly less deep) soundstage
  • Female vocals come out slightly sweeter than Amp12
Vs this, Amp 13 is also amazing and has even smoother tube sound (almost a bit too mellow?), but I can't live with the Wi-Fi issues and overall lower power output on single-ended as my IEMs need the power. Amp11mk2 is good all around but nothing special although treble can be a bit shouty / piercing on 4.4mm- it's a good "starter" card if you can call it that..
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Jul 9, 2024 at 3:19 PM Post #10,367 of 10,576
Quick question, is it possible for the DX320 to have it's own ASIO drivers for Windows?
Jul 24, 2024 at 1:47 AM Post #10,369 of 10,576
Hi all, not sure if anyone's still on the thread but I'm so happy to finally get the Amp12 and complete the DX320 X amp card collection :beyersmile:

Don't know if its placebo but they definitely sound different to me.. my current fav is Amp14 <=> Amp 12 > Amp13 > Amp11mk2.

Happy to do an AMA and let me know if you have any questions between the 4 amps (Amp11mk2, 12, 13, 14).

Ty. :relaxed: How much more battery drain did you notice for each amp compared to Amp11mk2?
Which is the most neutral sounding, amp11mk2 or amp12?
How would you order them in terms of treble extension/roll off?

You should try amp 12 EXN or other mods of this amp made by @Whitigir or NP Audio: https://www.npaudio.uk/npaudio-modifications/ibasso
The EXN sounded even blacker in the background and slightly more organic. It was the sound like taken from AK sp1000/2000 but with even better dynamics.
Which is the correct one from NPAudio, AMP12EXN-S or AMP12EXN2? What are the sonic differences between them?

Any idea how these opamp options affect the sound (or stock is good)?
Option 1:
4 x OPA1655 opamps
Option 2:
4 x ADA4625-1 opamps
Jul 25, 2024 at 10:23 AM Post #10,370 of 10,576
Please bare with me for this long post. As one of the persons who are deep Into modifications, I have got something to share

The differences between upgrades are almost non distinctive, unless you have all of them side by side for A/B testing. This is due to the human limitations and preferences. Under a certain paired gears, music genres and collections. The minutes differences could be multiplied or almost negligible. However, the works and skills needed to perform these upgrades are multiple folds in difficulties from one to another. Steve pricing reflects on that. The more complex the works, the higher the pricing accordingly.

Now, onto opamps. The option 1 is closer to Ibasso house sound as Ibasso stock also utilizes most of the Opa line ups. It is natural and neutral in general. The ADA is with more density, warmth. Then there are fine tuning analog components behind this

Such as feed through capacitors, feed back capacitors by pass capacitors. They are all cumulatively working in harmony and give the end result just like painting a portrait. Under a certain artists, the same paints, brushes and canvas can be turned a lot more different than another artists. This is where people is getting confused about modifications

In general, modifications isn't always an improvement, but side grading and to be different.
Many years back, modifications were seen to be an upgrades. For example, back in the walkman WM1A/Z era. Sony engineered it with all the spacious premises, but then cutting back on the mass productions which resulted in a products when you know what to do, you can stuff it up and improve the system. Of course they did that for multiple reasons, and the one I can think of is

1/ reliability, the more complex a system is, the easier it prone to give a problem

2/ corporations profits, this is not simply greeds for profits, but this is more for a model of a business to be sufficiently prolonging and keep on progressing. In orders for companies to keep existing and producing products, they need to be financially healthy. The only way to do that is to generate profit and reserve it for future developments/productivities/marketing and so on.

Ibasso is one of the most innovative company with products that is so complex from prototypes to productions. Ibasso keeps on challenging this very thin lines of Business vs quality vs profit margin. Case in point is that we have the mass products such as Max series with such complexities that I can not see any other companies to be pulling off. Because the possible complications and return rate could be very high, which could further be very damaging to the future reserves for development.

Even so, Ibasso has not been hesitant in order to chase the goals and motto that the CEO loves. The loves for portable music.

I am sure that many who have been following and supporting Ibasso products do see what I see, feel what I feel, and i feel like posting it out is to be recognized and accepted by others.

One of the many reasons why I have not been developing much modifications recently for Ibasso products are all well within what I just posted

1/ it is to be different

2/ Ibasso products are already very complex with high level of engineering carrying toward productions that we don't see from other companies products even at Twice or Triple the price

3/ As a hobby, modifications turned out to be a great strain on me financially. All the developments, failures, investments are $ into the trash bin because I can not keep up with it in the while having Zero return for future developments. It was fun while it lasted and God knows how much I invested and trashed my $.

In the ends, especially for Ibasso products, modifications is just to be different, specifically for your own personal preferences. Modifications for othe products such as Hiby, AK, Sony, Cayin....ect... could be an improvement (plausibly so). But the speed of future productions and new releases are too frequent and too fast, it renders all of the Investments to be useless. By the time a new mods are out and done on your player, you are probably seeing new prototypes which is about to be 3 months to release by that time.
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Jul 25, 2024 at 10:51 AM Post #10,371 of 10,576
Sorry if I've asked this before but is there a way to connect my PC with my DX320X using Neutron Player App is USB DAC mode? I really love the tuning of the Neutron Player and was wondering if there was a USB DAC mode within Neutron Player?
Jul 26, 2024 at 6:07 AM Post #10,372 of 10,576
Sorry if I've asked this before but is there a way to connect my PC with my DX320X using Neutron Player App is USB DAC mode? I really love the tuning of the Neutron Player and was wondering if there was a USB DAC mode within Neutron Player?

Just use the Windows version of Neutron with your DX320 in DAC mode.

Configure the Windows Neutron the same way as your DAP but also enable the Audio Hardware -> Exclusive Mode option.
Jul 26, 2024 at 10:40 AM Post #10,373 of 10,576
Interesting alternative, thanks!
Jul 26, 2024 at 4:13 PM Post #10,375 of 10,576
Hi all,

If anyone owns the FiiO M23 or spent significant time with it, how would you say that DAP compares against the DX320 on sound quality alone?
The dx320 is better, you dont even need to listen to the M23. The DC Elite is better than the M23. The dx320 is slightly better than the M15s.
Jul 26, 2024 at 5:05 PM Post #10,376 of 10,576
The dx320 is better, you dont even need to listen to the M23. The DC Elite is better than the M23. The dx320 is slightly better than the M15s.

Thank you.

I love the DC Elite. I also love reading DAP comparisons even if I have no plans of buying the very expensive ones in the price bracket of the DX320. A hobby of mine.

I'm currently using the DC Elite and love it. I use it from my smartphone, although I am looking for a cheap DAP to use as dedicated source just for the DC Elite when out and about. Maybe the Hiby M300 or Hiby R4. Let the DC Elite take over there.

Unless there's other DAP sources you know that would serve me better? Respectfully, I welcome all suggestions.
Jul 26, 2024 at 5:27 PM Post #10,377 of 10,576
Thank you.

I love the DC Elite. I also love reading DAP comparisons even if I have no plans of buying the very expensive ones in the price bracket of the DX320. A hobby of mine.

I'm currently using the DC Elite and love it. I use it from my smartphone, although I am looking for a cheap DAP to use as dedicated source just for the DC Elite when out and about. Maybe the Hiby M300 or Hiby R4. Let the DC Elite take over there.

Unless there's other DAP sources you know that would serve me better? Respectfully, I welcome all suggestions.
Every flagship dap like AK sp1000, 2000, 3000, IBasso dx320 Max, Shanling M9 Plus, M9, Hiby RS8 etc. If you dont want to spend more than 1k even for a used one, just stick to the Elite, its amazing.
Jul 27, 2024 at 5:30 AM Post #10,378 of 10,576
Anyone can tell me if the Ibasso DX320 Edition X has the same problem of the regular version (the buttons basically click by themselves just by passing the fingers in the buttons, without even using force to press), it's so annoying.
Jul 27, 2024 at 9:49 AM Post #10,380 of 10,576
Mine doesn't have that problems. The X edition has some curves on the body and that hide the buttons nicely
Yeah I never had any issues with the X edition, but I don't recall ever having problems with the standard DX300/DX320 either.

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