I'm curious about whether a new model is around the corner as well. What is iBasso's normal product cycle? I noticed the 240 to 260 was about 2 1/4 years and we're right about that now with the 320.
I'm curious about whether a new model is around the corner as well. What is iBasso's normal product cycle? I noticed the 240 to 260 was about 2 1/4 years and we're right about that now with the 320.
I am not too sure about that, but (unrelated, and informational only) I just got an email from Bloom Audio (if you are in the US) where the DX320 Max TI is back in stock....
I think it was about 2 or 3 years with the DX160 before they updated to the DX170, so maybe somewhere in there.
On the topic of new model, it seems the latest trends for DAPs are:
More AKM4499EX options
Discrete R2R DACs
Sub-miniature tubes
Limited editions (AK have been doing this for a while though)
No opinion on AKM4499EX from me since I've yet to listen to one.
Tthe discrete R2R DACs are interesting, but I'm a little skeptical as to the performance given the numerous challenges that go into desktop versions which drives up the cost. There's a reason why discrete R2R created a market for IC versions which are far easier to implement. If discrete was equally easy, then I'm sure Schiit Audio would have done that a long time ago instead of scouring the secondary markets for out of production IC R2R chips.
As for sub-miniature, I personally like the idea as those are true analog tubes. Unlike like standard tubes, these subs were designed for portability which means lower temps, better resistance to RF noise, and long lives (10s of thousands of hours). Only downside is they require more internal space versus the NuTube digital tubes.
Lastly for limited editions, I don't get this at all, but it doesn't matter to me because I can't see myself spending the kind of dollars those require.
I like the ROHM chip for its naturalness of sound, great detail and acoustical space but the expense most likely keeps many manufactures away. Then there is the DC Elite that is silly good and it is using a desktop ROHM chip.
I want dx340 with r2r and class A amp, with better designed volume wheel (so that it doest look like it was taken from other equipment and sticked to the housing).
I actually would take the sound balance of the Elite but with ladder dac and more power in a dap form.
I may be the owner of a DX320 again (I've owned a few DX300 and a few DX320 before.....), something keeps pulling me back into the DX320 club...
Anyways, for those of you who opted to have the op amps swapped on your AMP12EXN-S and AMP12EXN2 mods (NPAudio), what are the effects on the battery life? Does either analog battery or digital battery drain faster? How many hours of battery life do you think the op amp swap will affect? I've gotten a EXN2 mod in the past but opted to not to have the op amps swapped becuase I was unsure of the effect on battery life.
I may be the owner of a DX320 again (I've owned a few DX300 and a few DX320 before.....), something keeps pulling me back into the DX320 club...
Anyways, for those of you who opted to have the op amps swapped on your AMP12EXN-S and AMP12EXN2 mods (NPAudio), what are the effects on the battery life? Does either analog battery or digital battery drain faster? How many hours of battery life do you think the op amp swap will affect? I've gotten a EXN2 mod in the past but opted to not to have the op amps swapped becuase I was unsure of the effect on battery life.
I don't remember too well, but @Whitigir would know. If he doesn't reply, then you can always search this thread (or was it the DX300 thread???).
I vaguely remember that it does affect the analog battery, but how much, I don't know. It should not affect the digital battery at all because that is all, well...... the digital stuff (i.e. OS, DACs, etc...)
I may be the owner of a DX320 again (I've owned a few DX300 and a few DX320 before.....), something keeps pulling me back into the DX320 club...
Anyways, for those of you who opted to have the op amps swapped on your AMP12EXN-S and AMP12EXN2 mods (NPAudio), what are the effects on the battery life? Does either analog battery or digital battery drain faster? How many hours of battery life do you think the op amp swap will affect? I've gotten a EXN2 mod in the past but opted to not to have the op amps swapped becuase I was unsure of the effect on battery life.
I only have stock AMP12 and EXN-S with ada op amps - with stock card battery for digital section drains faster, with modded card its the other way around.
The difference is not that big - I usually charge when the analogue hits 20% and at that point digital has around 10% more.
With modded card, the player gets noticeably hotter and I also noticed that changing gain makes little difference on analogue battery life, if any at all.
Hi is this still a good choise in 2024?? I can get one second hand with 2 amp cards. How fast does the android dap get outdated and will that make any problems? Also considering lg v60 with seperate dac in that case
Still a great DAP for me. I have it for a year and there is no problem with android at all, it is still as fast and stable. I use the AMP14 and it sounds absolutely fantastic. But it is true that I have no comparison with more expensive DAPs. Before that I had a Shanling M6U. DX320 is much better for me..
Hi is this still a good choise in 2024?? I can get one second hand with 2 amp cards. How fast does the android dap get outdated and will that make any problems? Also considering lg v60 with seperate dac in that case
You made a great choice, the DX320 has a ton of performance and perks for it's value which is far better than other players from other hifi companies,
-Snappy Processor
-Removable amp modules that can be modded to further improve dynamics, separation, flavor and soundstage
-Has amp modules that have NuTubes
-Can be rooted so you can have more control over cpu cores and battery life
-ROHM dac chips are expensive and are not widely used with other DAPs yet, iBasso has the advantage here.
-Relatively lightweight DAP with a decent screen size and battery life is much better than Astell&Kern players.
I've owned a few DX300 and DX320 as well as a DX300MAX and always thought that at that point they were the best DAPs to buy for the features and value. I've also owned Astell&Kern, Lotoo, FiiO and Shanling DAPs, iBasso DAPs are the better choice for me.
I recently bought Symphonium Titan and first listen was on commute home with my trusty DX320 amp 14 at medium gain 45 -50 volume
In 30 minutes analog battery was dead, from around 70ish to 15%.
At home changed amp14 to stock amp12 and changed cable on IEM, same result analog battery from full to nothing in 40 minutes, bottom of the player where amp card is
was very hot. After couple of hours plugged player to recharge and noticed analog battery recovered from 7 to 41% while player was turned off
After that tested with Penon Volt and everything back to normal, player cool as cucumber and battery behaves normal
I never used DX320 (or any other player) with something very demanding so not sure if its normal or not
Is it possible something within new IEM shorts player and causing battery discharge so quickly or is it how it is with “hard to drive” IEMs/headphones?
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