Sep 15, 2010 at 10:00 AM Post #3 of 7
You can't go wrong. I bought the DT48 200 ohm and love them. The lower number ohm headphones I have, Sony MDR 7509HD, are so easy to drive that I find I am using them at the start of the reostat where there are issues on most devices; balance problems, static. The DT48 200 ohm are easy to drive but need enough juice that the volume control should not be a problem. I switch to my other phones when I need a bass hit, DT150 200 ohm, however, the more I compare sound the more I use the DT48: near perfect treble, midrange and midbass so they do have superior sonic fidelity. They are very comfortable too after a week or so. The sound changes quite a bit depending on where they rest on your head: much more than the other headphones I have tried. This is not a bad thing, you just shift them around to see how good the sound can get.
Sep 15, 2010 at 10:10 AM Post #4 of 7
go and read the dt48 thread, all your questions, and more, will be answered!
Jan 12, 2012 at 4:16 PM Post #7 of 7
I want to try the dt48e. It's down to the impedance choice. I've read most people like the 25 ohm. I'm using a Nuforce Icon Hdp optical from a MacBook Pro. 200 or 25 Ohm? Anyone? One fellow head fire liked his 25 ohm with solid state amps, but the 200 with tube amps. Thanks!

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