Jamie G
I'd be interested to know you guys thoughts on this. I use the preouts on my Jotunheim to feed signal into my Darkvoice, and yesterday i thought i'd do a little experiment. I still have a first gen Modi knocking about that i've never gotten around to selling so decided to give that a run in place of the Jot and well...I felt like i could hear more. I wouldn't say it was better exactly, but certainly more open and expansive. The Jot was still smoother and more refined, but i'd almost say the sound was veiled next to the Modi.
So that got me thinking, perhaps the Jot has been holding back some of the tubey goodness from me! I'm pretty sure the DAC in the Jot is equal or better than that in a first gen Modi (correct me if i'm wrong there guys) so could it be that i'm 'pre-ing' to the DV that's influencing the sound? Does audio first go through the Jot's amp before being sent out the preouts? (sorry for the newb question!) Tried looking for info online but couldn't find much. I did find people stating that adding more gain controls to an audio chain is not great though.
Appreciate any feedback from you ever-helpful head-fiers
I'd be interested to know you guys thoughts on this. I use the preouts on my Jotunheim to feed signal into my Darkvoice, and yesterday i thought i'd do a little experiment. I still have a first gen Modi knocking about that i've never gotten around to selling so decided to give that a run in place of the Jot and well...I felt like i could hear more. I wouldn't say it was better exactly, but certainly more open and expansive. The Jot was still smoother and more refined, but i'd almost say the sound was veiled next to the Modi.
So that got me thinking, perhaps the Jot has been holding back some of the tubey goodness from me! I'm pretty sure the DAC in the Jot is equal or better than that in a first gen Modi (correct me if i'm wrong there guys) so could it be that i'm 'pre-ing' to the DV that's influencing the sound? Does audio first go through the Jot's amp before being sent out the preouts? (sorry for the newb question!) Tried looking for info online but couldn't find much. I did find people stating that adding more gain controls to an audio chain is not great though.
Appreciate any feedback from you ever-helpful head-fiers