Do you pc game? If so, what games? Let's game together!!
Dec 10, 2002 at 12:57 AM Post #16 of 27
Such a varied playing field!

You've all given me more game ideas than I can handle!


Sorry bud, I can't be pulled away from Battlefield right now


I couldn't deal with the bugs and how it ran on my system, but now that BF's been patched, it's smooth sailin'
Do you have a favorite server? Unfortunately BF's browser doesn't support the whole "add favorite" thing. oh well, I guess there's always the ASE.

Dec 10, 2002 at 6:19 AM Post #18 of 27
Online I just play Mechwarrior 4: Vengance, MW4: Black Knight, and MW4: Mercenaries.

I belong to two organized units. We also talk over the net during play and ready rooms.

I am 53, and I think these games are outstanding. Nothing, to me, matches them. I even built a new computer to get the latest game.
Dec 10, 2002 at 9:26 AM Post #20 of 27
I used to be a hardcore Quake I-III player. Some of my fondest memories from my freshman year of hs are of playing Quake with my buddies over a modem. (Yes, kids, people gamed together BEFORE the internet)

Lately I got into UT and now I'm sort of between games. I think that the next addiction will be Master of Orion III... the game that will ruin my life next year. (Please come out soon Master of Orion III... I need you!)
Dec 11, 2002 at 7:30 AM Post #22 of 27
UT, DoD, Starcraft, and RTCW are where multiplayer is at me for me right now.

I look forward for BF1942 to be patched into a playable state in the following 6 months to a year.

UT2k3 just didn't strike my fancy. The more I played the more I wished to fire up its predesessor. This game succeeds at nothing compared to UT or the game it tries so hard to emulate (Quake3).

CS - As one of the folks there since the beginning this one lost all appeal for me by beta 6.0. By that time I can safely say the magic was gone.
Dec 12, 2002 at 3:30 AM Post #24 of 27

I wouldn't touch BF1942 before the patch due to massive bugs and generally crappy A/V performance . Now I'm gaming away happily! Here's my sys for comparisons sake.

p4 1.7
850 chipset
512 rdram
g4 4200 128mb ~ 40.72 whql
audigy 1 ~ Audigy 2 drivers
xp home w/service pack
DX 8.1b
1500/384 DSL


I'll see what I ping on the lanta servers. I'm by Chicago so it's not too far, heh. It's always nice to get with someone outside the game and team up against the uninformed

BF players sound off!

Dec 12, 2002 at 4:58 AM Post #26 of 27

Originally posted by Jodiuh

It's always nice to get with someone outside the game and team up against the uninformed


yeah, also consider we'd probably have another advantage, good headphones, thus positioning
Dec 12, 2002 at 4:59 AM Post #27 of 27
Too busy playing Soul Calibur 2 (best fighting game series EVER). That, and I'm more interested in the console offerings right now. Maybe once Doom III comes out...

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