Welcome to the highly subective & personal, highly controversial world where cable rolling is concerned.
@buke9 has stated, cables, doesn't matter what they are for, come in all types & price ranges.
Do they add much to sound, all depends but subjectively & personally, depends on the person but like
@buke9 said, some 'sound better' than others though personally, always found it's more about tuning as different cables don't change base sound signature but like Buke9 stated, most are definitely not worth paying $ 1000 + for, a few hundred, maybe but once again, debatable, subjective & personal.
Cable quality where looks & how it's put together, etc, often doesn't mean a whole lot no matter how it's well made, I've seen & played with many cables which don't 'look like much' but are well built & not all that thick overall.
'Thick' cables is often a stupid & misleading term as it often doesn't mean anything & often misrepresented, eg 4 wire vs 8 wire, are there differences ?
Certainly, is there enough to notice, maybe but once again, highly subjective & personal.
Those cables are only 'thicker' as they are made up from several cables as opposed to a proper 'thick' cable which sure, may potentially be comprised from several other cables or more accurately conducting strands though doesn't mean it's better either.
Slightly off topic but I've seen speaker cables which are 'thick' but actually with the thinnest wire gauge one would ever see, the rest simply being insulation, shielding, etc.
Silver isn't the only conductor & it gets thrown around in the audio world, especially the consumer audio world, like it's the only thing which matters.
There are some manufacturers who want to sell you how only 'their cable' is worth whatever ridiculous amount it is.
I have used super inexpensive pro audio cables which cost average $ 50 for a 3 m pair which sound better than anything up to 3 times their cost.
Likewise, I have a few inexpensive aftermarket IEM cables which sound better or no different to ones in the higher hundred to $ 1000 + range.
So really, sometimes it matters, sometimes it depends but at what cost?
Hope you have a great day !