DNA Stellaris

Feb 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM Post #542 of 757
18 months in the making, plus a WHOLE LOT more researching, debating, and considering "what is THE BEST headphone tube amp in the world?"

*SO* excited.....








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Feb 17, 2023 at 8:38 PM Post #544 of 757
Feb 17, 2023 at 9:18 PM Post #546 of 757
This good amplifier hasn't sold much
lol 18 months wait. Donald is one person with a boutique business.

What is your definition of "much"?
Feb 17, 2023 at 9:27 PM Post #548 of 757
Yes, I know. And yet it's a great amplifier.

The definition of "much" is... I shouldn't have said that. ^^
lol That's ok. An 18 month wait and MANY thousand dollars isn't for everyone. But if you want THE BEST headphone amp in the word, this might be it. ;)
Feb 18, 2023 at 5:22 PM Post #550 of 757
@SalR406 what a beautiful setup, rack, and listening area! looks super clean. love it!

@chrisnyc75 congrats on the Stellaris! and do watch out for those isoacoustics; the rubber does leave marks on component chassis after a while! I've stopped using them below my gear and instead opted for proper platforms instead.
Feb 18, 2023 at 6:50 PM Post #552 of 757
@chrisnyc75 Enjoy it, man. I got mine back in July last year after a 15 month wait. It's a treat.



Wow, amazing setup! I've been eyeing a Nimbus, but now thinking I may pick up a Holo Bliss as my ss alternative (also planning on replacing Bifrost with a May soon)

That Elrog really IS bright! I already have a NOS RCA and a ACME mesh, but I have a feeling curiosity is going to get the better of me and have me picking up an Elrog soon, too.
Mar 25, 2023 at 12:49 AM Post #554 of 757
Hello guys, I'm willing to sell my DNA Stellaris (Balanced Version). Comes with a fews tubes.

Bought in end 2020, directly from Donald. Few hours of use.

EML 2A3 Mesh
PS Vane ACME 2A3
5U4G U52
AVVT 2A3 (Dont know if its working. Present from a friend, have to test)

If anyone has interest, please let me know via PM. I'm from Brazil.

Many thanks
Apr 12, 2023 at 11:03 PM Post #555 of 757
Hello guys, I'm willing to sell my DNA Stellaris (Balanced Version). Comes with a fews tubes.

Bought in end 2020, directly from Donald. Few hours of use.

EML 2A3 Mesh
PS Vane ACME 2A3
5U4G U52
AVVT 2A3 (Dont know if its working. Present from a friend, have to test)

If anyone has interest, please let me know via PM. I'm from Brazil.

Many thanks

Hey head fi doesnt let me pm you.

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