DNA Stellaris

Jul 16, 2022 at 10:12 AM Post #496 of 750
Thanks for the quick response. It looks like the housing got replaced with some 3d printed unit and that leaves out the option to diy.

That is a great dac. I'm using a Signature SE with my DNA and EC amp and find it's a bit overkill for a headphone setup imo but definitely one of the best dacs out there. The HD800 is the oldest gear I own and it does scale well with quality amp and dacs. Will be interesting to hear the difference between the Jar mod and standard SDR modded hd800.
That's right. DIY is probably impossible. It's a headphone that can only be made by the manufacturer.
I haven't used standard SDR modded hd800. but, The JAR800 is a recommended headphone.
Jul 25, 2022 at 6:35 PM Post #501 of 750
Jul 25, 2022 at 6:53 PM Post #502 of 750
How much are these? PSVANE Acme's are around $900 for a pair?
Curious to know how much a NOS pair goes for. I just finished spending $1300 for a quad of NOS Mullard EL34's for my recently delivered Stax T2

Hi Andris (it's Gregg) - I assume no delivery yet?
Jul 25, 2022 at 9:59 PM Post #503 of 750
How much are these? PSVANE Acme's are around $900 for a pair?
Curious to know how much a NOS pair goes for. I just finished spending $1300 for a quad of NOS Mullard EL34's for my recently delivered Stax T2

Hi Andris (it's Gregg) - I assume no delivery yet?

Oh, howdy Gregg!

Parts Connexion has them for $1,700 per matched pair. I'm probably going to wait until my Sylvanias are well worn before springing for these, and that will be a treat in a couple of years.

No delivery yet, but I know Donald has been working on my amp since the beginning of this month, so it's an any-day-now type of thing... :smile:
Jul 25, 2022 at 10:49 PM Post #504 of 750
Jul 25, 2022 at 11:31 PM Post #505 of 750
Wow! Please post impressions if/when you try these out. I have the Acmes, Linlai, and RCA single plates. Heard only great things about the Takatsuki tubes.
Are you using these in a Stellaris?
Any comments about how each perform?
Jul 26, 2022 at 12:18 PM Post #506 of 750
Nooooooooooo no no no no no. Why are they doing this to me!? :sob: I was so looking forward to being content w/ my NOS Sylvanias. Ugh. I'm sorry, wallet...
😅If I'd snagged the RCA single-plates I'd looked at for a long time, but let slip through, I'd not be tempted (I think). These Taks are likely to exceed most of the 3rd party offerings, and I still have only the original 2A3's from Donald, so will go for them.

Though per ClearWater's 2a3 writeup below, I wasn't aware of Linlai & given their pedigree (read their About section) & reasonable cost, may try them first.
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Jul 26, 2022 at 1:46 PM Post #507 of 750
Are you using these in a Stellaris?
Any comments about how each perform?
Yes, in the Stellaris which I received this year. The Linlai and Acmes have a globe shape to the glass, which might be the reason I hear a more expansive presentation compared to all of the other typical coke bottle 2a3's I've owned (stock, WE275, Shuguang Natural Treasure). To my ears the Linlai is a touch more refined, airy, and detailed and controlled in the bass than the Acme, although we're talking about very fine differences at this point. They are also a few $$ cheaper, if that makes a difference.

The single plate 2a3's are on another level in terms of euphonic presentation. Not the hugest stage (although not closed-in by any means), but casts incredible depth and holographic images with a perceptible "halo" around instruments. Some people will hate this, but I happen to love it. The richness of the tone reminds me of deeply saturated colors and is quite stunning with acoustic instruments. Downside is they are extremely microphonic and take a longer time to settle in than my new-production tubes (I'd say in the first 30 minutes or so the sound is a bit fuzzy; by the time it's fully warmed up there's a beautiful clarity that emerges). There's also a bit of nervosa while using them because of their mythical status and practical irreplaceability. In terms of my daily listening enjoyment I prefer the Linlai/Acme for this reason.

I'll also mention that rectifier synergy is extremely important as well. In many ways I find the rectifier makes more tangible differences in terms of the overall presentation of the sound, to which the various 2a3 emphasize as well as add their own characteristics.
Jul 26, 2022 at 5:42 PM Post #508 of 750
I'll also mention that rectifier synergy is extremely important as well. In many ways I find the rectifier makes more tangible differences in terms of the overall presentation of the sound, to which the various 2a3 emphasize as well as add their own characteristics.

Thanks for the 2A3 descriptions
While you are at it - any comments on various 2a3's?

I ordered my Stellaris last August for this (past) June delivery. I do not want to bother Donald as I am sure he is busy. I also have my recently delivered Stax T2 to play with😆
Jul 27, 2022 at 10:04 PM Post #509 of 750
Thanks for the 2A3 descriptions
While you are at it - any comments on various 2a3's?

I ordered my Stellaris last August for this (past) June delivery. I do not want to bother Donald as I am sure he is busy. I also have my recently delivered Stax T2 to play with😆
Do you mean 5u4g?
Here's some quick impressions from my collection. Mostly I've used these tubes with the Stratus, but I have found that the Stellaris highlights the differences between the tubes even more. I've heard a lot more variants of the 5u4g (various rebranded, sylvania, etc.) but generally didn't care for them enough to include them here. Listed in somewhat increasing order of price.

RCA 5r4gy - has a lower voltage drop than a typical 5u4g so this has softer transients and a much larger, but diffuse stage. Really pleasant for brighter setups, although you lose some precision in imaging and depth.
Sylvania 5931 - compact staging but tone has a richness and overall density that works really well on more diffuse setups.
RCA 5u4g (50s, 60s) - great overall tube that leans warm and is an easy listen. Most suggest starting here because they are under $100 and you can triangulate your preferences from here.
Ken Rad 5u4g - my favorite of the vintage 5u4g, balanced throughout with strong subbass compared to, say the RCA 5u4g. Very clear staging and great tone; a touch bright in the treble for me at times.
RCA VT-244 (1940s double fishing pole rods) - Warm and lush tuning, with strong midbass and a generally pleasing presentation overall
Sophia Electric 274B Aqua - Slightly larger staging than the vintage tubes, slightly rolled off in the treble. Very inoffensive tube and lacks character for my tastes.
Psvane WE 274B replica - Overly refined and almost plastic sounding, but with good dimensionality. String tone has no bite, and ultimately affected the timbre of instruments too much for me.
GEC U52 - Very tasteful presentation, not the largest stage, but very clean images. Euphonic mids, slightly rolled treble.
EML Mesh 5u4g - much larger presentation than all previous tubes, imaging, staging, etc., is in another class. At times, splashy treble and hard-hitting bass, this is a vivid tube that somewhat counteracts the more laid-back nature of the DNA sound.
KR 5u4g - huge presentation that is a little more further back in the stage than the EML mesh and my preferred listening setup with the Utopia for the way it handles the upper mids. There's a nuance and refinement in its overall presentation of sound that is both enveloping and not up-front, if that makes sense. Excellent layering and imaging.
RK KR 5u4g Anniversary edition - my preferred tube before it randomly died. Very similar to the KR non-anniversary edition but with superior imaging and even more soundstage depth. I'd recommend except that like others I've been burned by their poor QC.
Elrog 5u4g - coming soon.
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Jul 27, 2022 at 11:10 PM Post #510 of 750
Do you mean 5u4g?
Here's some quick impressions from my collection. Mostly I've used these tubes with the Stratus, but I have found that the Stellaris highlights the differences between the tubes even more. I've heard a lot more variants of the 5u4g (various rebranded, sylvania, etc.) but generally didn't care for them enough to include them here. Listed in somewhat increasing order of price.

RCA 5r4gy - has a lower voltage drop than a typical 5u4g so this has softer transients and a much larger, but diffuse stage. Really pleasant for brighter setups, although you lose some precision in imaging and depth.
Sylvania 5931 - compact staging but tone has a richness and overall density that works really well on more diffuse setups.
RCA 5u4g (50s, 60s) - great overall tube that leans warm and is an easy listen. Most suggest starting here because they are under $100 and you can triangulate your preferences from here.
Ken Rad 5u4g - my favorite of the vintage 5u4g, balanced throughout with strong subbass compared to, say the RCA 5u4g. Very clear staging and great tone; a touch bright in the treble for me at times.
RCA VT-244 (1940s double fishing pole rods) - Warm and lush tuning, with strong midbass and a generally pleasing presentation overall
Sophia Electric 274B Aqua - Slightly larger staging than the vintage tubes, slightly rolled off in the treble. Very inoffensive tube and lacks character for my tastes.
Psvane WE 274B replica - Overly refined and almost plastic sounding, but with good dimensionality. String tone has no bite, and ultimately affected the timbre of instruments too much for me.
GEC U52 - Very tasteful presentation, not the largest stage, but very clean images. Euphonic mids, slightly rolled treble.
EML Mesh 5u4g - much larger presentation than all previous tubes, imaging, staging, etc., is in another class. At times, splashy treble and hard-hitting bass, this is a vivid tube that somewhat counteracts the more laid-back nature of the DNA sound.
KR 5u4g - huge presentation that is a little more further back in the stage than the EML mesh and my preferred listening setup with the Utopia for the way it handles the upper mids. There's a nuance and refinement in its overall presentation of sound that is both enveloping and not up-front, if that makes sense. Excellent layering and imaging.
RK KR 5u4g Anniversary edition - my preferred tube before it randomly died. Very similar to the KR non-anniversary edition but with superior imaging and even more soundstage depth. I'd recommend except that like others I've been burned by their poor QC.
Elrog 5u4g - coming soon.

This is an incredibly helpful list. Thank you so much for posting! I've been eyeing the KR 5U4G, but just haven't pulled the trigger yet. I'll probably try it at some point.

Quick note on the 274B variants you mentioned. Donald mentioned to me that this tube isn't recommended. His quote was "The standard 274B is not recommend for the Stellaris because it’s designed for less total power supply capacitance and may fail prematurely." Sounds like it's more a risk to the tube than the amp, but just thought I'd note that for those browsing the thread.

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