DNA Stellaris

Mar 20, 2022 at 12:28 PM Post #481 of 750
I’ve found the Stellaris to be neutral but can be teased for some warmth with the right tube combo. I found 6bq7a input, with a GEC U52 rectifier, and ACME 2a3 to be the warmest of my tube options. Juxtapose, a Ruby Tiger selected 6n1p, with Elrog 5u4g, and KR 2a3 HP to be very neutral.

Thanks gene, if I may ask what other amps did you compare it to? Was there something a lot warmer that you also enjoyed?
Mar 20, 2022 at 12:44 PM Post #482 of 750
Since there is new life to this thread does anyone have experience running Susvara's off of the Stellaris? My Stellaris was ordered this past summer for intended use with my Utopia's. I have several friends encouraging me to try a pair of Susvara's.
Mar 20, 2022 at 4:52 PM Post #483 of 750
Thanks gene, if I may ask what other amps did you compare it to? Was there something a lot warmer that you also enjoyed?
i've only compared it to what I have, CFA3 and DAVE direct. It's the warmest of the three but all lean toward neutral from my experience outside of headphones. I typically run the Stellaris dual XLR output into the CFA3 input for hybrid amplification.
Mar 20, 2022 at 4:53 PM Post #484 of 750
Since there is new life to this thread does anyone have experience running Susvara's off of the Stellaris? My Stellaris was ordered this past summer for intended use with my Utopia's. I have several friends encouraging me to try a pair of Susvara's.
I run Stellaris>Susvara enough that for my listening levels it doesn't miss much. That said, I think Stellaris>CFA3 is a touch better for my use case with the Susvara.
Jul 3, 2022 at 10:51 PM Post #485 of 750
I've come across thoughts that the elekit tu8600 fully upgraded is in the same 'league' as stellaris. But I guess a different brighter/faster/more linear sound. Anyone do elekit vs dna comparison ?
Jul 16, 2022 at 8:39 AM Post #486 of 750
Are you all healthy in the COVID-19 era?
Recently, I found a headphone that matches DNA Stellaris so well that I leave a short message.
It's a headphone called JAR800. That's right. It's a modified headphone for the sennheiser HD800.
I think it's the best DD headphones. Matching with DNA Stellaris is too resonant.
Each sound is elastic.
The body is clearly drawn throughout the music.

The sound is so good that I have no choice but to post it.


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Jul 16, 2022 at 8:43 AM Post #487 of 750
Are you all healthy in the COVID-19 era?
Recently, I found a headphone that matches DNA Stellaris so well that I leave a short message.
It's a headphone called JAR800. That's right. It's a modified headphone for the sennheiser HD800.
I think it's the best DD headphones. Matching with DNA Stellaris is too resonant.
Each sound is elastic.
The body is clearly drawn throughout the music.

The sound is so good that I keep leaving comments.
I can see a Studio T. What are your thoughts on the Studio vs the Stellaris
Jul 16, 2022 at 8:43 AM Post #488 of 750
Are you all healthy in the COVID-19 era?
Recently, I found a headphone that matches DNA Stellaris so well that I leave a short message.
It's a headphone called JAR800. That's right. It's a modified headphone for the sennheiser HD800.
I think it's the best DD headphones. Matching with DNA Stellaris is too resonant.
Each sound is elastic.
The body is clearly drawn throughout the music.

The sound is so good that I keep leaving comments.
That is an interesting mod. Mind sharing a bit more info regarding the modifications?
Jul 16, 2022 at 8:54 AM Post #489 of 750
I can see a Studio T. What are your thoughts on the Studio vs the Stellaris
First of all, I'm quite a beginner. Comparing two amplifiers one-to-one is quite difficult.
However, I think it can be explained by matching with headphones. Of course it's just my opinion.
I think the Studio and Susvara match is the best. I can feel all the sounds of the susvara.
I think the Stellaris matches better with brighter headphones. Previously, my best matches were mysphere 3.2 and Grado hp1000.
Now it's JAR800. I think this matching alone is worth a lot of money.
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Jul 16, 2022 at 9:02 AM Post #491 of 750
First of all, I'm quite a beginner. Comparing two amplifiers one-to-one is quite difficult.
However, I think it can be explained by matching with headphones. Of course it's my standard.
I think the Studio and Susvara match is the best. I can feel all the sounds of the susvara.
I think the Stellaris matches better with brighter headphones. Previously, my best matches were mysphere 3.2 and Grado hp1000.
Now it's JAR800. I think this matching alone is worth a lot of money.
Yup amp-headphone synergy is important. What's your source gear? Esp the DAC?
Jul 16, 2022 at 9:07 AM Post #493 of 750
Jul 16, 2022 at 9:11 AM Post #494 of 750
Thanks for sharing. Seems like a fairly new mod with very little info around.
Do you happen to know the parts required for this modification? I have a hd800 lying around and would be open to exploring mods options.
Unfortunately, it's a headphone that's hard to make except for the manufacturer. It is a method of making new parts and attaching them to the outside. I am attaching an enlarged picture.


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Jul 16, 2022 at 9:30 AM Post #495 of 750
Unfortunately, it's a headphone that's hard to make except for the manufacturer. It is a method of making new parts and attaching them to the outside. I am attaching an enlarged picture.
Thanks for the quick response. It looks like the housing got replaced with some 3d printed unit and that leaves out the option to diy.
I use Rockna Audio's Wavedream Signature XLR. It's a pretty good DAC. Perhaps the DAC impact is also huge.
That is a great dac. I'm using a Signature SE with my DNA and EC amp and find it's a bit overkill for a headphone setup imo but definitely one of the best dacs out there. The HD800 is the oldest gear I own and it does scale well with quality amp and dacs. Will be interesting to hear the difference between the Jar mod and standard SDR modded hd800.

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