DIY Cable Questions and Comments Thread

May 25, 2019 at 9:43 AM Post #8,867 of 10,571
From a sound point of view it wouldn't matter, it's just a case of how fat or thin you like your cables.

I'd like something more flexible than my solid core efforts, but its sound quality is my priority as the cable will on really be used at home
May 25, 2019 at 12:00 PM Post #8,870 of 10,571
is there a recommended minimum AWG of wire for headphone cables? I have canare star quad mini (26awg), Canare Quad L-4E6S (24awg) on the way, and mogami W2534 (24awg) on the way.
May 25, 2019 at 12:54 PM Post #8,871 of 10,571
Maybe try other brands too, you could probably get something with just as good sound quality for a fraction of the price, neotech is ridiculously expensive

I hear you on the price front, but relative to the performance i’m pretty happy OCC cable sounds so much better than anything else I’ve heard so far. The occ silver is simply awesome giving all the clarity detail, separation you expect from silver, but without being cold clinical and a soulless which pure silver can give. The bass goes deep and textured and there’s a lovely full liquidity to the mids/ treble with loads of airiness. The copper likewise gives all the great copper warmth and full ness but without bleed or any loss of precision and you still get crisp highs. I have not found any ofc cable that achieves this.

I’ve been amazed that even with my limited experience/ skill, I’ve been able to make cables at third or quarter of the price of my shop bought ones (which I do really rate). This must be down to the materials, but as you’ll see from my classifieds they’re good enough for me to hold a fire sale ;-)

All of that said, I’m completely open to suggestions and if there’s something you’d recommend and it’s cheaper, I’m doubly up for giving it ago :)
May 25, 2019 at 3:37 PM Post #8,872 of 10,571
May 25, 2019 at 6:50 PM Post #8,873 of 10,571
I was researching making a cable using notch but appears it will cost a lot not to mention the effort (though it would br fun)
Also here in the UK I'm having a hard time souring a 4.4mm balanced solder jack and a good quality 3.5mm Jack.

What are the risks of purchasing something like this

All in silver cable 8 cores 22 AWG would cost alot more to make myself got £125

Another one here:
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May 25, 2019 at 11:27 PM Post #8,874 of 10,571
How was the flexibility? A bit supple?
tried 4 cores, not the most flexible in my list of cables and their resistance, it is cable 165 there, but not the stiffest either. i'd say average flexibility.

I was researching making a cable using notch but appears it will cost a lot not to mention the effort (though it would br fun)
Also here in the UK I'm having a hard time souring a 4.4mm balanced solder jack and a good quality 3.5mm Jack.

What are the risks of purchasing something like this

All in silver cable 8 cores 22 AWG would cost alot more to make myself got £125

Another one here:
they are cables 133 and 130 in my list of cables and their resistance, respectively.
in fact, i reviewed first cable (link into my list). a very good one, nice wire used, but i can't confirm it's pure silver at that price, guess it could pure silver plated copper instead.
i use it with he400i and enjoy it a lot, noticeable improvement over stock cable.
second one is an all rounder cable. good sound with it, while being very soft and flexible. pure silver plated copper + gold painted silver plated copper.
risks of purchasing: almost zero risk in these cases.

if you seek for pure silver wire, guess these both are true silver wires:
but didn't find the terminations you look for.
guess you could find 2*3.5mm TRS termination in this pure silver wire (you could ask for your exact termination): (2*3.5mmTS) (2*2.5mmTRS)
wire used:
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May 26, 2019 at 1:31 AM Post #8,875 of 10,571
is there a recommended minimum AWG of wire for headphone cables? I have canare star quad mini (26awg), Canare Quad L-4E6S (24awg) on the way, and mogami W2534 (24awg) on the way.
For IEM I believe 32. For full size, 28, unless you are going to put some series wattage though them like the HE6
May 27, 2019 at 4:01 PM Post #8,877 of 10,571
Hey everyone, I was looking to get into building a cable, but I'm not sure what size paracord to buy for sleeving the cable. I'll be using 4 wires at 24 AWG, in a standard 4 wire round braid for below the Y split and just twist the wires in hot/ground pairs going up above the Y split. I plan to sleeve the whole 4 wire braid below the Y split, and individually sleeve hot and ground wires above the split. So if the 4 wire braid clocks in at around 18 AWG, what size paracord should I buy for that and what works for the individual 24 AWG strands? Help would be most appreciated!
May 27, 2019 at 4:08 PM Post #8,878 of 10,571
Hey everyone, I was looking to get into building a cable, but I'm not sure what size paracord to buy for sleeving the cable. I'll be using 4 wires at 24 AWG, in a standard 4 wire round braid for below the Y split and just twist the wires in hot/ground pairs going up above the Y split. I plan to sleeve the whole 4 wire braid below the Y split, and individually sleeve hot and ground wires above the split. So if the 4 wire braid clocks in at around 18 AWG, what size paracord should I buy for that and what works for the individual 24 AWG strands? Help would be most appreciated!

It depends on the wire - thickness is it only the gauge but (mostly) also the insulation material thickness. I’ve seen wires that are 26 AWG with diameters ranging between 0.8 and 1.25mm, for instance. What I have on my ‘crib sheet’ for Mogami 2893 cable for example is that 550 or 650 paracord should work well for the core without the PVC jacket (4 wires), and 275 paracord should work for the individual conductors.

Paracord is cheap, though. I’d order up a few feet of various sizes and just try it out first. Maybe see if they have a sampler pack of sorts?
May 27, 2019 at 4:15 PM Post #8,879 of 10,571
It depends on the wire - thickness is it only the gauge but (mostly) also the insulation material thickness. I’ve seen wires that are 26 AWG with diameters ranging between 0.8 and 1.25mm, for instance. What I have on my ‘crib sheet’ for Mogami 2893 cable for example is that 550 or 650 paracord should work well for the core without the PVC jacket (4 wires), and 275 paracord should work for the individual conductors.

Paracord is cheap, though. I’d order up a few feet of various sizes and just try it out first. Maybe see if they have a sampler pack of sorts?

That's actually a really good point. What's the best place to buy limited runs of it? I was just gonna get some paracordplanet via Amazon, but they seem to sell in 10 ft. increments which can add up if I'm just trying to see what works well. I guess it'd be better to buy slightly larger than slightly smaller since it's easier to work the wire through?
May 27, 2019 at 4:41 PM Post #8,880 of 10,571
That's actually a really good point. What's the best place to buy limited runs of it? I was just gonna get some paracordplanet via Amazon, but they seem to sell in 10 ft. increments which can add up if I'm just trying to see what works well. I guess it'd be better to buy slightly larger than slightly smaller since it's easier to work the wire through?

Slightly loose is better to avoid microphonics, from what I’ve gathered. Can’t help with a supplier - I have mine coming from an EU store that sells per meter (3ft).

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