Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

Oct 17, 2017 at 3:55 PM Post #436 of 7,883
No credit check...they just charge your credit card 10% of the purchase price of the headphone, plus shipping cost (UPS Ground). So for the Diana it would be like $320. That's a lot of money but maybe worth it rather than pay $3K and not be happy with the purchase. They have the usual suspects - Sennheiser, Grado, HiFiMan, Audeze, Focal....nothing too exotic except for Abyss. I was actually going to try out the 1266 but I don't think I would ever buy given the size of it and amplification demands, so nixed that idea.
They have a weird, weird fit... They are stiff... If you see how they are designed. But the sound was pretty awesome when I heard them at Canjam.
Oct 17, 2017 at 4:13 PM Post #438 of 7,883
ha....yeah, to me it looks like a biker gang headphone. It sort of reminds me of a Harley-Davidson chopper for some weird reason, especially with that logo.
LOL, yes, they do look like some crazy ish from the Hell's Angels biker gang.
Oct 17, 2017 at 5:23 PM Post #439 of 7,883
All that sounds great, will the fit my ears though? lol
I was wondering that myself.....I guess I have medium sized ears but hopefully the opening is at least over 60 mm. I hate when it feels cramped. The new, larger pad design should make it less confusing as to whether this is over ear as opposed to on ear.

I am still on the fence on getting one though, mostly because of the steep price.
I have been in contact with a few people who have tried them out and they tell me they had no issues with ear fit. I'm more at ease now.
Oct 18, 2017 at 9:55 PM Post #440 of 7,883
I think it's more expensive because of the made in U.S.A approach. Products tend to cost a lot more made in our home country.
Mr Speakers Aeon seems to buck that trend. Aeon open vs Diana would be an interesting comparison - ergonomically, the former seems to have an advantage.
Oct 18, 2017 at 11:23 PM Post #442 of 7,883
Mr Speakers Aeon seems to buck that trend. Aeon open vs Diana would be an interesting comparison - ergonomically, the former seems to have an advantage.
I think it's manufactured overseas. I don't know how accurate I am, don't quote me on it lol. That's probably why they are cheaper. And technology and parts used too.
Oct 19, 2017 at 1:20 AM Post #444 of 7,883
Diana sounds like mini-ABYSS to me. JPS guys tells me they are still refining the ear pads for improved fit so the ones we tried at RMAF are not final production. I'm excited for the final version because Diana sounded incredible with Sony Z1 Walkman via the 4.4mm output.
Oct 19, 2017 at 1:28 AM Post #445 of 7,883
Diana sounds like mini-ABYSS to me. JPS guys tells me they are still refining the ear pads for improved fit so the ones we tried at RMAF are not final production. I'm excited for the final version because Diana sounded incredible with Sony Z1 Walkman via the 4.4mm output.
Mini-Abyss...what is different vs the Abyss? What does the upgrade provide that Diana does not?
Oct 19, 2017 at 1:50 AM Post #448 of 7,883
Cool. And I'd assume the fit would be easier to achieve with Diana, yeah? A number of folks seemed to have seal issues with the Abyss, often took a bit to find the right fit.

Yes ... but with some caveat. The pads of the Diana are square-ish in shape and not deep. The tips of my ears (which are a bit bigger than average) could touch the upper ends of the pads. The clamp force is a bit too strong (for me) too.

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