part of your problem is that when you contemplate a purchase, you ask others for their opinions. you definitely want to ask others what mistakes they made so that you do not make the same one, but at the same time, you weigh their opinions too much.
if you hear the headphones, and you like them, then get them. the problem will be when you take them home and you find that they do not sound right with your sources. now you've got big problems. the other guy had a different cdp, with different interconnects, and a different amp. what to do? well, what you could have done was ask him to lend them to you for a week. then you could have listened to them on your own equipment, for as long as you like, and could have made a non-emotional decision. have you heard of headroom's generous return policy? you pay for this priviledge, but you can almost be assured of complete satisfaction.
the cure? buy something. and never read anything about them again (in other words, in this, or any other forum). many people who upgrade their video cards every six months have this very affiction. they analyse so much, that they forget to enjoy their toys. they bought a 2.0 GHz P4 and the 2.4 GHz is out? oooh, look at those benchmarks - gotta have it! yet they never play Quake III at 300 fps... tell me that guys don't do this with cars? tires, car stereos? or boats? or motorcycles? or speakers? or amps? or cameras? or I-Pods, Nomads, pcdp, tubes, TVs, chainsaws, etc. it's a male thing. we gotta have the best. at any cost. manufacturer's love guys like you.
look at all the people getting rid of W100, W2002, Melos, HP-1, A1000, Meta42, Porta Cordas, amp this, cables that, headphones here, headphones there. etc., etc., etc.
it masks an inner deficency. and we all have them. no problem. just learn to live with it. the secret is knowing when a bargain is staring you in the face and your indecision costs you. a mature person will acknowledge their missed opportunity and look forward to such a bargain again, with the full knowledge that he will not let it go by the next time. an immature person will dwell on the lost opportunity and makes bad purchasing decisions thereafter.
the cure for excessive male spending? a think you are going to get those $500 headphones, when she wants new carpets, the house painted, a new washing machine, the car fixed, a new kitchen floor, new kitchen cabinets, a better sofa, a better bed, a new bathroom, a deck, add on a baby-room, a better vacuum cleaner, the microwave is broken..., get out there an clean the windows you bum, the roof leaks.... forget about golf. forget your football Sundays with the guys....
the cure? get another hobby that will drain that pocket. skydiving, photography, motobiking, sailboats, car racing, scuba, skying, mountain climbing, world travel, ...
it never ends.
you're doomed. doomed, I tell you!.