A lot of my friends have lost their fathers, I feel quite blessed to still have mine around.
Last year I got to crawl through the sagebrush with him and sit right next to him when he shot an elk 387yds away across a canyon on his 81st birthday. We are leaving to go to Wyoming elk hunting on the day after his 82nd this year. (My turn to shoot this year.)
We play pool competitively together, and have a great time. I don't think I know anyone who dislikes him. He plays duplicate bridge, and though he didn't get to play against them, he's been to tournaments where Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were playing.
He narrowly missed having a stroke earlier this year, a piece of plaque broke off the inside of his carotid and went into his right eye, taking most of the vision in that eye. It pisses him off, as he miscues a lot when we play pool, (no depth perception), and he probably won't be shooting a rifle much anymore, he says he's too old to learn to shoot left-handed, so I'm not sure what we'll do next year for his turn.
I was a typical teen-age snot, and I kick myself now when I think of the years I wasted not doing fun sh!t with him.