Mar 26, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #1,098 of 12,432
Interesting. I have my Crack connected to my Rega RP1 through a V-LPS phono and mostly feel that I need about 10-11 o'clock for good listening level on my HD650. Granted, I mounted the pot so that the mute position is somewhere between 6 and 7. 
Mar 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM Post #1,099 of 12,432
Yes, the volume setting is very dependent upon the source level as well as headphone sensitivity, and both of those are all over the map. The beauty of DIY is you can tailor the amp's gain with input attenuators if you have more than you need. 
Mar 29, 2012 at 12:50 PM Post #1,100 of 12,432
I got my Crack/Speedball recently expecting some cheap fun with good amount of coloration, but I'm seriously surprised by how good this amp sounds.  Much more neutral than I had anticipated, with excellent control and detail.  This is a great amp period.  Crack and HD800 are making some sweet sweet music right now...thanks and kudos to the folks at Bottlehead.
Mar 29, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #1,101 of 12,432
This is a great amp period.  Crack and HD800 are making some sweet sweet music right now...thanks and kudos to the folks at Bottlehead.

Amen to that.  It is a great combo!
Apr 10, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #1,103 of 12,432
Crack amp is using 6080 tube, and as the 6AS7G are both tubes that are very musical, dynamic, and cheap! My La Figaro 339 is using 6AS7G in dual mono configuration and it has even more authority, clarity and good sound than Crack! You should also check out other 6AS7G/6080 tube amp out there, they are gorgeous and tube rolling is affordable and fun!
Apr 10, 2012 at 7:11 PM Post #1,104 of 12,432

Crack amp is using 6080 tube, and as the 6AS7G are both tubes that are very musical, dynamic, and cheap! My La Figaro 339 is using 6AS7G in dual mono configuration and it has even more authority, clarity and good sound than Crack! You should also check out other 6AS7G/6080 tube amp out there, they are gorgeous and tube rolling is affordable and fun!

Do you have a crack and a 339? On what is the statement based?
My crack is on its way (and I have the 339)
Apr 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM Post #1,105 of 12,432
It is pure hypothesys, double power supply vs single in all the other gear I tested including mostly power amps and loudspeakers. Soz didn't want to bash you new acquisition! It seems Crack is great buy for the price!
Apr 11, 2012 at 11:48 AM Post #1,106 of 12,432

It is pure hypothesys, double power supply vs single in all the other gear I tested including mostly power amps and loudspeakers. Soz didn't want to bash you new acquisition! It seems Crack is great buy for the price!

No problem, I just bought it to test it with my HD650, that's all :)
Apr 11, 2012 at 1:36 PM Post #1,107 of 12,432
I should have refrein myself doing such a comment, promess I will watch my mouth next time! :)
Apr 12, 2012 at 8:22 PM Post #1,108 of 12,432
I got my Crack/Speedball recently expecting some cheap fun with good amount of coloration, but I'm seriously surprised by how good this amp sounds.  Much more neutral than I had anticipated, with excellent control and detail.  This is a great amp period.  Crack and HD800 are making some sweet sweet music right now...thanks and kudos to the folks at Bottlehead.

Can you compare your Crack with GS-1 as to how they play with HD800?

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