Corda Prehead-1 Preamp/Headphone Amplifier Review
Dec 7, 2002 at 4:18 AM Post #31 of 76
Sorry, you might need a picture:
Dec 7, 2002 at 5:30 AM Post #33 of 76

Originally posted by markl
Can you comment on how the processor (x-feed) impacts tonal balance? Wasn't there some controversy about how x-feed affects bass in particular?

It's in the review....
Dec 7, 2002 at 6:36 AM Post #34 of 76

I think you did a brilliant job in conveying your thoughts in this review in the most clear way possible. To those who say that you left out certain things and overemphasized on a others, I assume they simply don't realize that you did a perfect job in relating to every kind of audio enthusiast out there from the extreme novice beginner to the extreme audiophile freak! IMO, that is the only and absolute best way to write a review. When you easily can achieve what I had just previously mentioned, then you know you have a natural talent for writing reviews and clearly expressing and communicating your thoughts with others. Bravo...great job!!! I only look forward to reading more of your reviews in the future
Dec 7, 2002 at 4:22 PM Post #35 of 76
This was a fantastic review. At this stage in the game...I am VERY interested in products that will give me a quality headphone amp as well as act as another component. I am finished with headphones I think. BUT in building my speaker system, I want components that have that headphone out. The Cary amps are very enticing, this preamp is as well

thanks for the sweet review.
Dec 7, 2002 at 6:43 PM Post #36 of 76
Hi kelly.

My question was not intended as a criticism of your format and main response parameters. It was more from my own curiosity. I know that the musical involvement is a very personal reaction, but I am still curious about other peoples reactions to the gear. I am always on a quest for more realism. The closer I get, the more the gear vanishes for me and I am face to face with the musicians.

Thanks again for doing this review at your own expense.

Dec 7, 2002 at 7:28 PM Post #37 of 76
Another exelent review, I've liked all your reviews Kelly. Do you think you'll be able to give us a review of the HA-2 along with a nice shoot out? I should think it's pretty smilar sound wize if Jan has trouble telling the difference, but I still want to read a real review. The prehead looks great, but I really shouldn't be looking at >$800 amps. I shouldn't even be looking at >$500 amps, but I am.. If there is a perfectly good way to plug two sources into a one source amp, (small switching device?) than for the money of the prehead I'd rather have an HA-2 and a new chair. Oh well. When this forum finaly catches up with my wallet it's going to be epic.. Untill then, I get to read reviews like this and quiver..
Dec 7, 2002 at 8:40 PM Post #38 of 76
Since I already own a Corda Blue for work use and Prehead for home use, I think it may be difficult for me to justify an HA-2 even though my curiousity is piqued.

If you already have need for component switching and may down the road need a preamp, the Prehead may be worth the extra few dollars for you anyway. Besides, there is something about having the "best" of something that can curb one's appetite for upgrading.
Dec 7, 2002 at 10:57 PM Post #39 of 76
After reading the excellent reviews of the Prehead. I believe I am going to order the HA-2. It supposed to have the same sound. Right? Any thoughts on how it would compare to Headroom Max or Cosmic????
Dec 8, 2002 at 12:21 AM Post #40 of 76
Kelly, many thanks for distinguishing Meier's range—I had over-looked the Prehead as soon I read Jan's comment that it "offers nearly the same sound quality for a more humble price." And re-examining Jan's blurb for the Prehead, "... Its sheer power, usw... it also makes an easy-to-use preamplifier with excellent sound quality," it's still not apparent to me that Prehead could serve as an amp for high-efficiency speakers. I'd like to to drive Loth BS-1 (2-way 93db) or Loth Amaze (96db single) from & reviewed at

Joe at SEA & Loth US importer once wrote me that the Loth could be driven by, let us say, ASL Headphone amp, but for impedance issues. You're saying that Prehead has an output of 5 wts—which should work fine because the Loth could be driven to modest volume in modest rooms with 1/2 watt (Berning, zb).

Is the Prehead to some extent a contemporary fuctional equivalent of the retired McCormack Headphone/mini-power amp? ----only ask because it doesn't seem like Jan is marketing or positioning Prehead in quite that way.

Many thanks,

Richard Moss
Law School, Uni District of Columbia
Dec 8, 2002 at 12:31 AM Post #41 of 76
The Prehead doesn't have speaker posts. If you want to drive those Loths, better would be to pair the Prehead with the AudioValve Impedancer. Combined, yes, I would say the Prehead with Impedancer does everything functionally that the McCormack does and then some. I had a MID for a little bit myself and it wasn't meeting my needs sonically so I passed it along. I've not heard the fully tweaked out upgraded by Steve McCormack version, however. Moo has one and his comparisons with a Prehead or Gilmore would be of great interest to me.
Dec 8, 2002 at 12:59 AM Post #42 of 76
Damn, Kelly! Another great review.

This thing looks very impressive, and from your impressions, it sounds as if it may be in contention to be the top solid-state amp out there (along with Headroom and Sugden).

Your review was very thorough, and yet, it read very succinctly - excellently written.

To second Taoster, the only other aspect of its performance I would love to hear about is how it does as a full-blown preamp, maybe in comparison to dedicated preamps from say, Bryston, Marsh Sound, etc. If was an excellent headamp AND a good preamp to boot - what a bargain.

Again, great review. You should start your own online headphonia review magazine called "Kelly's Headspace". I'd join!
Dec 8, 2002 at 3:50 AM Post #43 of 76
Kelly, thanks. Your profile says you are a programmer--but you write better than nearly any other programmer I know (except Neal Stephenson).

Care to make any direct comparisons to what you recall of the sound of the Max?
Dec 8, 2002 at 12:38 PM Post #44 of 76
Dear Headfellows,

Just a few remarks and comments:

" this is the same crossfeed circuit found in the HA-1 with the only exception being a resistor upgrade to metal film Vishays."

Actually, both amps use the same type of resistors but the capacitors are different: WIMA polyester at the HA-1 and VISHAY popypropylene at the PREHEAD.

" Personally, I'd have been willing to pay a little extra for better jacks"

The PREHEAD has 12 single jacks. To connect a premium jack to the PCB needs 2 wires. This implies 48 stripping, drilling, soldering actions. Approximate time: 45 minutes. The jacks presently used can be directly placed and soldered to the PCB: 5 minutes. The little extra would be quite a lot.

"Luckily this hardness seemed to smooth itself out as the amplifier burned in."

When the first HA-2 was finished I immediately started comparing to the PREHEAD and differences, although small, could be easily noticed. The HA-2 was a little bit hard/harsh. After 24-hours of burning-in both amps could no longer be distinguished (sonically). Burning-in does make a difference, even with solid-state!

" But blueprints are becoming a thing of the past with Meier audio."

A few weeks ago a mail was received: "Jan, may I use your analoguer circuitry in a semi-commercial product". I told I had no objections if a small license fee was paid (no amount was mentioned). I never received an answer!

A longer while ago two prototypes of a new commercial headamp were sold on HeadFi. These amps both had a crossfeed filter. I checked the schematics. The filter was an exact copy of the natural crossfeed filter. Even resistor and capacitor values were exactly the same!

I will not stop publishing new projects on both Headwize and my home-page (actually, 2 projects are coming up soon), but I'll stop publishing everything. I think people will understand.

"Also gone are the kits of yesterday."

The PORTA CORDA still can be had as a kit but the HA-2 and the PREHEAD are simply too complex for 99% of people.

"I asked Meier if he'd be offering a more over the top headphone amp than this one (balanced, dual mono, etc.) and his reply was that the increase in costs and complexity are simply not worthwhile to him."

To be honest, I find the idea of building $3000,- headamps somewhat appaling and decadent. The PREHEAD is a rather expensive amp but the price is justified by its versality and its very high level of sonic quality. Any further improvement in sound (which only can be a very small one) would result in a gigantic increase in costs. I sell amplifiers so people can enjoy their music. I'm raised too much as a calvinist to sell amplifiers for materialistic joy :wink:

"Hopefully this will also mean that Meier can eventually get around to commercializing a power amp design."

Maybe by the middle of next year, if I find time.

"is the preamp using the same circuitry as the headphone circuitry and how does it compare with commercial preamps?"

The PREHEAD consist of three electronic blocks:

Input buffer, crossfeed filter, output buffer.

The preamp outputs are directly connected to the input buffer.

" If there is room for parts upgrades in the Pre-Head, would you be willing/able to tweak one custom? "

No, I won't! (see above)

The only possible improvement I see within the concept of the PREHEAD is a stepped attenuator. Any further improvements would require major changes to the power supply that can not be realized on the present PCB.

"Is the Prehead to some extent a contemporary fuctional equivalent of the retired McCormack
Headphone/mini-power amp?"

A loudspeaker of 4 Ohms impedance represents a 12 Ohm load for each single BUF634. This is a little bit low. I suggest not to use loudspeakers below 8 Ohm unless an impedancer is used. I have to admit though, that I didn't test the PREHEAD as a poweramplifier myself.


Dec 8, 2002 at 5:12 PM Post #45 of 76
Thanks for the replies.

Are you planning to offer a stepped attenuator upgrade for the Prehead? If so, can you give any details?

I never saw an amplifier by another company on the commercial market that used the Meier crossfeed. I can only guess that this company must have been a dismal failure.

On the web site, the HA-1 is no longer listed in kit form. Is the HA-1 actually still available as a kit?

I'm not sure I understand your comments about my wish for better jacks. Assuming the option existed and was known prior to the assembly of the Prehead, would the labor time and cost not be exactly the same? I realize six times the cost of a high quality jack pair is expensive but it seems like the labor cost should be the same unelss I misunderstand something.

In regard to your comments about building a better amplifier: I obviously think very highly of the sound achieved for headphones by the Prehead. It is the best I've heard from dynamic headphones in my experience. I'd also say that as it stands now, I'm not sure what aspects I would wish to be improved. However, I also understand the limitations of my experience and the relative nature of sound quality. I'm not prepared, then, to surrender the Prehead as the ultimate limitation of my acuity without hearing the comparison between it and more exotic designs. Therefore, I'll also not be able to assign value to improvements that are unknown to me. I am quite sure that the average person would laugh at me if I told him I wanted to spend $345 to buy your HA-1 product just to listen to headphones. At $820, the Prehead seems rediculous to the average person. Why? Because, for the most part, they've never heard the improvements and their standard of quality is lower. Knowing this about other people, how can we so easily dismiss the merits of $3000 amplifiers when we have not really heard them yet?

Meier Audio does have a much larger audience for more basic products, however. And from a financial standpoint, I understand how limited a $3000 headphone amplifier would be no matter what the sound quality.

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