Coolest looking portable headphone?
Jun 1, 2003 at 10:36 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 35


500+ Head-Fier
Apr 30, 2002
Not that I'm very into looks or anything, but just today I was thinking about the coolest looking decently portable headphone (i.e. doesn't require a tricked out amp to power, and isn't CD3000 huge).

To me, the Eggos weren't bad looking, but messed with my hair, and it did look like 2 black eggs were sticking out of my ear...

I think the RS1's would be the best-looking, with that retro wood look - it isn't hard to drive, but isolation isn't good... any other opinions?
Jun 1, 2003 at 11:05 AM Post #2 of 35
good looking, but susceptible to damage.

i would say the senn px200s or the koss kc35s if you're into the retro look.

then again if you're concerned about your hair you might to consider a earbud - how about the mx500 or the etys?
Jun 1, 2003 at 12:07 PM Post #4 of 35
thanks guyferd- gosh how could i forget THAT!

but it's a little light on the bass side.

didnt really want to believe everyone else's opinion on it but after i tried it, well, had to concede, it's just that weeny bit on the bright side.

but hell, it looks great though.

fyi, audio technica also manufactures tons of other cool looking headphones for portables. i remember clearly seeing one in a 'winter camo' design (very light blue-dark blue-light grey). cant give any other specifics though. they did look cool though.
Jun 1, 2003 at 12:33 PM Post #5 of 35
Another vote for the PX200. Great design for a portable headphone. Sound is pretty decent, too!
Jun 1, 2003 at 2:34 PM Post #7 of 35
EM7's a great summer phone. You can wear it all day in summer without getting drenched in sweat. Even the PX series suffer from this. Stax SR-001 is quite pimp in a simpler way.

Jun 1, 2003 at 5:33 PM Post #9 of 35
i have some raver style maxell behind the neck headphones with leds on the outside of the earpieces that light up to the music. people seem to prop those a lot. they sound like crap but hey, they cost like 12 bucks.

as for headphones that i think sound good? hp550 (though i'm sure plenty here think they look and sound less than great)
Jun 1, 2003 at 7:49 PM Post #13 of 35
PortaPros all the way, baby! I am in love with their blue retro design and easy foldability.
Jun 2, 2003 at 8:04 PM Post #14 of 35
My vote is for the PX100 ~ PX200.

To me, the 5 spoke design looks like japanese racing rims.
Jun 2, 2003 at 9:08 PM Post #15 of 35
maxell blinking light earphones.

really, portapros, of the headphones worn by people on the streets. Ive seen the px200 too, but it doesnt scream attetion, hehe.

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