"coloring the sound"
May 24, 2003 at 11:20 PM Post #46 of 47

Originally posted by dcfly
Something I've always wondered about is when people say that a certain pair of headphones "color the sound" more than others, how do they really know? Maybe what they think is uncolored is really colored, and what is colored is uncolored. How can a person ever really be sure without some sort of tedious and time-consuming manipulation of sound measuring equipment? Even then, a person still can't be totally sure.

Listen up. When I listen to recordings through my Stax Lambda's, I am aware of hearing FAR, FAR less coloration than through any other I own. The tip-off is voices. They sound more individualistic, more 'different' from each other.
May 25, 2003 at 1:19 AM Post #47 of 47
First off, congrats on 5000 posts andrzejpw

As for what people should look for in hi-fi....

I think the reason for most people, or at least for me, for getting into hi-fi sound is to get better enjoyment out of their music and better sound, plainly put. Now, what's better sound? Flat and neutral or whatever sounds good to you? Well, I didn't really have an idea of what "better" sound was entering into this hobby, I just knew that it was possible.

In my experience so far I've found that the best headphone for me is the most neutral sounding of the bunch (which is why the HP-1 intrigues me so). No added colorations and a flat response. No unnecessary bass or recessed midrange or blown up or compressed soundstage, no sir. I'd consider myself only so lucky as to find a headphone that made a drum roll sound like the real thing. Total transparency where there are no components, there is just you and the music - this is the "audiophile" goal, correct?

Is it possible? Probably not. Will I strive for it? Yes. I could have just as easily found myself being the resident basshead though. It's fine if you aren't looking for these things, I just happen to be.

How do you tell? I'm not really sure other than I listen with my ears and somehow know
I mean I can tell with the Grado SR60's that they have a funky signature. There's some weird coloration going on with them that I can't exactly pinpoint. I enjoy them but I know they're not the epitome of neutral. It doesn't sound natural. I think bangraman said it best: "Mowing your way through lots of phones is the best way to discover (or make your own evaluations) for coloured and uncoloured. It's whether the sound has a particular stain that detracts from or adds to what you consider to be like the original." What I think sounds neutral is a result of listening between the phones I have and comparing to "real" sound.

Taking it further than this I would just say, well, it you can't be completely sure from all this that what you're hearing is neutral, but you're enjoying the music, then sit down, shut up and be happy.

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