Cmoys - opamps, tweaking for bass.
Dec 11, 2009 at 6:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Dec 8, 2009
Hi all,

I recently acquired a UK built Cmoy which has quite a nice, thick tracked PCB, with the intention of carrying out a little experimentation. It uses a TL2426 rail-splitter and a 1000uF power cap. I'm currently using a 15v battery pack.

Firstly, can someone point me to a definitve comparison of opamps, and also a tutorial on tweaking Cmoys?

And a specific question about mine; it came with National LC353 which I quickly found to be rather strident, regularly wince-inducing in fact. So, I've just put in an OPA2134 which is much sweeter and, surprisingly, more detailed (even the guy who made it reckoned I'd lose a little).

However the other first impression was that some of the impressive bass had gone (using Senn 580's). Sure enough, looping back to my sound card (M-audio delta 410 PCI) confirms that it rolls off slightly below 60Hz to about -1.5dB down at 20Hz. The LC353 was flat right down to 16Hz.

(Both are essentially flat above this, about -0.3dB down @ 20KHz).

So is there anything I can do to get that bass back?


(correction; I beleive the original opamp was a LF353

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