Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆

Nov 28, 2015 at 12:51 AM Post #5,911 of 42,869
Was it not at all white or possibly kind of white-ish? I've found it not to be brilliant white, but white-ish as it's a blend of all of the colors at the same time (since with light all colors = white, while with paint/ink all colors = black). Cheers 

No it was definitely the pink colour of the 768khz sample rate, it sounds fantastic but it's just bugging me that it isn't showing or decoding the correct thing.
Nov 28, 2015 at 1:15 AM Post #5,912 of 42,869
Currawong :)

Of course a BNC connector and a 75 Ohm cable are the proper design goals and optimal implementation of coaxial. However, as you mentioned, is there any appreciable difference with the Mojo at such short lengths? At least one user has reported so. Personally, I didn't hear an appreciable difference using a regular interconnect from the X5 vs USB from my MacbookPro running Audirvana+.

I'd love to see a square wave with a short 3.5mm TS cable from the source coaxial output. I'm familiar with square waves on an oscilloscope. What distortion would be observed? Would it look like ringing? I think it's funny how FiiO and iBasso provide a coaxial adaptor but I doubt they are shielded or 75 Ohm compliant and the TS / RCA connections certainly aren't 75 Ohm. I guess Rob thinks it's fine for the Mojo as he's used a 3.5mm TS input.

I don't even want to know what that monstrosity on your desk is for, hahaha. :D
Nov 28, 2015 at 1:18 AM Post #5,913 of 42,869
where can i buy this coaxial cable?  thx

You should re-read the post you quoted. It's a simple stereo interconnect but it works. The reasons it works I outlined on the previous page.

Is it optimal? No. BUT all sample rates show up on the Mojo and I heard no noise or anything strange but it certainly doesn't conform to the S/PDIF coaxial standard.
Nov 28, 2015 at 1:31 AM Post #5,914 of 42,869

Thanks for the picture. It's a lot clearer now to me though the industry would have helped if they had called them, I don't know, something like "shielded mono"! I had assumed they were wired differently so how did coaxial, mono and stereo became interchangeable when it came to connecting to a Mojo for DX-50/90 and old X3/5. Now I know.


To answer your questions about the importance of the resistivity of the cables and whether 75 ohm cables are necessary, I recommend that you do a quick search.

In this link above Belden has a pretty good explanation for different impedances, with a mathematical graph showing how different properties change with a change in impedance. That should explain things :)
Nov 28, 2015 at 1:53 AM Post #5,915 of 42,869
To answer your questions about the importance of the resistivity of the cables and whether 75 ohm cables are necessary, I recommend that you do a quick search.

In this link above Belden has a pretty good explanation for different impedances, with a mathematical graph showing how different properties change with a change in impedance. That should explain things :)

They are talking about much longer runs and much more power in that article.

Again, it's much more important for runs longer than the 6" to the Mojo (even a few feet make a difference), or power handling of more than the coaxial out from the X5. Plus, I doubt any of these DAPs have a 75 Ohm impedance built in to their 3.5mm TS jacks (I could be wrong) so the cable isn't the only weak link unless talking about RF interference. I'm not saying it's optimal not to use a 75 Ohm cable but I am saying it works and personally haven't heard any issues compared to USB and optical digital sources.

I'm interested in what you've reported with your coaxial cable and want to test it myself when the Mojo comes back to me after the Canadian tour. :)
Nov 28, 2015 at 2:12 AM Post #5,916 of 42,869
Mojo arrived today and initial impressions are - WOW! Drives iems just fine and also my ZMF Vibros. Given what I am hearing, I'm wondering what use cases might require the LC, which is on order but not here yet. Mscott58 or anyone with this combo, any comments? TIA.
Nov 28, 2015 at 3:12 AM Post #5,917 of 42,869

Finally settled on a cheap (used) 4 month old transport for my one month old Mojo.
And if the batteries are running low and you don't wish to stop, just plug in a power bank to either device, or both!
Nov 28, 2015 at 3:16 AM Post #5,918 of 42,869
They are talking about much longer runs and much more power in that article.

Again, it's much more important for runs longer than the 6" to the Mojo (even a few feet make a difference), or power handling of more than the coaxial out from the X5. Plus, I doubt any of these DAPs have a 75 Ohm impedance built in to their 3.5mm TS jacks (I could be wrong) so the cable isn't the only weak link unless talking about RF interference. I'm not saying it's optimal not to use a 75 Ohm cable but I am saying it works and personally haven't heard any issues compared to USB and optical digital sources.

I'm interested in what you've reported with your coaxial cable and want to test it myself when the Mojo comes back to me after the Canadian tour.

you're right, it's definitely not fully optimised, and the differences are definitely much smaller in this setting, but i was really astounded by the difference. I had actually put off buying the mojo. I decided to just give it a try for fun and lo and behold, the mojo is now next on my buying list ;)
I was previously using a very basic 75 ohm canare cable with my hugo. I was recommended the belden 83242, a significantly more expensive belden coaxial cable which had a solid silver plated copper core and a thick silver plated copper shield. and just got one this morning. I couldn't quite wait to try it out, so on the bus on the way back, with a pair of universal iems (yes I know, extremely noisy and sub optimal isolation, but that just helps make a point), i did a quick A/B, and was very surprised to find that the differences were immediately obvious. I know that not all of us are cable believers, but do give it a try. Despite the cable being among the more expensive belden offerings, belden and canare cables are not expensive to begin with. When I got home, I compared them again in a more quiet environment, and I am certain that, without a doubt, the new belden cable is pretty significantly better. I won't say its like a new dac altogether, but its definitely significant as far as cable improvements go. It was a big enough difference for me to hear on the noisy bus with universal IEMs so I think many of us would be able to hear it :)
The belden is very stiff, but is a great, great deal. i got one made at about 80cm for just under 20 dollars :)
Nov 28, 2015 at 4:12 AM Post #5,919 of 42,869
WCDchee obvious interest raised.... PM sent. :wink_face:
Nov 28, 2015 at 4:51 AM Post #5,920 of 42,869
No it was definitely the pink colour of the 768khz sample rate, it sounds fantastic but it's just bugging me that it isn't showing or decoding the correct thing.
From JF the white colour is made up of three colours. These are shades of red green and blue from three seperate leds although we have done our very best to insure a pure white however without the precise colour balancing circuitry that TVs have. It is possible that sometimes due to an inbalance of brightness between the three LEDs there might be a slight colour shift towards one of them. If this is the red led there might be a slight pink tinge to the composite White of the three LEDs it's nothing to worry about.
Nov 28, 2015 at 5:42 AM Post #5,921 of 42,869
Thinking a lot about this device, but wondering how good it is in a desktop environment.

At home I use CA DacMagic --> Violectric v200 --> hd650. My reading is that the Mojo's amp is unlikely to outperform the v200, but that the DAC might play above the DacMagic. Does that make sense or does perhaps someone even made that comparison?

At work I use right now iPad air --> Sennheiser Momentum 2 (over ear version). Here I would expect a lot of improvement. How close would adding the Mojo bring this setup to my home setup (which I find amazing for the most times btw)?

Any input is much appreciated!

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