Hi, just got my hugo 2 about a month ago and now considering adding the 2go.
I am also a mojo/poly user so hopefully i can navigate the 2go with some familiarity.
Been reading since last night and would like to ask for some users' thoughts on this one:
I am primarily an apple music user as tidal and qobuz are not officially available in our country, there are workarounds to sign up for trials but not long term. Would just like to confirm, this means i could only rely on airplay connecting to hugo2/2go?
I have a walkman dap zx707 and an iphone 15 that is what i use to connect to hugo 2 via usb-c to micro usb, i take it this will be better than the airplay connection i will have if i stick to the hugo2/2go connection?
Just wondering if 2go will be a good path for me, i could get one for about $700 still in good condition and would love not to use cables to connect my dap/iphone but the fact that i cant maximize it in the long term is holding me back.
Thanks in advance for any inputs/advice on this one