Cheapest Comply T-400 Tips?
Dec 28, 2009 at 8:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Dec 25, 2009
Hey there, I recently picked up Head-Direct's RE0 headphones and was looking to buy some Comply T-400 tips for it. I'm having trouble figuring out where to purchase them from. I don't know which size would be right for my ears since this is my first pair of good IEMs, and I have never worn these tips before, so I'd like to get a 3-pack with one of each size. Could anyone please direct me towards the cheapest place to purchase them online?

Also, I would like to pick up a relatively inexpensive portable amp for them too and know next to nothing about portable amps. Does anyone mind providing me with links to a few different affordable options? I only spent $80 on the headphones, so I'm not really looking to spend too much on the amp either.

Sorry if these questions have been addressed elsewhere. I couldn't really find this specific information when I searched through the forums. I love my headphones, but out of the tips that came with it only one pair of the double-flanged tips seem to fit on them and they start to hurt my ears after prolonged use. I've also read how the sound quality can be improved by using an amplifier and would like to try that out. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Dec 28, 2009 at 10:22 AM Post #2 of 5
Welcome to head-fi. Looks like you're off to a good start. Don't even bother with the Comply tips for RE0. Get the Shure black foam (olives) tips instead. I had the Comply T-400's for about 2 and a half weeks before they almost completely wore out. The Shure olives last much longer, sound slightly better, and come in a 5 pack. The only problem with the olives and RE0's is getting them on. I stretched the cores on mine, but that was literally hours of work for me. You can take the cores out, and that works too, but it's worth the effort to stretch them (IMO). The best place to buy them is probably ebay. Got mine for about $17 (5 pairs of mediums). If you really want to try the Comply tips, try Radioshack. The one near me had them in stock, but I kind of regret buying them. They're comfortable and all, but they just wear out too quickly to be worth it.

As for the amp, your best bet is to hold off until you can come up with a good reason for why you need one. I've got a cmoy from biosciencegeek (ebay seller), and while I really like it, it only provides a slight improvement over unamped. That's a pretty inexpensive amp, but it seems to a good entry level amp. If you just can't wait, I'd say either pick up a Fiio E5, Fiio E1 (they only work with iPods though), or cmoy. iPod headphone outs really don't sound that bad. The two best ways to improve the sound on your DAP is to use high bitrate files and get some good headphones (which you've already done). I don't think anything else is going to make as much of a dramatic improvement like those two will.
Dec 28, 2009 at 11:20 AM Post #3 of 5
You might consider taking some T400s and saving the cores after you use them. You can then use the cores to swap out with the Shure black foams. Stretching them over the stems can be "permanent"; they're near impossible to remove by normal means.

If you live in western Canada, some London Drugs have them for $15. I was kind of pissed when I found out, then I bought some.

I use an E5 to reclaim the bass I'd otherwise lose to the bus' diesel engine.
Dec 28, 2009 at 7:34 PM Post #4 of 5
You sometimes can find comply t-400 cheap on Skullcandy website, when they have 50% off coupons (google it). They only sell one size though.
IMO, Fiio E5 does help bump up the bass for RE0, especially considering E5's low price.
Dec 28, 2009 at 9:55 PM Post #5 of 5
cheapest would be when skullcandy has those 50% off coupons..there was one not too long ago actually

otherwise, ebay maybe?

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