CDRW and CD25, 963A, or JD-100A
Jun 2, 2003 at 10:40 AM Post #2 of 4
Damn you know ive never tried a CD-RW in my CD25 but Im sure it play most CD-R's with no problems.
Jun 2, 2003 at 12:07 PM Post #3 of 4
Philips DVD 963 SA technical specifications

Playback system

DVD video
SACD multichannel and SACD stereo
Video CD & SVCD
CD (CD-Recordable and CD-Rewritable)

(I didn't try CD-R and CD-RW so far.)

Jun 3, 2003 at 12:17 AM Post #4 of 4
I tried a CDRW on the 963SA... it worked ok for the most part, but a few tracks in there was a repetitive clicking sound--I ended up having to turn off upsampling and starting the cd fresh from the begining. I wasn't too worried as I never burn audio on cdrw, but I'll give it a try again later to report the results.

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