well i have dissassambled it already so i ready to change the battery by myselfHi welcome to the Forum!
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I had a very similar problem about a year ago, my N6MK2 was behaving similarly, in my case, it would boot up partially and then reboot again over and over, in a never-ending cycle until the battery exhausted itself again.
Anyway, in your situation, it is a lot more clear, and that is good. Unfortunately, the battery in this unit is not user exchangeable, you will need to send it back to the manufacturer in China. I did this, the battery exchange cost is about US $25, and the round-trip takes about 4 weeks. This is well worth doing, this is a great little player. Don’t be discouraged,Cayin’s customer service is legendary!
Copying in @Andykong, he can help you get started.
but if i can send it to Cayin's customer service and they can do it and check mb if something else was broken and they can help me that would be great
thanks for quick response