Dec 9, 2013 at 12:02 PM Post #2,237 of 2,306
No colored face plate.  It will be black and very stealth like.  Those interested in the WF.  My wife loved how this amp looked!  
The sound on this is incredible.  Very fast and sound stage bigger, imaging better, all better defined.
Dec 9, 2013 at 9:42 PM Post #2,241 of 2,306
whats gonna be the approx. price range of this new LF amp
Dec 9, 2013 at 10:06 PM Post #2,242 of 2,306
  What's going to be the main difference in SQ between the L Glass (a tube rollers dream) and the L Fire mkII?

You'd have to ask Alex that one.  I've only listened to my own LF, the LaU, and now the Liquid Cobalt (it wont' be mkII since it's evolved this much).  The Glass obviously allows you to tweak your amp ad infinitum and the Cobalt is one and done.  Compared to my LF the Cobalt is faster with improved definition all around: bigger sound stage, imaging, bass.  Kind of Blue stereo in 24/192 has more everything compare to my LF.
Jul 14, 2014 at 11:39 AM Post #2,243 of 2,306
Alex Cavalli and I exchange a few emails and it is now working like a charm. I've never used a Piezo switch before and after a few nudges with my knuckle on the switch it now turns on and off like it should. In fact, the sound of it "clicking on" and "clicking off" is kinda cool too. Mine came with 72 hours of burn-in so I've got a ways to go but I've already tried all three of my headphones and they all sound like three new headphones--for the better--MUCH better.
Dr. Cavalli's speedy response to my dilemma is so impressive. It is very comforting to know that he's "around the corner" to help. It was like he was living next door and all I had to do was knock and ask him for advice. I knocked; he calmed me down; gave me advice on things to try; and now it's working. Yay!!!
Alright--I'm still hyperventilating.

What did you do exactly ? Mine has the same problem. Bought it here from maxfazer, in like new condition and used it less than 20 hours since reception.
thank you
Jul 14, 2014 at 12:17 PM Post #2,244 of 2,306
  What did you do exactly ? Mine has the same problem. Bought it here from maxfazer, in like new condition and used it less than 20 hours since reception.
thank you

As it turns out, I had to return the amp to Alex and he replaced the Piezo switch with a new one.
Jul 14, 2014 at 12:58 PM Post #2,246 of 2,306
  Mmhh, I'm delighted to know that.
 Costly ?

Since he replaced the switch few weeks after I bought the amp (I am the original owner), it cost me nothing. He even took care of the shipping costs both ways. He's a very nice guy.
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:31 PM Post #2,247 of 2,306
  Mhh, I'm delighted to know that. I wonder if it's really possible to see such malfuction happen so suddenly (I used it less than 20 hrs).
Costly ?

Maybe you should ask the guy you bought it from why the switch died 20 hours after use.

Though I assume he will say everything was fine before shipping
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:34 PM Post #2,248 of 2,306
Maybe you should ask the guy you bought it from why the switch died 20 hours after use.

Though I assume he will say everything was fine before shipping

I already did, of course.
He already  did, of course. 

Jul 15, 2014 at 8:33 PM Post #2,250 of 2,306
  Thank goodness the amp still fits your cable color.
Do you know if Alex is planning on doing the production version with a coloured face plate?  I thought he was into the whole "stealth" aesthetic for this generation. 
Like the look of the mesh grill/logo in front of the tube:

Oh my !, this is beautiful !!!

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