Campfire Audio Vega (and Dorado and Lyra II) - Head-Fi TV

Nov 7, 2016 at 12:21 PM Post #947 of 5,394
yes, sorry, Oriolus vs Vega 
Nov 7, 2016 at 1:01 PM Post #950 of 5,394
@flipper203 I have the MK2 and the Vega. I'm about to go into a work meeting so I can make a detailed comparison later. To my ears, the vega has stronger bass, more detail retrieval, intimate mids and vocals, cohereance, and seperation of instruments. The MK2 is a great IEM, but the Vega is just better in most aspects in my opinion. The Mk2 has a wider soundstage, but the Vega really helps you feel close to the music if that makes any sense. The Vega's just provide a type of up close and personal listening experience. I hope that helps. 
Nov 7, 2016 at 1:26 PM Post #951 of 5,394
  @flipper203 I have the MK2 and the Vega. I'm about to go into a work meeting so I can make a detailed comparison later. To my ears, the vega has stronger bass, more detail retrieval, intimate mids and vocals, cohereance, and seperation of instruments. The MK2 is a great IEM, but the Vega is just better in most aspects in my opinion. The Mk2 has a wider soundstage, but the Vega really helps you feel close to the music if that makes any sense. The Vega's just provide a type of up close and personal listening experience. I hope that helps. 

i agree on the bass aspect. it is superior to most iems. clear and articulate but the quantity is too much for me to handle.
Hi Flipper123, I would take audio123's opinion with a large grain of salt. He has listened to the Vega only 3 hours. We don't even know if they were burned in, so let's wait until someone compares them ear to ear.

burn in do helps but not to an extreme extent.
Nov 7, 2016 at 1:44 PM Post #954 of 5,394
You guys who're complaining about too much bass seriously need to hear this phone with James444's front vent mod. It sounds absolutely incredible post mod and is much better balanced to my ears but as with all things YMMV. I find the stock sig to sort of resemble Ocharaku phones with the heavy bass juxtaposed against the comparatively thinner treble. Post mod, the bass quantity is brought much closer to Andromeda levels. The treble spike is really the only gremlin with this phone after the fact but I understand it's mostly ameliorated with foam tips.
Nov 7, 2016 at 1:50 PM Post #955 of 5,394
Thanks for the post and you brought up so many good points that I enjoyed pondering on. Guitar, violin, and singing are three great musical instruments especially the last two. Think about it, if a person judges your singing or violin performance Strictly on bass quantity, treble quality and sound stage I'lll say he missed the entire performance as it is not those attributes that move us in a piece. Realism conveys much more than that. Somehow our brain can resolve all the things you talked about, piccato, texture, vibrato etc. And the more a brain is trained the more a person is able to observe these qualities. I agree the Vega has that ability to communicate very good sound image of the violin instruement. I was listening to a song with a viola passage in the introduction, I can feel the air wave pulsating through the Vega that carry that textural vibration and without any veil and that to me is awesome.

You say music is about feeling and that statement contains a lot of truth in it. Technically speaking music, as it is expressed through time, frequency, and phase, is only part of the ingredients that create an emotion that we feel. It is only after we mixed this sound energy with each of our own experiential repertoire we are able to attribute a unique feeling to it and I think that is what you call "soul".

I have just completed a study with newly wed couples in love where I asked them to hold their feeling of love toward their spouse and then switch to someone they dislike for a minute while I record their brainwave. And guess what, after randomly switching from one state to the next, I am able to classify and predict what state they are in. The point is every feeling that we experience is associated with a specific brain state just like a signature. And I believe each iem has its own signature and if that signature approaches to the signature of realism, we will find that to our liking.

Knowledge plays a large part in our listening experience. What I mean is our knowledge of the details of instruments makes us hear things others wouldn't. Just like I can tell the difference between string types and play styles, someone else might just hear a violin and nothing else. For some guys, music is only just an assortment of sounds and the only defining thing is the bass quality and slam, treble extention, and etc. That's fine but with the Vega, I feel it reproduces some pretty crazy stuff that might go unheard. Maybe because I already have a emotional attachment to my violin, I "feel" the violin playing. But that's something for a different time.

Of course, when the mastering and recording techniques are excellent, it makes the experience of listening much more enjoyable. Its quite interesting to see how people's minds switch and work. I kind of wish I could see how my brain looks when I listen to music versus playing my violin or singing. Just for fun of course.
Nov 7, 2016 at 2:15 PM Post #957 of 5,394
You guys who're complaining about too much bass seriously need to hear this phone with James444's front vent mod. It sounds absolutely incredible post mod and is much better balanced to my ears but as with all things YMMV. I find the stock sig to sort of resemble Ocharaku phones with the heavy bass juxtaposed against the comparatively thinner treble. Post mod, the bass quantity is brought much closer to Andromeda levels. The treble spike is really the only gremlin with this phone after the fact but I understand it's mostly ameliorated with foam tips.

May as well save some money and just get the Andromeda?

Nov 7, 2016 at 2:36 PM Post #959 of 5,394
The price to performance of the Vega (and Andromeda for that matter) is very strong given the price of TOTL IEMs now. I actually believe these are a value at their price point. 

many totls that are praised here ended up pretty mediocre when i auditioned them

but i agree that DD are seeing a renaissance which is obvious since BA have obvious flaws which cannot be fixed

however a totl dd will always surpass totl ba but it will need much more expertise and r&d to achieve that level of performance so only those manufacturers which have such expertise will be able to achieve this

i wonder how newly released LAB II compares to the rest of the pack with its msrp around 3000euro

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