Campfire Audio Vega (and Dorado and Lyra II) - Head-Fi TV

Oct 31, 2016 at 1:01 PM Post #739 of 5,394
so i got a response back from one of the staff at CA about the Lyra II, and they claim it sounds slightly warmer than the original, but that they're essentially identical in frequency response. take that for what you will! :)
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:18 PM Post #740 of 5,394
Graphs posted at another forum. Not here. Can't link due to rules. Interestingly enough the Lyra II actually measures better than Vega and has less ringing at 7 kHz which is why some are struggling with sibilance.
Oct 31, 2016 at 1:44 PM Post #742 of 5,394
I don't, except a few songs. I equed mine though.

do u eq highs a lot ? and which frequencies do u usually eq in the highs, as I would always avoid messing with increasing 2 kHz and 4khz
Oct 31, 2016 at 2:11 PM Post #743 of 5,394
  I just came back from a 5 day trip, and I brought a few IEMs and sources with me. I brought the Andromeda, Katana, Vega, and InEarSD4. I could not take the Vega out of my ear, and did not listen to any other IEM (besides the SD4 which I only listened to for a short period). The Vega sounded amazing with every source I brought (Paw Gold, AK380cu, AK70, Plenue S, and Opus 2). I really don't want to add to a hype train, but these really are a special IEM. Ever since they were delivered, I really have not been listening to other IEMs in my collection. I briefly switched to the Katana this morning, and made it less than 20 minutes before switching back to the Vega. 

You are not adding to a hype train.  On these forums there is a tendency to paint everyone who has anything positive to say about a new product with a broad brush as "Hype train". But you own the Vega, unlike someone that audition the Vega for a few minutes, and you own a wide varieties of good gears that you can compare to.  You add value to this forum.  Thanks.
Oct 31, 2016 at 2:17 PM Post #744 of 5,394
  does anyone find the vega to be sibilant especially at loud volume

The Vega is not sibilant and I like to listen at high volume.  On the 380cu, volume at 120/150.
Oct 31, 2016 at 3:01 PM Post #746 of 5,394
Andromeda is more full sounding than Vega but Vega is more natural in terms of presentation. For coherency, Vega wins while for soundstage, it is Andromeda. The way Vega is tuned, sound signature is close to a mix of Ocharaku Donguri Keyaki and Ocharaku Donguri Ti Plus. So far in the market, the way Ocharakus iems are being tuned, they are the most unique dynamic iems whether in their looks, technology and sound.
Oct 31, 2016 at 3:07 PM Post #747 of 5,394
Andromeda is more full sounding than Vega but Vega is more natural in terms of presentation. For coherency, Vega wins while for soundstage, it is Andromeda. The way Vega is tuned, sound signature is close to a mix of Ocharaku Donguri Keyaki and Ocharaku Donguri Ti Plus. So far in the market, the way Ocharakus iems are being tuned, they are the most unique dynamic iems whether in their looks, technology and sound.

What do you mean by "full sounding", because the Vega is a very full-bodied, bold IEM. The Andromeda is perhaps more layered, is that what you meant?
Oct 31, 2016 at 3:08 PM Post #748 of 5,394
What do you mean by "full sounding", because the Vega is a very full-bodied, bold IEM. The Andromeda is perhaps more layered, is that what you meant?
yes you are right coupled with better width and depth of soundstage
Oct 31, 2016 at 4:27 PM Post #749 of 5,394
Vega ordered, FedEx Priority, with customs maybe not this week but soon !
Can't wait !

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