Campfire Audio Vega (and Dorado and Lyra II) - Head-Fi TV

Dec 22, 2016 at 3:07 AM Post #2,146 of 5,394
Thing is, I never was impressed with the WA8. Nor really dissing it just never found it impressive personally :)

I am however enjoying the heck out the mojo fed off the soundaware Esther m1pro. Soundaware puts an awful lot of attention into its digital section and it really shows. Together the layering and separation is just outstanding, and it just sounds really big :)

In fact if we happen to meet at E1, you should give it a go :)
Dec 22, 2016 at 3:46 AM Post #2,147 of 5,394
I think in this discussion about Vega and sibilance and/or if it is as good or better than other DD's one has to include ones own musical preferences. Ok so Vega might not have the best mids/vocals e.g in folk or sing and songwriter or whatever or maybe the Highs are not as airy as some others for classical. I don't know, that is not the music I listen to.
I primarily listen to metal/rock, electronic and hip hop. Now for me, the Vega is the most perfect in iem for metal I have ever tried! Deep bass that does not bleed into the other freqs which means that complex passages do not get muddy. This is extremely hard to pull off as Black metal, proggressive rock and death metal, to name a few, can get messy. BUT the Vega can do it! Excellent separation and deep soundstage and still with a thunderous bass and a guitar attack that simply rocks!
Compared to Rhapsodio Rti2, a double DD, it has a lot more attack and edge, much more excitement. A "live" sound if you will. I would like to try the ref8 cable but I am scared that it will introduce more treble, can anyone confirm/deny this?    
Dec 22, 2016 at 8:59 AM Post #2,148 of 5,394
Something just came for Xmas, thank you Ken and guys at ALO, top service like always!
Vega and sibilance??
Too much bass??
Ive prob heard the most iems this side of Asia out of anybody, this iem is tuned amazingly well!
It has to be a tips issue, although i find Vega totally fuss free unlike many others mentioned.
If not tips, then it's gotta be audio boredom, i know that one too, but it has nothing to do with a world class top product!

Dec 22, 2016 at 12:37 PM Post #2,149 of 5,394
Something just came for Xmas, thank you Ken and guys at ALO, top service like always!
Vega and sibilance??
Too much bass??
Ive prob heard the most iems this side of Asia out of anybody, this iem is tuned amazingly well!
It has to be a tips issue, although i find Vega totally fuss free unlike many others mentioned.
If not tips, then it's gotta be audio boredom, i know that one too, but it has nothing to do with a world class top product!

Totally agreed. Many people who audition the Vega briefly tend to get stuck or get drawn to the bass department and fail to notice how good the mid really are. It has that layering and resolution that convey all the ambience and nuiancss of the life recording environment such that you are like listening in vivo. Very immersive.
Dec 22, 2016 at 12:47 PM Post #2,150 of 5,394
Totally agreed. Many people who audition the Vega briefly tend to get stuck or get drawn to the bass department and fail to notice how good the mid really are. It has that layering and resolution that convey all the ambience and nuiancss of the life recording environment such that you are like listening in vivo. Very immersive. ​

This is true. When I first audition your Vega, I was drawn to the bass and how beautiful it is, because I love bass. I don't care about anything else. Later today will be 100 hours burned in and my Vega is ready. I will try to recognize all the good things people said about the Vega beside its bass.
Dec 22, 2016 at 3:28 PM Post #2,151 of 5,394
DITA Answer, DITA Truth, DITA Dream, Rhapsodio Galaxy V2, Piano Forte 9 onwards, AK T8IE MK2

Hmm, the problem with this list is that I've heard the Dita truth and answer for a week long trial, and the Vega the same. There's no comparison at all, the Vegas are clearly, objectively, obviously technically superior. They just extract more detail from music, period.

But, sure, if one person likes a given tuning, then they might pick any iem over another. I don't think that's what Ken was asking, though. And I say that not being a big fan Ken's treble tuning for his Andro and Vega.

I would like to hear the galaxy v2, though.
Dec 22, 2016 at 4:46 PM Post #2,152 of 5,394
Fair enough, every one hears things differently.
Please for clarification can you list specifically what "other capable DD IEMs" are? Or rather what you think it "better" than the Vega? and do you own a Vega?


Sure, let me explain where I'm coming from, I listen to a lot of acoustic music, jazz and classical. And I tend to listen at low to medium volume, hardly ever louder than 50% on any DAP. All of this is important to understand preferences imo, since a metal or EDM fan who listens at ear-splitting volume will definitely have different sound priorities from mine.
To me, bass is the foundation of sound signature, and it needs to sound authoritative, dynamic and effortless, but at the same time linear and not exaggerated. Among the full-sized headphones I've heard, the HD800 and LCD2v2 come close to my ideal conception of bass. Among dynamic driver (DD) based IEMs, the EX1000 rule still supremely in my book when it comes to bass. The Vegas tick the former of my boxes, but not the latter. I perceive them as non-linear (sub-bass boosted) and exaggerated, which makes acoustic instruments like cello and double bass sound somewhat off-timbre and low notes in general rather obtrusive, even with classical recordings (which are usually the least critical ime, wrt bass).
I do not own the Vegas, but being a fan of DD based IEMs, I had high hopes for them to be like EX1000s with more refined treble (besides ergonomics, somewhat unruly treble is the Sony's weak point). Something like that, I would have bought on the spot. However, like I said, both me and my friend failed to hear the magic in that audition. To give you an example of other capable DD IEMs, I ended up preferring the JVC FW01 in direct A/B comparison, also a bassy phone, but less obtrusive, with better timbre, on par in detail resolution, noticeably smoother and less sibilant in treble.
Still, I'm not very fond of declaring something as "better"... let's just say "I prefer" the mentioned phones over the Vegas, and keep it at that.

@KB you are a gentleman. I really respect how you responded to James' post. If it makes you feel any better, he is 100% wrong.
(a joke)

In all seriousness, you've done an excellent job with your iems, and I definitely look forward to more of your products.

The over-representation of resident bassheads in this thread alone confirms that I'm 100% right.

Ken, I think he mentioned about a brief demo of Vega.  What I would like to find out if that was a store demo, fresh out of the box, or someone else pair of Vegas without a proper burn in?  But the most important question what was the source used during auditioning?
Vega needs 100hrs of burn in before any critical analysis.  But more important - I see it scales up in sound quality with a powerful source.  For anybody auditioning Vega from their smartphone, or with some gimmicky usb/otg dac, or any DAP lacking in power or in low gain - you will not drive Vega to their full potential, and can also find bass slam to be somewhat overwhelming.  I find it night'n'day driving Vega from something like my Galaxy Note 4 or AK120ii versus LPG or Opus#2 in high gain where the overall signature is more balanced and the bass quantity is under control.  Also, after a proper burn in, I never experienced any sibilance or grainy/harsh performance.  Of course, this is my subjective opinion.

Store demo, but quiet room and lots of time. Several sources available, but I personally don't care anymore and just use my smartphone these days (several audiophile amps / DAPs resting peacefully in drawers). Been there done that, and learned over time that any decent smartphone is good enough to sort the wheat from the chaff. YMMV. But if that's any consolation, my friend used a Mojo stack and came to the exact same conclusion regarding the Vegas.
There's an unmistakable energy peak on the Vegas around 7-8kHz. A waterfall plot (which illustrates the decay of energy over time) clearly shows delayed decay (aka "ringing") in that range. Whether this translates into sibilance may vary from listener to listener, depending on sensitivity and hearing ability. But it's there, it's measurable, and you might be able to make a lot of money if you really can come up with a burn-in procedure that resolves an issue like that.
Speaking of which, one more word regarding burn-in: I actually forgot to ask how many hours the demos I heard had on them. But I left my email address with another store owner, who gave me the same story about how the Vegas need 100hrs of burn-in. And I told him to contact me as soon as bass has come down to Andro levels (or below). I've yet to hear from him again...
  Another really REALLY big issue about demos is about the tips.
I guess Ken and his folks would keep the stock foamies on their demoes at the shows.
In my local stores they usually opt for spinfits or other silicon tips on all demoes, probably for durability and perceived hygiene issues.
But gosh a proper demo of the Campfire offerings especially the Vegas simply CANNOT be on silicons. MUST be on foamies. MUST. That is not just relevant to overall sound quality and signature but also the issue of sibilance. Never heard any sibilance at all on foamies and on a powerful source (Sony number letter salad on balanced mode). Occasional sibilance on gel tips and when underpowered.

agreed Vega cannot be used with silicon tips at all cost.

The better damping of foam tips as compared to silicones certainly helps to absorb surplus treble energy.
I'm one of those people, but I'm still burning in (that sounds like a whole different hobby, come to think of it . . .), so judgment is being reserved. 
While I'm waiting out the burn-in process, I would be interested to know more about CA's overseas QC.  The CA website is awash with photographs of (presumably) Oregonians hand-crafting small batches of Andromedas (it appears), and the propaganda that comes with the Vegas says that they are all individually tested.  But (and forgive my ignorance, for I am still learning), is there a test for sibilance (etc.)?  My anxiousness about this is not unrelated to the fact that the Vegas are made with third-party parts in China.  I presume that there is some assigned tolerance permitted, so is it possible that some of the phones made it from the factory sounding "more sibilant" than others? 
I in no way mean to suggest anything at all by these questions, just looking to learn (and give myself comfort in the meantime while I burn these in.

Sibilance is the consequence of too much energy in the 6-8kHz range. This is usually not a matter of manufacturing tolerances and QC, but rather a matter of tuning. The latter of which is something of a balancing act, because good treble presence makes a phone sound lively and detailed, so you don't want it to sound too polite / subdued either.
Dec 22, 2016 at 5:08 PM Post #2,153 of 5,394

Just to follow up with James444's comments, I would like to highlight the part about the ringing resonance (with helpful waterfall plot) on the Vega as a serious thing to consider for further iterations and new products. It's a big deal and eliminating those resonances will lead to an even better product which sounds better for more people.

Best wishes!
Dec 22, 2016 at 6:04 PM Post #2,154 of 5,394
Do you guys use high gain with vega and wm1a?
Dec 22, 2016 at 6:30 PM Post #2,155 of 5,394
Do you guys use high gain with vega and wm1a?

I use high gain with LPG and Opus#2, and have gone back'n'forth numerous times with PAW Gold (low/high) and Opus#2 (low/mid/high) and hear a distinct improvement in resolution and retrieval of details in high gain.
@james444 : yes, there is a peak between 7k-8k (I measured it in my calibrated Veritas setup), but I don't hear any sibilance.  I threw all of my "sibilant" poorly recorded tracks at it, and it's bulletproof.  Btw, I'm suing large size SpinFits, the one which come with Vega.  Also, not sure what smartphone do you have, but testing it here with Galaxy Note 4 - Vega sounds less resolving, congested, and with bass being flabby.  In this particular case, smartphone makes a poor pair up source (you need a better/higher voltage drive to make Vega shine).  I really hope the next time you are at the store demoing it, give it a shot with a decent DAP and switch between gain settings.  Or maybe try it with an amp?
Dec 22, 2016 at 6:41 PM Post #2,156 of 5,394
I hear it the same, in stock configuration, as James444 on any gear. CA foam tips are required to tame the sibilance (silicone tips are no, no for me) and a front tip vent mod is required to bring the sub bass down to reasonable levels to become enjoyable to me. I think we can stop trying to invalidate his impressions. It's not his first time around the block. It's not for everyone, and that's ok.
Dec 22, 2016 at 6:56 PM Post #2,157 of 5,394
I hear it the same, in stock configuration, as James444 on any gear. CA foam tips are required to tame the sibilance (silicone tips are no, no for me) and a front tip vent mod is required to bring the sub bass down to reasonable levels to become enjoyable to me. I think we can stop trying to invalidate his impressions. It's not his first time around the block. It's not for everyone, and that's ok.

I pretty much agree with this post as a former Vega owner. They definitely have bouts of sibilance with silicon tips. I haven't listened with foam tips so I have no idea if that helps ameliorate the issue, but I trust SGS' experience with this since he's pretty much the resident treble conoussier. I also had issues with the boosted bass and didn't note much change with it post 100 hours burn in. What did help me was the front vent mod to simulate a leaky seal. I quite enjoyed the Vega a lot with that config, but yeah, the treble was bothersome at times, and especially at this price bracket I'm pretty particular about it. I had the issue with my iphone 6, 7, Schiit Mimby to a Neco V5 and Leckerton Mk II so I don't think it's a source issue. I'd really like a revised unit or perhaps another CA unit based on the DLC drivers but with a tuning more in line with the Andromeda. I think that'd be a killer phone. 
Dec 22, 2016 at 7:08 PM Post #2,159 of 5,394
It is all subjective. There is no right and wrong. For me Lyra 2 wins Vega because it has emotions in its sound.
Dec 22, 2016 at 7:25 PM Post #2,160 of 5,394
I find Vega better tuned than Andromeda and no sibilance at all whatsoever, in fact, they sound gorgeously soft,sweet and higly resolving,bass has a speaker like physical presence, this is by far the best tuned DD out there bar Dream which im yet to hear in the new year.
If i have any cons id say despite the incredibly high materials and finish plus well thought ergonomics, i still get ever so slightly an edge discomfort with the jvc spiral dots, will try the large foams, but i fear sound won't be as good..

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