budget IEMs for drumming and recording

Jul 26, 2009 at 2:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


New Head-Fier
Jul 26, 2009
Hi folks,

This is my first post here so please bare with me

I've been using some Sony MDR-EX71 with an iRiver HP140 for the last five years. I've spotted that the headphones are much maligned but to be honest from what I had before, the iRiver with the Sony's were a revelation.

They're on their last legs so I need to replace them though my needs have changed a fair bit.

I now need a set of IEMs with emphasis on sound isolation and accuracy.

I need to record the band I play with whilst playing the drums so isolation is key.

I also plan to wear some industrial ear defenders on top.

I've got a budget of £60 so not bags of cash. That will buy me some SuperFi 3 Studio or some Shure E2.

As for sound signature - don't know - as i said, i liked the Sony's but I appreciate they're not accurate but a similar level of bass would be good - that way they'll get used outside the studio.

I listen to all sorts of music - quicker to list what i don't listen to - opera or metal - everything else is fair game.

The other headphones I've seen in my budget are the Sennheiser CX 550 Style II (revamp of CX95) - They say they're 'hign noise isolation' but they give no actual figures (the ultimate ears say -26db).

So, how do those I've mentioned compare (they're all very similar prices in the UK) is there something that else that outshines them all for £60 or less?

Jul 26, 2009 at 5:09 AM Post #2 of 14
Philips SHE9850, Denon C751, JVC FX1000, ATH CKS78 n JVC FX300
Jul 26, 2009 at 9:46 AM Post #3 of 14
cx550 or radiopaq jazz would prob suit your needs well, personally id go with the jazz, those little things rock and even better amazons still floging them for only £45

Radiopaq Custom Tuned Jazz Earphones: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

klipsch custom 2 would do you well for the isolation but youll be happier with bass on the jazz i suspect

btw should be sticking up my review of the jazz in a couple hours, once ive done some pics for it but in short they are really good
Jul 26, 2009 at 6:28 PM Post #4 of 14
Cheers for your suggestions.

Having read Mark's review and found the Radiopaq Jazz for £40 including delivery, they're moved to the top of the list of potentials. I've ruled out the CX 550 Style II in favour of the Jazz after reading Mark's comments.

From Zarim's suggestions, the SHE9850 look the most interesting - they're certainly the most beautiful but I can't find too much about them.

Should I be ruling the E2, Custom 2 and SuperFi 3 studio out?

Accuracy (but tending on too much bass rather than to little) and isolation are what I want for recording and drumming. Listening to music is secondary - I generally EQ everything in a U shape.
Jul 26, 2009 at 7:30 PM Post #5 of 14
oh i have a set of them too

warm, nice mids, really nice mids but like many armature things lacking a bit in the low end and high end. highs are all right and the lows are nice but not terribly vigorous, not likely to be at sony levels you suggested would be nice

its really more about what kind of sound you want, and since u say u want a big low end dollop of bass i thing the Jazz would suit you best

custom 2 with olives will isolate most, the 9850 and jazz will isolate about the same amount
Jul 26, 2009 at 7:52 PM Post #6 of 14

Originally Posted by marcoid /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi folks,

This is my first post here so please bare with me

I've been using some Sony MDR-EX71 with an iRiver HP140 for the last five years. I've spotted that the headphones are much maligned but to be honest from what I had before, the iRiver with the Sony's were a revelation.

They're on their last legs so I need to replace them though my needs have changed a fair bit.

I now need a set of IEMs with emphasis on sound isolation and accuracy.

I need to record the band I play with whilst playing the drums so isolation is key.

I also plan to wear some industrial ear defenders on top.

I've got a budget of £60 so not bags of cash. That will buy me some SuperFi 3 Studio or some Shure E2.

As for sound signature - don't know - as i said, i liked the Sony's but I appreciate they're not accurate but a similar level of bass would be good - that way they'll get used outside the studio.

I listen to all sorts of music - quicker to list what i don't listen to - opera or metal - everything else is fair game.

The other headphones I've seen in my budget are the Sennheiser CX 550 Style II (revamp of CX95) - They say they're 'hign noise isolation' but they give no actual figures (the ultimate ears say -26db).

So, how do those I've mentioned compare (they're all very similar prices in the UK) is there something that else that outshines them all for £60 or less?


Just to start, I haven't listened to UE's, but I have listened to the shure210's. More expensive than yours.

I use my ER6i's. Not much bass, but EQ helps. And the perfect treble helps you recognize the hi-hat and snare hits, but doesn't make it sound tinny. Also $75USD. I can still hear the bass drum too. I don't feel like the bass is lacking. Since you have your EQ in a "u" shape, the bass it never lacking.

ER6i's block a MINIMUM of -20db. You can also buy Shure's black foam olive tips for extra comfort.

I ALSO wear hearing protectors on top of my headphones. Something I would recommend is to add a slit on the bottom of the ear defenders so the cable is not as annoying. Something important: try not to have 25+Db protection. It's harder to hear the drums, so you're hitting them harder, which can get tiring and can easily wear out your drum heads. Just a heads-up.

Trust me. ER6i's are GREAT for drumming. Very light-weight (duh), long cord for moving around a bit, and great sound. That's all you need. My recommendation.

OR, if you don't like me
, UE's (in general) give more of a crisp sound.
Jul 26, 2009 at 8:52 PM Post #7 of 14
Just when I thought I'd narrowed it down

Firstly, Mark - that seems to rules out the SHE9850. I've noticed that you've suggested Custom 2 and Soundmagic PL-50 on http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f103/n...budget-432592/

Given they tick the isolation box and I can get them for under £60 including delivery, are they worth considering?

iHelp, cheers for the tips. I've got some -35db heavy duty ear defenders in the post. I'm trying to get it so that I cut the sound of my drums out to an absolute minimum and just hear them through the IEMs. I noticed that even with my Elacin ER20s in and some borrowed Vic Firth ear defenders on top the drums are still pretty loud and I'm not a hard hitter. I figured the IEM need to be more effective than the ER20s (-20db) and the ear defenders more effective than the Vic Firth ones.

I had considered the ER6i and they seem to completely fit the bill (isolation, accuracy) except for the apparent lack of bass. I could live with an average amount of bass but less than average is a bit worrying.

Mark, do you have any experience with the ER6i?

Jul 26, 2009 at 9:06 PM Post #8 of 14
er6i, never heard sorry. not bassy at all but would isolate like u want but thats just what ive read about them. if they are like the er4 i have then they have less bass than the 9850 or the pl-50.

pl-50 they are mid orientated like the 9850 but cooler and much better trebble, probably not going to have the bass you want either and i didint find them to be hugely isolating but i didint bother to try larger tips that would have probaly increased it as they fit me okay. if anything maybe even a bit less in the low end than the 9850. fab fun stuff if you want something mid centric though. they also not entirely available to buy quite yet but should be any day now.
Jul 26, 2009 at 9:14 PM Post #10 of 14
custom 2 are good, warmish a bit and more abundant on the low end than the pl-50 or 9850 but mostly it should suit you on the isolation front. its not a bass heavy thing really and never going to be in the way im sure your sonys were.

tbh for the bass i think you really want in you budget demands a dynamic driver but they dont usually isolate well. the Jazz would give you the bass and very good isolation too but not quite as much the customs can with olives on. still enough so that you could accidentally get run over though
Jul 26, 2009 at 10:09 PM Post #11 of 14
That makes sense. I think I'm best off separating the two applications - studio and general listening. Seeing as I was quite happy with the Sony's and they're pretty cheap and not quite dead yet I'll look at replacing them when the time comes with something similar but better (i've seen cx300 for £10).

So, gone is the requirement for loads of bass and now it's just isolation and accuracy.

Are the ER6i the obvious choice now? ...goes off to trawl through reviews... or maybe the HF5 (for £70) which seem to have a tad more bass.
Jul 27, 2009 at 12:09 AM Post #12 of 14
I had the ER6i's up until i chopped the cable with a rimshot, I loved them, and they were great for isolating while playing, since then I moved up to E5's love them as well. As for the bass I felt they gave a very tight bass so it was good for staying tight with the bass player. The rest of the guys I play with use E2's or E3's and the seem happy with those. Hope this helps. btw Sorry for you wallet.
Jul 27, 2009 at 12:36 PM Post #14 of 14
Mark, how does the isolation on the ER-4P and the Custom 2 compare (with appropriate mods)? Are they worlds apart? I see you own both and I'm assuming the isolation of the ER-4P and the other Etymotics are pretty similar.

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